Chapter 56 Meditation
The scene that night was quite big, with many visitors.

It is said to be a welcome event, but it is actually just a celebration banquet
By the way, take the opportunity to demonstrate.

In the food raising incident a while ago, Chen Yi harmed the interests of many people and caused a lot of dissatisfaction to the Chen family.

Later, he was recruited, which aroused the careful thoughts of many people in the city.

And Chen Meng was not in Ninghe, there was no direct male in the family for a while, and only Chen's mother was left to take care of the big and small affairs. During these days, some villains always tripped up the Chen family overtly and secretly.

Fortunately, everything is getting better now, no matter what the secret behind this recruitment is, whether the Chen family was happy or not.

After all, Chen Yi returned safely, and made some contributions.

It doesn't matter whether the credit is big or small, and how many people paid blood and tears for it.
This is a good story after all.

Now is a good time to make use of the topic. Chen's mother used this banquet to remind the actual power holders in the city.

His Chen family has not reached the time of decline.

Even if they really have any small thoughts, they must be hidden!
Sure enough, it was less than three days after the banquet.

Promoted by various families in the city behind the scenes, Chen Yi's name really became popular all over the streets and alleys, and everyone in Ninghe knew it.
"The second son of the Chen family protects the environment and the people, and shows off his power outside the Great Wall. He is really a hero among men, a young hero."

This sentence is the words of praise of Qian Hong in front of people the day before yesterday.

I don't know when, this word was uploaded from the mansion of a certain gentry to the ears of a certain commoner, and it was added to the story and passed on from word to mouth among the people.

When it reached the ears of the Chen family, it had already become another version.

"This Ninghe Chen family is truly a hero!"

"The youngest is the successor of great Confucianism, and the celebrity in Zhou Mu's eyes. And Chen Yi, the second youngest of the Chen family, is even more powerful! Nicknamed Shura Dao, he is a hero, and he eats eight bowls for a meal, plus half a sheep and half a sheep." ox"

"I once killed hundreds of barbarians without any effort outside the city, and then led the army on the battlefield outside the Great Wall, killing tens of thousands of enemy troops, throwing away their helmets and armor. It is said that he was born with supernatural power and martial arts. He can hack dozens of dogs to death and shake the mountains with his feet. He kicked open the gates of Chang Ningguan!"

Zhou Feiyu was imitating it vividly.

A group of maids and servants were already laughing to the point of tears, and Chen Yi's face was already black as the bottom of the pot, wishing to tear his mouth apart.

The rumors were exaggerated to the fullest under the impetus of someone with a heart.

It is even more exaggerated than the Asura Saber.

These days, the common people are not allowed to report on battles. Except for those who run single gangs all the year round, few people know the details of the frontline battles, and some idlers love gossip.
Waiting for Zhou Feiyu to imitate, he became annoyed and said:

"It's nothing more than bragging about martial arts. Why is it related to appetite? Eight big bowls, half a cow and sheep, isn't this a rare beast?"

Chen's mother was also very happy to hear it, covered her mouth and smiled and said: "Look, everyone knows that you like to show off. Now I follow your wish and teach you how to do it all at once!"

Chen Yi dare not be rude in front of her.

She could only droop her head and said with a mournful face: "Mother, don't make fun of the child anymore, this is not showing off, it is clearly putting the child on the fire."

Chen's mother waved her hands in disdain and said, "Hmph, you've done it yourself! Go, go, don't be an eyesore here."

She turned her head and said to Zhou Feiyu: "But there are other things, you can continue."

Reluctantly being kicked out of the lobby, Chen Yi found that the nurses along the road saw him, all of them had weird faces, and they looked like they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, thinking they had heard something.
He could only stare at these people.

Depressed, he simply ignored the annoying rumors and went back to his small courtyard to hide.

For several days.

Chen Yi avoided the limelight and stayed in the courtyard to study his arsenal.

All the classics collected by the Chen family in the past dynasties are now in his study, the most precious of which are 37 volumes of vertical and horizontal secrets.

The vertical and horizontal secret method is the original of the Chen family's vertical and horizontal swordsmanship, and it is complemented with Zhengqi Jue, Bafangbu, etc., and is collectively called the vertical and horizontal method.

There are no defects in all aspects, this is a first-class inheritance.

Then there is the second-rate martial arts with a level lower than the upper limit.

The relatively complete ones include the Qingyue method, the wind method, the star method and so on.

There are also [-] or [-] kinds of incomplete methods, such as Yan Luo method, Shanhe method, and Qixing method. Among them, there are only one and a half moves, which are not systematic, and were used by ancestors for collection.

Further down, except for some unique and promising martial arts, the rest can no longer be called Dharma.

They can only be called skills, and they are common things that have been passed down for a long time in the world. There are quite a few of them, and there are nearly a hundred types.

Cicada step, ground knife, wild ball boxing, farmer's three boxing. Keke, there are eighteen kinds of weapons such as knives, guns, swords, and halberds.

There are also more than [-] volumes of general history of martial arts and miscellaneous talks.

It is all-encompassing, including martial arts concepts, strange miscellaneous studies, knowledge of the world, insights from sages, etc., which opened Chen Yi's horizons.

Finally, there are countless Taoist scriptures, Buddhist scriptures and other sage classics.

These classics in the study.

It was collected from various places, got it by chance, and also written by the descendants of the Chen family.
It took hundreds of years to accumulate so much.

With a bang, Chen Yi threw a copy of the Shurangama Sutra to the ground.

At a glance, the room was in a mess. Precious books were randomly thrown on the ground, one in the east, one in the west. There were even several footprints on several martial arts classics in the corner.

If someone who loves books sees this, he must work hard with him.


He slumped down and leaned against the back of the chair, posing in Ge You's lying position, his eyes were dull and his thoughts were scattered.

"Reading. I'm not material for reading."

Chen Yi has worked very hard, but his brain is not enough.

After three days of hard work, it can't be said that there is no gain, it can only be said that talking is better than nothing. Well, at least my horizons have been broadened a lot.

He is quite fortunate that there was a systematic empowerment at the beginning, which directly shaped the body for him,

Otherwise, he is afraid that even this first test will take ten or eight years.

"Read one more, just one."

After resting for a while, he cheered up and entered the sea of ​​books again.

These days.

Chen Yi first observed other complete martial arts inheritances, and then found that these inheritances were too obscure.

It is not like the vertical and horizontal method, which has been commented by countless ancestors.

Unwilling to give up, he studied for a day and finally understood.
If you don't study it in depth, if you continue to read it, it will only be a surprise, without any real help.

So for the time being, he let go of thinking about comprehending by analogy, and just took a rough look at various martial arts to get a rough understanding.

He flipped through the more than two hundred volumes of general history of martial arts and miscellaneous talks, trying to increase his knowledge first, and then learn about the best of hundreds of schools when he has some background in the future.

When he was tired, Chen Yi turned to Daoist scriptures and Buddhist scriptures, without seeking a deep understanding, but just recited them according to the text, and had the right to meditate.

Ignore the ups and downs outside.

He concentrated on tackling difficulties and prepared to settle for a period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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