Chapter 13 Reunion
In order to visit the big and small streets in the county, the group took a long time.

"Second Young Master returned to the county for the first time, and it's almost noon now. If he doesn't go back, the old lady may have to wait anxiously."

The guard beside him reminded Chen Yi softly.

Chen Yi glanced sideways at him, and didn't want to pay attention to it.But after a while, I thought about my mother's tears.

"Oh, it makes sense."

After pondering for a moment, he decided to go home first.

"Then let's go back."

Immediately, one person led the way, and the rest followed, took a shortcut back to Chen's mansion by detouring the alley.

The Chen family has won many officials in this dynasty, and their rank has never been low.

For an ordinary family, even if it has a lot of money and has a few small officials, no matter how extravagantly it is built, it is just a courtyard and cannot be put on the table.

It's just socializing on weekdays, carrying people on a bridal sedan chair and calling them your mansion. If you dare to talk to yourself and hang up the plaque of a certain mansion, it will not be presumptuous, and it will inevitably make people laugh.

The last time he went out, Chen Yiren was in a daze.Those who were unfamiliar at home and outside the house were taken out of the city because they were ignorant.Going home this time, I felt it inside and out.

The main entrance is located in the southeast of the mansion, with a plaque of the Chen Mansion hanging high, and a pair of round stone drums in front of the gate symbolizing the military officer's house, also called Baogu Stone, are the gatekeepers.

The blue tiles and red bricks extend left and right without seeing the edge, which shows that it occupies a large area.

The vermilion gate reveals ancient charm, with a pair of ligers biting the door knocker on the head, and a pair of exquisite brick carvings on both sides of the lintel, which are household pairs.

This is the reason why folk marriages pay attention to the right family.

As expected of an aristocratic family that has been passed down for 50 and [-] years, this mansion is quite magnificent, just looking at the facade, there is no other mansion that can compare with it.

The concierge had already come up to greet him, and Chen Yi didn't look carefully any more, and walked through the gate into the Chen Mansion with big strides.

There are courtyards with seven entrances and seven exits in the mansion. The entrance is the bluestone road steps, and the stones below the steps form a narrow road, and walk through the wide front yard along the road.

Chen's mother had been waiting in the hall for a long time, but she couldn't sit still without seeing Chen Yi.
Accompanied by a few maidservants, Chen's mother, who was wandering at the door, saw Chen Yi walking into the main courtyard. The anxious expression on her face changed, and the expression between her brows changed to anger. She took a deep look at him, and turned to enter.

The murderous look in these eyes is already very obvious!
Seeing this, Chen Yi couldn't help feeling a chill down his spine, feeling extremely embarrassed.I know that I have put pigeons for a long time.

If this can't make my old lady happy, I'm afraid it will be difficult to settle this matter today.

His face was solemn, and then turned into a flattering expression in the next moment, and he followed quickly with a smile.

With a hippie smile on his face, he kept his head down and made no mention of it——
In the blink of an eye, it has been several days since I returned home.

After Chen Yi returned home, he still chose a secluded courtyard to live near the martial arts field in the mansion.It's just that I greet Chen's mother every morning and evening, and I still practice boxing, kicking and saber skills during the day.

Besides Zhou Feiyu, there were two more maidservants and three women beside her.

Fei Yu was originally a book boy, but now he no longer serves him personally.He gave it up to two new maids, who just followed her on errands on weekdays.

He was full of joy.

Whenever he had free time, he would go around the two servant girls one by one and the elder sister, in exchange for coquettish and rolling eyes, never tired of it.

"Stinky and shameless little pervert, really has no loyalty at all"

Regarding Fei Yu's behavior, Chen Yi showed disdain and contempt on his face.

In fact, Chen's mother was staring at her, and she couldn't let go of her figure, so she had to be reserved.

My heart is really envious.

Chen Yi gritted his teeth and secretly hated.
Chen Meng, who was far away in Zhoucheng, Yuzhou, also heard news that his younger brother had returned home.The way is that in a few days, when the New Year is approaching, I ask Zhouzhi to ask Xiu Mu to go home and visit.

He also knew that Chen Yi's swordsmanship had advanced, and Yan had already found for him a precious sword that cut iron like mud, and he could bring it back with him when the time came.

Chen Yi was really moved.

There are nearly a hundred servants in the mansion and dozens of nurses, among them there are many masters. There are many more people around Chen Yi than in the villa, and there are more candidates for duel training.

Today, in the martial arts arena.

