Chapter 141
The most special feature of the Croatian civilization is the unfathomable lost empire. Just mentioning this reason is enough for others to misfire.

[Ke Xicai: That article was purely written by me to prove the orthodoxy of idealism. After all, if idealism does not have its own holy place, is it still called idealism? By the way, it covers up the real reason for the ascension of the holy world. ]
[Shutdown key: That's it. ]
The off button far away in the Middle East had a stubble on his face, stared at the blue screen to get an explanation, and solemnly closed the half-open address book in his hand again.

Blue Star lacked a portion of potential blood.

[Shutdown key: The leader of idealism is standing up for the ascent of idealism. Are you already intentionally leading the movement of the ideological camp?As expected of you. ]
[Greek cuisine: ...]
[Mysterious Meow: Well done. ]
[Princess: I understand, I understand, I can fully understand. ]
[Ma Dongmei: Follow the boss in everything, support Gudu's decision, what kind of expert?unfamiliar! ]
The message pop-up box was quickly pushed to the edge of the screen. After the chat group understood what had happened, they fully agreed with his choice. After all, no matter how good the expert is, has he ever played games?Can it compare to the development ideas recommended by Gudu?
he can not!There is no such strength at all.

Not to mention the comparison with Gudu, the group of friends follow Gudu's daily experience, it can be said that anyone who picks one can speak in a more orderly manner than an 'expert'.

[Ke Xicai: Anyway, I have nothing to do, but those experts were dismissed and investigated. ]
Ke Cuisine is in a happy mood, and when it comes to this, it is already a bit gloating.

There is also a consortium behind him, even if it is because of interests that he is related to relatives, but this kind of interest relationship is strong, and the publicity is overwhelming.

No, in less than half an hour, the group of friends saw the article he posted casually.

[Gu Du: It’s still a good thing for you to say so. The result of the matter tells the group of people who incited the experts that you are sitting in a very stable position, and no one will come to you again for the time being.The only thing that is inappropriate is that if you do this, many idealistic civilizations will give priority to ascension to the world of consecration, which is a tasteless early stage. ]
Wang Hao smiled from the bottom of his heart. If nothing happened to the group of friends, it meant that the interests of the secret society interest groups outside the territory had not been damaged.

He will only think about other players' affairs when he is guaranteed to stay out of it.

[Kexi Cai: No way... Didn’t some extreme idealist players ascend to the Blessed World last month and complain because they couldn’t find a suitable Blessed Planet. ]
[Gu Du: Forget it, it’s not a big deal, anyway, with two hundred galaxies per capita, there will always be habitable planets. ]
Wang Hao shook his head and put the matter behind him.

It’s no big deal. Ordinary players can’t even make up the 8 usable ascensions. In the mid-term, they are rushing to adopt all traditions and ascensions. Adopting [Blessed World] in the early stage will not suffer.

Moreover, the tradition and ascension of "Stellaris" can be overwritten and replaced.

Left and right are nothing more than replacing the label of ascension in the concept ocean of civilization.

If the player brushes out a special traditional ascension in the cohesion store, he can completely replace the unsatisfactory effect.Regardless of the lack of presence of Qunxing Store, Wang Hao can predict that in the future, 100% of the player base will set off a store trend.

Everyone is showing the store, everyone is swiping.

The star store is of great significance to the player empire. To put it down-to-earth, it is: cohesiveness and DLC.

At that time, he will be able to laugh at the players vying to cross the abyss of drawing cards. The rags with a few cents occupy 90% of the list, and the remaining 10% are super rags. His store brushes several megastructures, traditional ascension, technology, and MOD content every day. .

Alas~ just don't change, just play...

Millions and millions of cohesive merchandise to watch miss...miss...

With his mind moving and his consciousness manipulating the interface, Wang Hao directly opened the Qunxing store that he hadn't touched in a few months.

The smile on the face suddenly disappeared, stiff, flat, sad, with a mournful face, Dou Da Energy's teardrops rolled down unsatisfactorily, dripping onto the screen of the personal terminal, piled up with unlimited black cards of Gudu Civilization under the bright light .

"I...why am I so poor, the mothers of billions of children can't afford it."

【Stars Store】

[Special Leader [Grey Wind] - 1M Cohesion] (Nano-robots from the L star cluster can be competent leaders while alive, and can act as relics after death. Although she will only sign a 5000-year contract with you, please don’t doubt her Your loyalty, whether it is the end of the universe or the end of time, Xiao Hui will be with you until death.)
His pupils shook violently and anxiously, Wang Hao clenched his palms tightly and began to feel jealous.

The exaggerated price is like a moat that separates the two worlds, and a vague whisper comes out of the mouth, which hurts my heart.

"My wife is gone."

Afterwards, only the sound of sighs and mourning reverberated in this space, without a trace.

"I'm so stupid, really, I just know..."


The ordinary immigrant duo walked around the tower for an extra half an hour, oblivious to the sight of the three feet raised.

Although Wang Hao didn't pay much attention to see them later, he was slightly shocked and was alone in the room to repeat the study.

From time to time, Li You yelled because she saw people in the news, and soon under the strong sight of the security guards, Squirrel led her to leave the tower in a hurry, turned back, walked out of the city square, and interspersed in the bustling districts and streets of the capital. , along the way to see some scenery.In the end, the two went straight to the station and took the sky train to the sky.

