Chapter 95 Development

While speaking, the young man in front had already opened the road to the city gate.

"My god! How can this be good?!"

Seeing the momentum from a distance, the two city gate officials were already scared into battle, and they didn't know where the monster came to the city to eat people.

The two immediately wanted to run away, but before they moved, they remembered that they had a job, if they ran away, they would inevitably die.

In the end, he had no choice but to shiver in place, almost shaking like a sieve.

"Don't be alarmed, you two, that is the second young master of the Chen family. He has an important business to do, so please let him go!"

Thanks to a yamen servant who came with him, he gave instructions in advance.

Only then did the two move away as if they were on the verge of an amnesty, and they didn't dare to ask more questions.

Until the boy left the city, he gradually lost sight of him.
"What a majesty!"

Only then did the older one dare to sigh.

"Hmph, isn't it!"

The other person was quite frightened, and his tone was full of dissatisfaction.

"I'm so full, I'm going out on a snowy day to mess around!"

"Is this called nonsense?"

The companion beside him glanced enviously at the hazy wind and snow in the distance, and said softly: "Didn't you also see the momentum, it is said that they are going to open the grain road!"

"Hey, pull it down, who will believe it?"

The man rubbed his hands together, folded his hands on his chest, and said angrily, "Are you a bodhisattva? A god? It's clear that the rich man has practiced martial arts and wants to show himself to others!"

"Look, it won't take much effort. After showing off, you should hiss back?!" While talking, he suddenly stopped, only to feel a gust of wind blowing behind him.


Immediately, a huge force surged from each of the two legs, and the body couldn't help but fell forward, and fell down and gnawed on the frozen mud.

"Bah bah. Which grandson kicked my ass?!"

He looked back angrily, but suddenly found that there was no one behind him.

"Are you so frightened by the momentum just now?" The companion heard the sound, looked around the empty surroundings, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Impossible!" The man turned around, and there were two big footprints of seven inches and eight feet on his buttocks.

When the companion saw it, he was stunned immediately, but he searched left and right, but couldn't find any figure nearby, so he lowered his head to look at the sole of his 7-inch shoe.

The two looked at each other, only to feel that the surrounding wind was blowing, and the hairs on their bodies stood on end, and they couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

"What a ghost?!"

Two quarters later, one mile south of the city.


There was a sudden roar, the huge dead tree beside the trembling official road rustled, and large chunks of snow rolled down from the bent treetops, in a faint rush.

Take a closer look.

It turned out to be a young man, waving his hands to open the way!
The beautiful scenery along the way in the past has been completely submerged in this continuous heavy snow, and now there is only a deserted scene in sight.

In this vast white wilderness, if you go too far without any obvious guides, let alone head to Changping, you may not even be able to tell the way back to the city.

Fortunately, the multi-day hard work of hundreds of people in the city was not in vain. Finally, a mile outside the city, some vague traces of officialdom were excavated under the feet.

But at this moment, the young man was slowly exploring along this trace, and from time to time he swung a powerful force forward.

Another bang.

Three feet of snow was violently lifted, and the sky was full of wind and snow for a while!
"Isn't the snow outside the city too exaggerated?!"

Looking at the endless snow scene, he stood alone on the official road, and couldn't help complaining: "I didn't realize it in the past, but now I realize that the road is ridiculously tight!"

No smoother than the roads in the city.

On the official road, there are many potholes and different heights, which makes the snow not only deep, but also extremely dangerous!
It is possible that the last kick was only above the knee, but the next kick suddenly reached the waist.

To completely split the snow, leave the road.

The strength of each shot must be adjusted.

The road ahead is difficult, and the single clothes on his body can't stop the cold at all. Right now, he is relying on the endless Daoge internal energy in his body to nourish him, so that he can keep his body safe in this icy and snowy world.

"Oh, it's too early to say, this is more difficult than in the city, it's more than 01:30!"

With the wind knife and frost sword facing him, the young man couldn't help but think of the wild words he had just let go in the city, and he couldn't help but feel a little regret in his heart.

The current consumption of internal energy is [-] points higher than that in the city, and even taking a breath of air seems to consume [-] points more than usual.

He knew that ten miles a day might be a bit difficult!
However, the words have already been let out, and he went back in such a disheartened manner, not only losing face, but also losing some of the spirit in his heart.

"Since you have made a decision, you must at least do your best!"

In the cold wind, the boy tightened his clothes, took a deep breath, and gritted his teeth to cheer himself up.

With a vigorous strike, the three feet of snow was swept away.

"It's not too late to give up when the internal strength is too strong. This body of martial arts is not for shrinking back!"

Another palm was struck, and the ground three feet in front of him was lifted.

"Well, the internal energy is still quite full, and my body recovers energy very quickly, so I can't really do it?"

When he swung his palm again, he shattered a boulder buried deep in the snow.

"It can not only temper yourself, but also save the lives of many people. Such a good deal is rare!"

So this time.
He went the wrong way!
that's it.

Chen Yi waved palm after palm in constant self-hypnosis and self-motivation.

On this self-developed three-zhang path, with one foot deep and one foot shallow, he moved forward firmly.

In the end, I don't know where I am.

Surrounded by endless wind and snow, the young man is like a god!
I don't know how many times I waved my palm.

When the internal force was activated, Chen Yi suddenly felt the smooth internal force faintly stagnate.

So, he paused for a moment to sense, only to realize that his body was empty.

"Huh" let out a long breath, sat down cross-legged on the spot, and prepared to adjust his breath for a while.

Suddenly, the sound of snow collapsing came from behind
"Come out!"

Chen Yi didn't look back, and simply shouted loudly: "The friend next to me has followed all the way, what advice can I have?"

It turned out that he had long noticed that someone was following him along the way, but this person's footsteps were heavy, as if his martial arts were not high, so he never cared.

The commotion this time must be too big, right?
After opening his mouth to warn, there was a sudden silence behind him.

He was a little impatient, turned his head and warned again: "Is it Mr. Liu? Or who? The friend on the left back, if you don't come out, I will take action!"

So, after a rustling sound.

Suddenly, a small figure appeared in the snowdrift behind him, and Chen Yi was so startled that he turned around and wanted to strike, but he stopped his movements in the next moment.

Because, in front of me is a person.
"Little beggar?"

He tilted his head and looked at the person coming, wondering.

(End of this chapter)

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