Chapter 89 Taboo
Few people came to this reception room, so Zhang Yu sat down opposite Mei Qian, and turned off several incoming calls during the period.

Mei Qian took a few glances at Zhang Yu, and saw that he was still sipping his coffee slowly.He was certain that something was wrong with this guy, but he didn't know how to take the initiative to ask, so he turned his attention to the Buddhist scriptures in his hand.

Zhang Yushi was having a headache. Looking at the serious and focused appearance on the other side, he really didn't look like he was cramming. There was another suspicious point on his body. Did I doubt you or did I doubt you?
Neither of them spoke, and the room was quiet until the cup of coffee was finished, and Zhang Yu's phone rang again. He looked at it and it was obvious that he answered it this time, and then put it down after a few hums.

Standing up, he asked, "By the way, can you let me take a picture of your bug-proof pendant?"

That's it?Mei Qian directly took out the Hualing Seal from his pocket, handed it to him and continued to read with his head down.

Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, then took it carefully, placed the Hualing Seal on the tea table lightly, and took pictures from all angles.

But when he returned it, Mei Qian didn't seem to even raise his eyes, and put it in his pocket casually.

This indifferent look made the corners of Zhang Yu's mouth twitch. He glanced at Mei Qian who was still bowing his head, and then stared at his mobile phone for a while, and began to reflect on his suspicions.

Mei Qian's eyes seemed to stay on the Buddhist scriptures all the time, but she was clearly aware of Zhang Yu's reaction.

Ever since the ceramic fox almost became evidence of his grave robbery for the first time, he knew that all the antiques or special items he got in the lottery came from this world.

He used the Hualing Seal, which has a powerful insect repelling effect, very easily, but he had been careful to cover it up before, for fear that it would be seen as stolen goods by the police.

Facing the turbulent insect swarm a few days ago, I had to be exposed, but I was actually a little worried.

But hearing these three words from the old man Bai's mouth, and also knowing the location where the Hualing Seal was saved before, he felt relieved.

At this time, Zhang Yu wanted to see, so he simply showed up generously, and it would be even more suspicious to push three and four.

The tombs of Dachanghe Kingdom have existed for more than a thousand years, that is to say, the Hualing Seal has not appeared in the world for more than 1000 years. How many people can recognize it?Besides, there is no inscription and text on it, and there is no production date. As long as the name "Hua Lingyin" is not mentioned, who can't collect a handicraft?

And just when Zhang Yu fell into self-doubt, Mei Qian suddenly turned his head to the outside, closed the Buddhist scriptures, picked up the paper cup on the coffee table, drank the remaining coffee in it, and said with a smile: "Your ink Half a day, just to see this thing?"

"It's a baby after all!" Zhang Yu also laughed.

But just after this sentence was finished, the door of the reception room opened again, and Ning Chi walked in: "Brother Qian, Officer Liu wants you to go over."

"Okay!" Mei Qian also simply stood up.

"By the way, do you know about the Iron Faced Buddha?" Seeing this, Zhang Yu hurriedly asked the last question in his mind.

Unexpectedly, when Mei Qian heard this, her face became gloomy for an instant, leaving only a cold snort, without even answering, she opened the door and left.

"My elder brother is arrogant, and he is still cautious. Next time, it's best not to mention the word "Iron Faced Buddha" in front of him. This is what Maomao specially warned me when I first started working." Ning Chi laughed when he saw Zhang Yu deflated. stand up.

Hearing the words, the latter regained his energy all of a sudden, retracted his legs that he had planned to go out in an instant, sat down on the sofa again, and asked enthusiastically, "What's the reason?"

"Do you know the movie "Iron Faced Buddha: The Lion King Fights for Hegemony"?" Ning Chi asked mysteriously.

Zhang Yu was stunned for a while, but he tried to think back for a long time, but he didn't have the slightest impression, so he could only shake his head.