He didn't live there, and before coming here, Squirrel still had the desire to visit the capital, but...he had long since disappeared in Liyou's trash talk.

If she is not allowed to go home as soon as possible and stay in her house, it will be uneasy.

In the midday stellar fire, the high-speed train was steaming, and the train also chased the sun to the other side of the planet. The protective coating on the outside of the car and the wind wiped out the scorching sun.

Have a simple lunch to complete the tour of the capital.

Li You on the couch looked back in the direction of Yuanyuan City and asked.

"Hey~ Are you really not going to go shopping in the capital? To be honest, I would be reluctant to leave with such healthy limbs. I won't be able to see the sun of civilization when I sleep in the new world once and for all next year."


Just after a blissful meal, he heard Li You speak, the squirrel smiled reluctantly, did not answer, and took out the toiletry set on his body instead.

Changing the subject, he turned out the mirror and said to Li You.

"Let me help you tidy up your image. You can be sloppy when you go out, but you'd better pay attention to your image when you go home."

Li You looked at the mirror and frowned, drawing her blue silk to cover half of her eyes.

"Well~ it's not too messy."

That being said, she didn't refuse.Because I hate going out, especially when I come to the capital, I dress in blue, but since I want to go home, tidying up my face is also tidying up my mood.

"If you don't speak, it means you acquiesce."

The squirrel next to her knew her nature well, and decisively began to fiddle with the little one in front of her.

Li You patted his face and continued to chat.

"I said, let's go on a trip after we go back. Before leaving the home planet, I want to take a last look at my hometown. I came to this world with nothing. When I don't want to leave, I don't even have any memories."

"No, it's not that I have nothing, at least I'm still a little seriously ill."

Li You continued to mutter to himself.

"I haven't gone camping before, and I want to see light occasionally at Guangzhai's house."

The hometown naturally refers to Tianguozhou. Both of them were born in Tianguozhou. At the same time, Tianguozhou is also the least developed and least populated continent among the four continents of Gudu Star. The original landform occupies [-]% of the area.

[What will you do in the last year of your home planet? ]
This is a topic that has been widely circulated in Gudu society recently. Among the various answers, the approval rate of tourism is extremely high.

"Haven't you ever gone camping? How do I remember that you went camping in the primeval forest without saying a word in junior high school?"

The squirrel looked up at Liyou, then concentrated on drawing her eyebrows.


Li You suddenly twisted his eyebrows, and the half-drawn eyebrow line directly diverged.

"Don't move around, it's all crooked." The squirrel poked her cheek, and then wiped it clean.

"I've never been to the wild since I was a child. It's not like you don't know the price of those camping packages, barbecue sets, survival equipment, and insect repellent magnetic balls. How can junior high school students afford them?"

"Maybe I remember wrongly, so where do you plan to travel?"

"Going to have a picnic in the primeval forest area of ​​my hometown. The stories say that our city of Knum is mysterious. I'm going to take a wild survival adventure."


The squirrel is speechless, saying that you are 1.5 meters is flattering you, and you still want to play survival in the wild, it is really worthless. "As long as you are happy, then where are you going to go?"

Look at it from a distance for a moment, and finish it with satisfaction.

"Well...I have to think about it."

Looking at the mirror for comparison, she was pink and jade-carved, white, tender and pretty, with her hair tied into a single ponytail and slung over her side chest, her face, which seemed to be easily broken by blows, puffed up slightly under my movements.

Appreciate it with satisfaction. "Grandpa is so cute, I don't know who will become his confinement in the future, or just stay at home and hide it from outsiders. I am narcissistic enough."

Anyway, giving birth this time is also self-incubation~

Flicking her ponytail, she turned on the map mode of the terminal, and the projection of the Knum City area was synchronized to the wall.

After thinking about it for a while, Li You pressed a finger on a corner of the map as if a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart.

"This! I'm going here!"

The satellite map is a green lush no-man's land, the color is darker than the nearby ones, the standard primeval forest terrain, a little remote, but still under the jurisdiction of Knum.

Nothing special except that there was an earthquake decades ago, and you can have a picnic by renting a civilian aircraft...

 Say the important thing twice, and integrate it with the miracle of the white fox double shift.


  Readers, don't forget that on the day when the new DLC of the stars is released, a lucky group member will be randomly selected from the reader group (group number: 974295505), and Baihu will personally send the new DLC. (Although the benefits are one or two days less than the salary, there are plans to make up for it.)
  It is expected that the lottery will start at [[-]:[-] sharp] on Friday night!
  [Red Envelope Lottery Mode] [100 people]

  It doesn't have to be the lucky king who wins the prize, give [luck: ? ? ? ] is a chance for non-chieftains, and the winning conditions depend on the probability of the existence of 'technical gods'.

  The luckiest, the worst, the one closest to the mean, the one with the smallest variance...Schrödinger's condition, I don't know which one to choose, the big deal is that I will roll the dice on the spot and choose someone~
  (Attachment: Black box operation? Doesn’t exist! Slapping the table!! Although I’m poor, I’m short of ambition. Can’t I be a sincere and rotten person without ambition?)
(End of this chapter)

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