Civilization of the Stars: I loaded the mod

Chapter 113 How to Use Administrator Status

Chapter 113 How to Use Administrator Status
The hero who provided the nine technologies of civilization is not in the right mood.

Wang Hao took the initiative to come forward to comfort and care, and in order to make room for Dabai, the two parties quickly ended the communication link.

Watching Dabai's figure disappear, Wang Hao secretly sighed in his heart.

"The most indispensable thing in the universe is sad things. Behind every favor that the pioneers provide to future generations, there is its own story."

Dabai joined the Gudu civilization as a survivor, and providing technology is not without cost.It's just that the price of the destruction of civilization has long been paid by the predecessors.

The more you stay in the world of stars and feel the stories of the years, the more you understand the greatness of civilization.

There are many thoughts in my heart. Aisha got a new mission. Before leaving, I greeted and exchanged a few words, and there was another member missing in the tea party.

The activity remains.

The sky outside the window was pitch black, there were no satellites, and the city at night was very quiet.

Tu Lan lay comfortably on the sofa and ate small biscuits, Ono leisurely sipped tea, looked at the screen projected on his wrist from time to time, and communicated with the younger generations in the community. Garner was busy with family and work, and Kumo was hugging Picking up the tablet, she was muttering about something. She usually lives in Xiaoxiaozhou on the back of the planet with the opposite time zone. For her, today is just the beginning.

Like most Gudu people, after dinner, several leaders enjoyed a rare moment of warmth and sometimes romped.

Wang Hao sits on the sidelines as a parent and can inadvertently feast his eyes on the girl's activities.

"Ahem, Tu Lan, put on the robe, and be careful not to catch a cold."

Averting his eyes in embarrassment, Wang Hao coughed a few times.

More of this kind of thing!

"Oh!? No, it's so hot in July."

Tu Lan pursed her lips, straightened her body, and pulled the sling that was misaligned due to playfulness.

Wang Hao's eyes wandered and he didn't say anything, and Tu Lan didn't rest for a few minutes. He picked up the pillow again and threw it at Ku Mo, which by the way affected Mo Ni who was sleeping like a dead pig.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Hao divided his mind into two uses, his consciousness penetrated into the second world, and he opened the drawing board.

With the unique talent of energizing the body, the brush at the fingertips is flying, recording scenes of beautiful pictures.

As a multi-talented traveler who is a part-time painter, what's wrong with drawing some pictures of her daughter.

The good time is always short, and everyone dispersed after two hours.

Putting down his paintbrush with some pity, Wang Hao shook his head to stop his self-entertainment behavior, turned off the light in the sword bearer's office, and soon locked the door and left.

The mess left behind will be cleaned up by cleaning robots the next day.

The environment became deserted, and the sense of existence in the corner of the room was so low that the figure left behind turned unconsciously and fell into a deep sleep peacefully.

Mo Ni: ([▓▓]

The night is dark and the wind is high, and the upper half of the administrative tower is quiet and silent.

"As expected of me, it's getting faster and faster."

The more he used the ability of the embodiment of civilization, the more proficient he was. When he returned to his residence in an instant from the office, Wang Hao patted his face, still full of energy.

The nightlife has only just begun.

The beginning of every month is his busiest time.

The monthly update of the system panel, the leader tea party will be held during this period, and the small black box gathering held by the chat group as usual every month will also be squeezed into these two days, and even the lively level of the player forum will soar at this time.

First log in to the administrator account of the vest 'overtime' in the science and technology area, ignore the chattering chatter of the materialist faction as usual, and quickly browse the logs of newly added technologies. The technology tree is getting stronger and stronger under the fertilization of the majority of players. Less new technology.

“[Climate Control System], [Fitting Mode], [G-Sensor]…”

More than 40.

The scientific research options that players can choose have become more diverse. If it is a single player, I am afraid that it will be treated as a kind of stupid debuff.

This is the power of the masses.

"The power of the people is truly amazing."

In Changyou's log records of players scrambling to share technology, even the grievances against the government's operation were relieved a little, Wang Hao nodded in relief, and continued to scan his eyes.

Then I saw the technology of [Doctrine: Space Combat].

"...Technology source player: Life is gutless, upload time: May 2201, 5."

"Good guy! Is this going my way and making my vest nowhere to go?"

