Chapter 51 Calm
Standing alone outside the tent door, a gust of cool wind blows towards my face.

Chen Yi looked up and looked around.

There was no one around the big tent.

After a while, he turned his head and took a few glances into the tent, causing the two guards to look puzzled.

Finally, I finally confirmed the current situation and resigned, and I succeeded!
"Is it true, my lord, I am freed like this?" For a moment he couldn't believe it.

He patted his face again and again to confirm that he was not dreaming.

He stretched his limbs, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief. He felt relaxed up and down, and his whole body felt relieved.

When he was in the tent just now, he understood Zhang Ting's meaning.

This is a deliberate bet, trying to push him to a high position.

If this move is successful, it will not only take into account the past friendship with Chen's father, but also use the background of the Chen family to properly increase Zhang Ting's influence in the army.

Naihe stalled a foolish son of a landlord's family
He has an upright temper, has no city in his chest, and claims to be not a wise person.

And such a person can't be mixed in the officialdom, and in the end, Zhang Ting's good intentions will only be in vain.

Besides, he is really not a general.

Don't you see a small Manjusri building, and it is still operating with two or three big cats and kittens, and it is not serious.

Not to mention teaching Chen Yi to judge the situation, arrange troops, and lead the army to fight.
If there is such a day.

That must not be to kill the enemy, but to bring a group of people to send military exploits to the enemy.

Chen Yi would rather go to the school grounds and suffer two more beatings from Li Yin while he was busy making up his military books and war strategies in the tent.

If you only focus on the possible official positions and titles, you will at most be a powerful thug for others in the future, which will delay your own practice and lose your freedom.

Really not worth it!
Gradually becoming more confident in his heart, he stretched out again, attracting the attention of passing guards.

"After all, this place is not a good place. The sooner you leave, the sooner there is no one to control your head, the sooner you will be able to settle down."

Thinking of this, Chen Yi stopped his movements and strode towards his camp, preparing to deal with the trivial matters before heading back to his hometown.

That night, in the rebel camp, in the main tent.

Chen Duanli, who suddenly heard the good news, couldn't help being surprised, and his usual indifferent face instantly broke.

"Young master's words are true, so we can go home now?!" Ignoring his elder brother's attention and warning, he took a step forward and asked Chen Yi.

"Ha..." Chen Yi, who was sitting in front of the case, chuckled lightly, and responded:
"How can it be false what I have heard with my own ears?"

After getting an affirmative answer.

Chen Duanli was stunned for a moment, only to feel that he had just woken up from a big dream, as if he had been in a lifetime. After a while, he came back to his senses.

He repeatedly sighed in an inconceivable tone on the spot:

"That Zhang Ting looks quite strict on weekdays!"

"I don't know when I'll be home"

"I didn't expect this old man to be so easy to fool, the young master said a few words."

"Cough cough."

Chen Yi pretended not to hear the second half of the sentence, cleared his throat and raised his hand to interrupt, and at the same time stopped Chen Duanyi who was about to kick.

Sure enough, like a brother, there must be a brother, this is also quite detached, usually follow the elder brother to pretend to be cold, really know people and know the face but not the heart.

No longer joking, the smile on his face disappeared.

He ordered the two of them: "Notify the whole camp, convey the news. Just say that you don't have to worry about rebuilding, and we will go home in two days!"

Added another sentence: "After the notification, by the way, tidy up our luggage, so as not to miss any important items."

After the two brothers looked at each other, they immediately turned their heads, and they both clasped their hands and said, "Yes!"

After a moment.

Cheers and joy came from all the tents in the volunteer camp.

In the end, people from other battalions came to inquire one after another. After hearing the news, they were all envious and wished they could replace it with their own bodies.
It's enough for two people to pay their bills.

Chen Yi lowered his head and thought for a while, thinking that tomorrow he should go to visit all the generals in the army one by one.

After all, a friend is a friend, and several of them are life-threatening friendships.

If you pat your ass and leave without saying goodbye, you will inevitably be taken advantage of in future encounters, not to mention
He hasn't finished liquidating the many times of persuading him to drink!
The time to stay in the army is running out.