Chen Yi looked solemn, and flew towards his opponent with a knife in his right hand.

A simple vertical slash with a knife is already silently mobilizing internal strength, even if it is inconvenient to reveal more, but while secretly protecting the whole body, it also strengthens the strength of the hands and feet!
Between movement and stillness, the explosive power is extremely strong!
With this help, even though I have a wooden knife in my hand, it is still fierce!
It's like a tiger descending a mountain!
The opponent also uses the right hand to use the knife.

Without dodging or dodging, he just made a backhand, and then used his footsteps to move to the right side, leading his heavy wooden knife aside.

Then, taking advantage of the situation, he made a backhand cut, and directly took Chen Yi's open Shangsanlu.

When Chen Yi's saber was deflected, he was already on guard. He leaned sideways to the right, retracted the saber to block the blade, and at the same time took a step back to adjust his breathing.

Without hesitation, he adjusted his posture slightly, got up from the ground, stepped forward again, and swiped with a knife in both hands, but was blocked firmly without accident.

He is not discouraged, he moves forward and backward with certainty, masters the basic saber style at his fingertips, relying on his unrivaled inner strength, the strength of each saber is even stronger, and he is not afraid of consumption at all, and fiercely attacks the opponent.

Although one point of internal strength is used, nine points are left, but the sword is already heavy, far exceeding the same age.

And the opponent is holding a knife with one hand
Surprised, he lost the initiative.Had to back away.

Chen Yi took advantage of the momentum to fight more and more courageously.

The opponent is a master who has been protecting the mansion all year round, named Dynasty.

He is the leader of all the guards in the courtyard, his status is comparable to Tie Ling's, his martial arts are almost the same, and his age is even worse.

Although Wang Chao was surprised in his heart, he didn't show it on the face. He took a few steps back and changed his sword posture.

I don't see how much internal force is being activated, and the knife in my hand moves with the coming style.

Block left and block right, occasionally make moves, or cut, or stab, or shake, with many changes.

Every time he cleverly blocked the point where Chen Yi's wooden sword was not under force, while releasing the strength of Chen Yi's sword, he could also take advantage of the situation to counterattack.

Instead, he was forced to retreat again and again.

After only a few strokes, the superiority was evident, and Chen Yi had no advantage anymore.

Dozens of moves like this, the two sides fight together, the shadows of knives are flying, you come and go.

Even after feeding and recruiting, the Dynasty still has the energy to observe.

Seeing that although Chen Yi was at a disadvantage, his movements showed no hesitation, his strength was still heavy, and the foundation of his saber technique was quite solid, without any chaos.

He no longer blindly defended and counterattacked, and took the initiative to attack abruptly.

In an instant, Chen Yi felt overwhelmed, it was the empty door!
Another sharp knife
He narrowly blocked the slanting wooden knife.

However, a bigger flaw was also exposed.

With the following knife, his parry was simply broken, the wooden knife was blown away when he blocked it, and the tip of the opponent's knife was already pointing directly at his throat
By a hair's breadth.

"Mr. Wang's sword skills are really powerful!" Chen Yi gave up and admitted his defeat.

He was so convinced that he really couldn't beat it.
Although he didn't show his inner strength to the fullest, is it possible that a great master doesn't know his inner strength? Just now it was purely based on moves, and his inner strength didn't move at all!
Furthermore, Dynasty was just feeding him tricks.

He has only practiced for three years, how could he have been fighting with others for decades, and those who survived the shadow of swords and swords would fight back and forth?
If he is serious, he may not be able to make one move, if he uses all his internal strength to suppress him, he may be able to fight, but he will not be able to pass ten moves.

After all, the experience gap is too great.It is equivalent to the internal strength of ordinary Jianghu people who have worked hard for more than [-] years, but it is not strong enough to be crushed.

But half a catty.

"Second Young Master has a bright future."

The dynasty was also amazed by Chen Yi, who had been practicing martial arts for only three years, and yet he could make such progress!
"The old man was at the age of the young master, I'm afraid I can't do thirty strokes under your hands." Wang Chao sighed.

If he could have reached this level in three years back then, how could he still be working for others at his age.

The two have completely different concepts of three years.

can only say.

The root of all evil is coercion!
"Master! Huh. Master!! You're back. The master and the young lady are back!!!" Zhou Feiyu rushed into the martial arts arena, panting and ran over to report.

"Brother is back?!"

Chen Yi was overjoyed.

"Hurry up, hurry up and come with me to meet the eldest brother and sister-in-law!"

(End of this chapter)

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