Chapter 29
Outside Ninghe City.

In the first lunar month, the temporary porridge sheds built by Chen's family along the way survived with incomparable tenacity.
Calculated to persist for four or five months.

Today, not only have they not been dismantled, but they have been carried forward and put to great use.

There are too many homeless refugees in the war.
Qian Hong personally came forward to raise funds for three days, and everyone gave generously again, and Chen Yi also sent back the 5 taels of silver that had been returned before.

In the end, it took half a month, and with a few dilapidated sheds as the center, it was drastically expanded into three extremely wide refugee camps.

It occupies dozens of acres of land!
Speaking of which, Qian Hong, the county magistrate, is pitiful.
In order to raise a mere rebel army, he not only put aside his face to ask for funding from everyone, but also almost emptied most of the family property of the Ninghe county government, exhausting his face.

In order to appease people afterwards, the generous compensation and rewards for casualties even turned the warehouse upside down
Now I'm afraid there are not a few mice left in it.

After walking all over the city, Chen Yi did not go out to inspect the city again.Instead, he dismissed the rest of the people first and returned to the mansion alone.

Then he took Chen Hua and several others to the east gate.

Climb to the tower, condescending.

Chen Yi glanced over.
Outside the city, large and small gray and white tents sprung up like mushrooms, occupying the original wasteland within half a month.

Each tent is quite far apart, and some slow-moving, numb-looking men and women can be vaguely seen walking among them.
It can be seen that the situation here is not very good, it can even be called bad.

Two days ago, he also heard that many people in the refugee camp fell ill. It was said that the people in the city were panicked, and few people dared to leave the city.

Seeing the victims is like seeing the plague, and everyone can't avoid it.

Staring at it for a while, Chen Yi gradually felt a little depressed
This scene is inexplicably disturbing!
The conscience in his heart told him to do something. But in the end, the impulse turned into a long sigh of helplessness.

Although he didn't speak, anyone could see what he was thinking.

Chen Hua comforted behind his back: "My lord, you don't have to worry. These days, Mr. Qian and his staff are working day and night, and the victims outside the city will be resettled soon."

"Not necessarily." Chen Yi didn't turn his head, but just replied lightly, and then continued to stare at the distant camp.

There is no doubt that Qian Hong is indeed a good official. But he doesn't think things will really go as smoothly as he imagined.

After a while, he suddenly asked again: "Plague. Is it true?"

Chen Hua hesitated immediately when he heard the words.

But after a while, he still answered honestly: "The manpower placed in the camp is a little scared, and they dare not take a closer look. It's just that Mr. Qian leads the doctors from the major medical centers in the city to go in and out frequently every day."

Chen Yi was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly didn't know what to say, so he could only remain silent.

After returning to the city, he went to Qian Hong's mansion and had a detailed talk with him for a while.

As expected, Ning He still did not escape.

After a few days in the refugee camp, a large number of patients appeared
Fortunately, the camp had already taken precautions, and it was built wide enough, so the disease did not spread quickly.

In fact, Chen Yi did not need to come to the door to remind him personally that day, Qian Hong, as a parent official, went in and out of the camp every day, so he had already taken many containment measures in advance.

But the good times didn't last long, and after that, it took a while
I don't know when it started, some people in the city gradually developed symptoms of coughing and fever, and some of them also had large areas of redness and spots on their bodies, which looked terrible.

Not only Ninghe County, but the situation from other places is even more serious than Ninghe!
A once-in-a-decade plague swept most of Yuzhou.

Sure enough, there must be a catastrophe after the war, and the sufferers will always be ordinary poor people.

If there had been no war, these two months would have been the time for harvesting the arable land, and the thousands of refugees outside the city might still be living peacefully at home
There will be no miserable scene like this, nor will there be such a terrible plague!
It is said that even the two battlefields have ceased fighting. Both sides are worried that they will die of illness in the barracks before they have time to go to the battlefield.

Plague doesn't recognize people, and if it infects one, the whole camp will be reunited neatly in the underworld.

As for Ninghe City, Qian Hong didn't need to come forward this time, and all parts of the city were spontaneously on alert.

The gates of the four cities have been completely sealed, and several teams of brave and fierce soldiers are staring at them day and night, only allowed to go out but not allowed to enter.

The streets and alleys do not see the bustle of the past. Occasionally passers-by cover their mouths and noses tightly with their sleeves, walking in a hurry. It seems that there is something chasing after them.

At this time, Chen Fuzhong.

The Shura Knife, who was patrolling the streets in awe-inspiring manner last month, can only hide at home and tremble tremblingly.

He himself is not afraid, after all, his skills are profound and his physique is extraordinary, but the servants of the mansion are not necessarily.

The whole house was cleaned once and for all, and the doormen were locked in the room if there was any abnormality, and they were not allowed to enter or leave.

Everyone was ordered by him to wear silk scarves to cover their mouths and noses, not to drink any unboiled water, and not to enter or leave any courtyard at will unless necessary
Especially Mother Chen's yard!
In the end, he simply moved to a side courtyard, and accompanied the dynasty, guarding every step of the day and night.

Chen Yi also tried to use internal force to kill viruses in a whimsical way. He is also not very smart.

Probably God still couldn't bear it.

Finally, after a full month, the plague gradually showed signs of subsiding.

Presumably, it is also due to Qian Hong not sparing himself during this period of time, and preventing the blockage day and night. Although it has not been completely eradicated, the situation is much better than it was at the beginning.


Chen Yi, who stepped out of the mansion for the first time after holding back for a month, let out a long sigh of relief.

Looking up at the blue sky, I was in a good mood for a while!
Time flies, and before you know it, it is already early autumn outside.

He first visited Qian Hong.

The county magistrate looked majestic, and it was really a hard job when he was in trouble. After a busy month, Qian Hong's hair turned a little gray.

When Fang saw Chen Yi, his face fell down and he poured bitter water:
"Troublesome autumn, troublesome autumn, fortunately this illness comes and goes quickly, and if it drags on for a while, there may not be one out of ten refugees outside the city."

"I am ashamed, I am ashamed that I failed to keep the people under my rule safe, ashamed," he sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Yi was also quite moved, and persuaded: "Why should you be like this, my lord, this situation cannot be saved by manpower. Just do your best and obey the destiny."

It turned out that not only the epidemic, but even the rations for refugees outside the city had become a big problem.

The autumn harvest was destroyed by the flames of war, and the grain stored in the treasury in previous years was already insufficient. Qian Hong broke through the threshold of every house in the city
However, in the past few years, the income has not been good, and there have been successive fundraisings. No one is willing to sacrifice themselves to help others.

Now it is true that the landlord's family has no food left.

The plague will end, and the famine will come again.
"all will be good"

Chen Yi was also helpless, and could only comfort himself.

After bidding farewell to Qian Hong, he took another stroll in and out of the city.

Few figures can be seen on the street, but it is no longer as prosperous as it used to be.

(End of this chapter)

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