"Taking advantage of these last few days, I will look for the bad luck of these rough guys again, and this time I must teach them how to look good!"

For a moment, he was gearing up, eager to try
Can't beat Li Yin and Dongfang Wu?
It's not bad to make Zhou Xian, Cao Shouye and those rotten people suffer!
Having made up his mind, Chen Yi got up to leave the case, opened the curtain, and immediately prepared to visit Peng Xiong first.
"Persimmons should be soft first, Peng Xiong."

"It's up to you!"

For the next few days, the bloody storm continued day and night in the army.

this day.

The sun is shining and the autumn is cool.

It was the day before the departure of the rebel camp.

Early in the morning, Chen Yi dragged Zhou Xian to the school field to have a contest, which he dubbed "Farewell Battle".
In fact, it was to retaliate against Li Yin and Dongfang Wu who failed, so they picked him out to vent their anger.

The double sword is like a snake's teeth, and the single sword is like a star stream.

A fierce confrontation lasted for three quarters of an hour.

Then the two stopped talking and walked out of the court together.

Zhou Xian, who was sweating profusely, with one eye blue, rubbed his buttocks with one hand, grabbed the water bag handed by the soldier, and poured it into his mouth.

"Ugh." He burped contentedly, and threw away the water bag.

He angrily complained to Chen Yi, who looked like a normal person, "You little white-faced baby is so vengeful, you are so small-minded, I just poured you two jars of wine."

As he spoke, he took off the sweatshirt on his body, revealing his strong upper body full of scars, took the sweat towel and wiped it up and down.

While wiping, he turned to laugh at Chen Yi:
"As far as your three cups of sloppy stomach are concerned, those two jars of good wine are really in vain, the old wine that I have treasured for many years."

Chen Yi, who was wiping his body, stopped his hands immediately, turned his head and cursed with a smile:

"It seems that the foot of the geese falling on the flat sand just now was too light, and it taught you, an old coward who catches birds, that you still have the courage to shout."

Zhou Xian's thighs tightened when he heard the words, and he remembered the sudden kick, and shouted: "The world is going down. The world is going down!"

Chen Yi added another knife in his mouth and said: "Hehe, with you as a flower hunter in the valley, how can the world not be so bad."

The two scolded and fought each other, and actually continued the fight on the field to the outside.

In the end, Zhou Xian took the lead to stop the battle, and said with a smile: "Little baby, you really don't plan to stay in the army to serve? It's a pity to lose a funny person like you. Why don't you stay and get closer to us rough people?"

Chen Yi replied: "If I want to leave you alone, don't drag me. The young master will mess around in the world in the future, so I don't bother to hang out with you ugly guys."

Zhou Xian shook his head and sighed: "Hey Jianghu, what's wrong with Jianghu? In this army, we are all brothers. We will go straight in everything. If you don't accept it, you can fight. Wouldn't it be more pleasant?"

Throwing the sweat towel aside, he sneered at Chen Yi: "You. Although your martial arts are high, you are still just a little baby."

Hearing the words of someone who has experienced it, it seems that there is something hidden in the past.

Chen Yi heard the words and turned his head to look.

He remembered that Zhou Xian and Peng Xiong had been together in the rivers and lakes.

Thinking of the fame these two men had earned, Chen Yi couldn't help but chuckled softly.

He didn't ask about his past experience, but responded with a rather carefree smile:
"You have been through the rivers and lakes, and you are tired again. I feel that the rivers and lakes are boring. I have never been through the rivers and lakes!"

"And after I've seen it, it's not too late to talk about other things, hahaha. If it's really so boring, then I will go home and be my local rich man."

Zhou Xian seemed to have thought of something when he heard the words, and said hesitantly:
"It's true, you are so young, it's okay to go out and bump into the south wall."

"Since that's the case, the old man will teach you the horoscope and keep you safe when walking outside in the future."

Chen Yi asked curiously: "Which horoscope?"

Zhou Xian laughed and said:

"Stop meddling in your own business, don't stay alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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