Qingluo Jinghe

Chapter 226 Pray for blessings in Tai'an

Chapter 226 Pray for blessings in Tai'an

"What? The flood in Fuliang submerged the dam, and all the surrounding ten miles were affected?" These days, the children have been obedient, and the ministers in the court who have nothing to do are also very quiet. Except for those unfinished business, Li Jing can be regarded as resting for a while two.

After finally having a chance to cultivate one's morality and self-cultivation, just as one lifts the writing brush on the pen stand, one hears the urgent report from the palace.

Sighing to himself that he really had a life that could not be taken lightly, he sat down and read in detail the letter from the county magistrate of Fuliang County, Jiujiang County.

"How can it be so sudden? I remember that half a month ago, there was a rumor in Jiujiang County that there was a drought this year, which might have affected the production of the people. Today it became true."

This kind of thing has not never happened before in history. A night of heavy rain in the south can break through many villages. It has always been to drive the people away and reduce the production of the farmer. It is also a headache that all dynasties have faced.

The short letter of more than a hundred words is not too long, but what was written on it made Li Jing feel anxious.

Although this Fuliang County does not rely on growing food for its living, it is a well-known commercial county in Jiujiang County.But even so, the resettlement of the people affected by the disaster is also a problem-if there is another heavy rain in Jiujiang County at this time, I am afraid that the affected counties will be three points more.

'After the flood, there must be a great plague' has always been true. The rotting corpses in the water, or the various poisonous plants washed out of the deep forest, which one can kill ordinary people?
Apart from the superficial floods and waterlogging, what Emperor Li Jing was more worried about was the many disasters and disasters in the territory of Dali in recent days, which was in response to the prophetic words that the national teacher Yueying said to herself...

"Your Majesty, I will take my leave." Seeing that the emperor didn't intend to reply immediately, the person who came to deliver the letter bowed and said goodbye softly. It was different from the rush when he came. The person who sent the letter tried to open his mouth several times but failed.

"and many more……"

Just when the messenger messenger was about to leave the hall, he was stopped by the emperor Li Jing, and the moment he raised his head, a gleam of joy flashed across his eyes, and he was covered by the sleeve of his robe when he bowed for a moment: "What orders does your Majesty have?" ?”

Even so, Emperor Li Jing had already observed the change in the former, put the letter in his hand on the table beside him, sighed and said, "If I remember correctly, your ancestors were from Jiujiang County, right?"

"Jiujiang County is very rainy. It stands to reason that the sudden heavy rain should be considered when building the dam."

"But if the rain is really that sudden, the surrounding counties should have given early warning of this matter, so as not to wait until the dam collapses, and it is too late to evacuate the surrounding people, which ends up like this."

Emperor Li Jing knew that natural disasters were easy to prevent, but man-made disasters were difficult to avoid. In many cases, disasters that could cause such casualties and impacts could not be attributed to natural disasters, but were mostly due to corruption of local officials, or mutual conflicts to avoid responsibility. prevarication.

What's more, it's simply that they are not capable, and there is a profit chain of selling officials and nobles behind them, or they are simply aliens hiding among the court officials.

It stands to reason that with Li Jing's governance over the years, after the conviction of buying and selling official positions and cheating in scientific examinations has been raised again and again, there should be no possibility of selling officials and nobles...

Emperor Li Jing couldn't imagine that there might be problems of alien races among the officials of Da Li, but because of the results of the in-depth investigation of what happened at the palace banquet, Emperor Li Jing had to take it into consideration.

As for corruption and prevarication, no matter how wise a monarch is, they cannot be eradicated.After all, the interests are in the present, even those poets in the previous dynasty who could put their faces to the loess and their backs to the sky in their hearts, and wrote poems and lyrics for them, could not escape being blinded by interests, and finally became the result of a big corrupt official.

The emperor already had a guess in his heart, and he just waited for the messenger to say the hesitant words outrightly——just now, the performance of this person has long been noticed by the emperor. understand.

"Your Majesty, my humble minister..." The little official who delivered the letter didn't say anything, but his knees softened, and he knelt down directly.

Li Jing moved her gaze to the kneeling person, and knew that her guess was obviously correct, but she didn't intend to ask, but also wanted to see if this person had the courage to speak up.

Just now, after licking up the ink, the ink dripped from the brush placed aside, and now it has smudged all the way onto the spread rice paper, causing the white paper with a bit of elegance like sunlight to bloom into a trembling ink flower .

Before the dots of ink became uneven, the messenger just said: "Your Majesty, I have a grievance to report!"

 Today, I have something to do temporarily. I wear a mask and go out for a trip. Because I can’t stop updating in the recommended position, I can only write 1k first. I’m really sorry. I will fill it up to 2K as soon as possible. I will learn something tomorrow and try to update 4K. , if it doesn’t work, make sure to update it,


(End of this chapter)

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