Suddenly touching his forehead, Wang Hao was both shocked and helpless.

As soon as I got the technology of military theory, someone shared the most basic series of technology.

Obviously it was him... Well, the other party came first, but spiritually it was Wang Hao who came first.

As early as the beginning of the year, he had a general understanding of the types of technology that Dabai could provide, and he was going to take it to the forum to build momentum after the technology research was completed, and then to confirm the origin of the curator and the identity of the technology pioneer.

In the words of the stars, this action can increase his diplomatic weight as a commoner.

but now……

" doesn't seem like a big problem?"

Curiously, he clicked on the technology shared by the player [Life Without Guts]. Wang Hao found that this technology sharing post only explained the direction of technology research and development, and there were not many specific dry goods. At most, he helped the player to open the scientific research option, so that scientists can understand military combat It is a science and technology theory worth digging deeply.

It is not a complete technology sharing.

"This man has no guts in his life, um...he's a chick~ That's right, his knowledge of [Doctrine: Space Combat] is still very shallow."

Heaving a sigh of relief in his heart, Wang Hao let go of his worries, knowing that this purely theoretical technology is most suitable for benefiting other players.

In the eyes of the general public, sharing technology through reality is still impossible.

But he is a man who has already tasted the forbidden fruit of reality.

"The core requirement of sharing technology through real channels can be summed up in one point: compressing the amount of information in technology."

Using energy to outline the thoughts of words in the air, Wang Hao checked his own thoughts again.

"The first point of sharing technology: technology needs to be theoretically oriented, so as to avoid the soaring amount of shared data brought about by industrial differences.

This is the case with the Psychic Theory of the Greek cuisine. No matter how different civilizations are, the will and soul of the intelligent race essentially abide by the same kind of cosmic rules, and the core knowledge of technology will not change. It is non-gestalt. Civilization is universal.

The second requirement: The sharer's theoretical knowledge of the technology is good enough to facilitate the compression of the amount of information, and it is best to reach the point of "true transmission of a sentence".

The psionic theory and technology given by the fallen father, the content is only a few patterns, so it is easy to pass on. "

"Perfect fit!"

Suddenly slapped off the bed, Wang Hao replaced himself as an accomplished sharer without any sense of disobedience.

Dabai's technical information is his, no problem.

Military theory is a purely theoretical technology. In theory, as long as there is a perfect military reference, civilization can reverse engineer the corresponding technology with a little effort.

Just like his Gudu Civilization, there is no need to mobilize all the scientific research forces of the civilization to actively study it, as long as the researchers in the military and scientific research intersecting fields carefully ponder for a year or so, they can copy a set that suits them. Civilized technology.

Commonly known as: handing the eagle sauce to touch the river.

After pinching his chin and thinking for a moment, Wang Hao chuckled.

"Hey, it's time to perform a wave of show operations."

Stretching his body with his hands crossed, he turned on the computer in the study and called up the files he had prepared.

The above is the complete military theory information of the first technology provided by Dabai for Gudu Civilization. Ono's men can reverse engineer the most basic technology based on this information, why can't other players.

The total information is 130 million words!

"Say more, not more, and say less, not less."

Wang Hao has worked as a cultural worker. He has written novels for a period of time, with materials of a million words, just a little bit of light.

For players, the most important thing is time.

"Although it's a bit troublesome, there will definitely be players who will try it."

Wang Hao needs to spend some thought on sharing the technology. Other players will spend a lot of time and energy if they want to get the shared technology. Not only need to patiently extract or paraphrase the text, but also devote part of the research human resources to time-consuming research.

But... Except for the above two points, the technology he shared is simply letting other players go whoring for nothing.

No krypton, a little liver, easy access to technology.

"It just so happens that Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, first let the officials think that I am just a person with great strength and miracles, a sharing technology that is only completed by accumulating data and data.

Directly throwing out a few pictures of psionic theory to spread technology is too shocking and mundane, so I can't jump like that.

Step by step, put some useless military theory and technology, to break the official bottom line, and by the way, accumulate the personal prestige of the vest status in the player group.

When the general trend has been achieved, I will share the theory of psionic energy. "

After finalizing the plan, Wang Hao's eyes shone with wisdom.

This year, he will be the most dazzling man in Blue Star.

(End of this chapter)

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