Qingluo Jinghe

Chapter 228 For the purpose of privately reforming documents for state affairs, reassuring yourself

Chapter 228 For the Private Reform of State Affairs

"Okay, I really spoiled you, and now I dare to do something like this to harm Hai'er?" Su Zexun didn't see anything in his eyes when he threw the copied document in his hand to the kneeling person on the ground. Benevolent, "Why did your mother go away, not you?"

He kicked Su Chengmo on the shoulder as if venting his anger. The person under his feet seemed to have never been treated as a biological father: "I have raised you for so many years, and I have raised you as a beast!"

"Why, why didn't you die?" Seeing that the person in front of him still had the strength to kneel and stand up, Su Zexun became more and more reckless, "You live to harm Hai'er again, right?"

Over the years, Su Chengmo has already known that explanations are useless, and this time, it is true that he made his own claims and made the young master lose face.

Su Chengmo just silently endured the abuse that any outsider would not be able to stand, but in his heart he didn't have the slightest regret for what he did this time.

But it turned out that this matter had to start when this Su Chenghai took over the job from his immediate superior two or three days ago.

—Jingzhaofu Household Department—

Besides, because Su Chenghai suffered from the heat last time, so that he was directly sent back to the Su family by Ye Xi, the Shaoqing of Honglu Temple, because this person is really a young man enrolling in an imperial examination, Ye Xi turned it on the other side. plead.

The emperor demoted him to the fourth rank, but Ye Xi didn't want him anymore.Although Ye Xi cherishes his talents, he really doesn't want to put such a person under his control, and he has to plan how to deal with it every day...

Li Jing could only sigh, that the temperament of the family members was really the same that night, and immediately threw Su Chenghai to the household department. He was still a fourth-rank official, but compared to Honglu Temple, he was more like a It's a mess.

"I'm sure you've heard about the flood in Fuliang?" Regarding the young man in front of him who had made some small mistakes, the boss wasn't really bothered at all, so his words naturally contained a bit of calmness and patience.

Who can not make some mistakes when young?What's more, the young man in front of him is already a Jinshi with such a piss, and he can even reach the third and fourth ranks, which is really rare.

Of course, Su Chenghai would also like to thank his mother for giving him a good skin. Although his temperament can't hold him back, he won't make people look bored. However, anyone with three percent ink in his stomach can't compare to Qingpu and Yexi. It is also much stronger than it is now.

According to Qingluo's description back then, this person looked like an idiot at first glance, even if he was pushed into a hurry, he would not be able to accomplish any great things!

Let’s go back to this Su Chenghai who listened to the question from his superior and froze on the spot for a while, his eyes looked left and right, and glanced at the ground, and he looked guilty: "Um, sir, the subordinate is about I've heard of it."

Those who can sit in the six departments in the official arena, even if they are not human, it is impossible not to be stupid, but they can only comfort themselves, as if the child in front of him is still young, and he has nothing else to do except the things within his duties.

After all, on weekdays, the documents submitted by Su Chenghai are really in line with everyone's wishes. Whether it's the unique content, or the pleasing writing and writing, people can't find any mistakes.

"It's okay, if you haven't heard of it, you haven't heard of it. Now that you know it, take this file back and have a look. If you have any thoughts, you can mention it to me someday." What kind of selfish officials have always been very tolerant of juniors.

As long as you don't have any intention of doing harm to the country and the people, even if you do something wrong, you can forgive it.Those who are more severe will be reprimanded, and those who are more gentle will take care of the younger generation even if they are reprimanded.

Seeing that Su Chenghai had already walked to the door without even saying hello, even if he was not annoyed, he still felt that the child lacked some education, but the boss still kindly asked.

"You don't need to be too anxious. What your Majesty wants is a complete result, not something to be fooled around at random." After finishing speaking, he didn't intend to hear Su Chenghai's response. can be busy.

Su Chenghai has some ability, just now he came back and was going to throw these things in his hand to Su Chengmo to do, but something happened when he walked to the corridor - Su Chenghai heard the servants talking about him.

"Young master's official business seems to be done by that little slave, you say..."

"Where is it our turn to discuss and organize the affairs of the master's family?" The Su family doesn't have much money, but they continue to treat the servants as well as Madam Yue did before her death. Although they may not be good people, the money they give is indeed It is quite a lot.

"What's more, how can the matter of this high-ranking family be something that our group of people can understand? Don't think too much about it. Do things well and earn money to support your family. No matter how much you worry about it, it's useless."

"That's what I said, but the master and young master are not afraid to call..."

"A lot of time?" Most of what these two people said fell into Su Chenghai's ears, and the words of the person who didn't want to worry actually did not lack contempt for Su Chenghai, as well as compassion for the little beast in the latter's eyes .

"In that case, pay the money to this official and get out of the house!"

When people are guilty, they can't allow others to talk about themselves.The two of them didn't dare to say anything, and fled to the side in desperation, only hoping that Su Chenghai would not keep thinking about this matter, after all, the conditions offered by the Su family were considered good in Jingzhao City.

After such an encounter, Su Chenghai also had other thoughts in his heart, he only felt that asking Su Chengmo to take over this document would make him seem incompetent.

"That little bastard is good at wooing people. I heard from my father that he used that face that resembled his mother's to deceive the Yue family's sympathy and caused a lot of trouble for my father. Now he even makes the servants in the family sympathize with him. , What a slut!"

In fact, the death of his mother was not a small blow to Su Chenghai, unlike the father who was supposed to take care of the whole family.Su Chenghai can indeed be regarded as a victim in the whole incident. The source of psychological distortion is not only the sudden stimulation, but also his father's lack of education.

"It's just a clerk, what can a little bitch do well, what can't I do?"

"Father always said that he was worried that I was working too hard. That little bitch made me lose my mother. Why do I have such an exquisite brain?"

Human jealousy can drive people crazy, but Su Chenghai went crazy intermittently, and in the end, it was not the crazy person himself who suffered, but the person who never provoked anyone, but was always used as a tool to vent his anger.

Of course, what really caused today's situation was not Su Chenghai's anger, but the series of things they said this little bastard did after stealing documents for the sake of his family and country, making Su Chenghai lose face in front of his boss ...

"If something goes wrong with the paperwork, you little bastard will never dream of seeing the sun in the future!"

It's not enough that the thing in front of him killed his own mother, and now he wants to kill his brother. If he had known this, he should have ordered someone to drown him in a water tank when this little beast was born!Su Zexun thought so, he didn't care about the life and death of his own son at all.

(End of this chapter)

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