"It's okay if you don't have an impression. It was forced to be removed from the shelves within a week of its release. Not only was it scolded miserably, but also the investors who participated in the investment lost everything." Ning Chi raised his eyebrows: "The script of this movie was written by Brother Qian. Even put money in."

"That's why he doesn't want to mention the Iron-Masked Buddha?" Zhang Yu frowned again. In his eyes, Mei Qian shouldn't be such a fussy person, so she wouldn't lose her investment and turn her anger on the ancient Tie-Masked Buddha head?
"Wow! It is said that in the past, Brother Qian was very diligent. In addition to updating novels, he often wrote film and television scripts for major companies, and even participated in the investment of good projects. He once wrote two scripts based on the iron-faced Buddha. All sold to one company.

Unexpectedly, I met a very strong director, changed the script several times, and turned a martial arts movie into a romance movie.After its release, not only did it fail miserably at the box office, but the director, actors, photography, music, and even the screenwriter were scolded bloody by film critics.Because Brother Qian is the first screenwriter and is relatively famous, more people scold him than the director. The key is that the company also blamed Brother Qian.

This time, even other works were implicated, and word of mouth was also affected.Since then, Brother Qian has cut off contact with that company.I'm not too keen on writing scripts for people.Even if you want to write it, when you sign the contract, you must declare that the director is not allowed to change the script without authorization, otherwise you would rather not sell it. "Ning Chi poured himself a glass of water and explained.

"No wonder." Zhang Yu suddenly realized that after suffering such a big loss, it's no wonder that Mei Qian became angry.

Unexpectedly, Ning Chi drank his saliva, and smiled again: "Not only that, the other party's relationship is really hard, and last year they got investment again, and they were filming another script called "Iron Faced Buddha and Evil God" by Brother Qian. Next month It's about to be released. The disgusting thing is that when the movie was finalized, it was also the time when Brother Qian was involved in a murder lawsuit and was under investigation. The director also hypocritically @谢哥, claiming that he will continue the consistent characteristics and never compromise with the box office, and He even cut down the content of the evil god openly, isn't that just a slap in the face?" At this point, the smile on his face faded, and he snorted coldly: "Brother Qian didn't say much when he got the news afterwards, but I'm sorry for him. I understand that before, it was because of the troubles and the need to keep a low profile, so I didn't care about the clown. But this matter is definitely not over. Even if Brother Qian ignores it, Mao Mao will not let it go."

Zhang Yu: "..." So, what is the relationship between the Iron Face Buddha and Cthulhu?
What kind of sick mind is this?

Anyway, after listening to Ning Chi's words, the little doubt in his heart about Mei Qian's identity was completely shaken.

Since he has been blackened to this extent, even if Mei Qian is really an iron-faced Buddha, he will recognize it.

Of course, from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to believe Liao Laoliu's nonsense.

Satisfied with curiosity, Zhang Yu returned to the office area and sent the photo of the pendant to the interrogating colleagues, asking them to ask the tomb robbers, especially Liao Laoliu, if they recognized this thing.

Obviously, none of the grave robbers knew what this pendant was.

Zhang Yu was not disappointed, and continued to study his dossier.

During lunch, the task force met and had a brief discussion. As a result, everyone scoffed at the inference that Mei Qian was the Iron Faced Buddha.

"Not to mention, I checked the system. In the past two years alone, there have been five reports claiming to have seen the Iron Faced Buddha in the mountains. This does not include all kinds of gossip on the Internet." Xiao Wang, as a new employee The police officer, who was quite curious about such anecdotes, even went to investigate.

Now Liao Laoliu's words seemed even more untenable.

So much so that when Liao Lao Liu brought up this topic again in the subsequent interrogation, the interrogating police officer took it as a joke, which was quite relieved anyway.

 Well! Editor-in-chief on the 19th, I want more...

  So, go to bed first, and get enough energy.

(End of this chapter)

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