Master is not married yet

Chapter 61 Obstacle [1]

Chapter 61 Obstacle [1]

It was only after the senior brother was hit by the heart-destroying palm that I realized a very strange thing.

Not only is he indistinguishable from left to right, but his internal organs are actually reversed. The heart of ordinary people is on the left, but his is on the right. So when he said that it was fortunate that he hit the left chest, I didn't realize it for a while.

"Is there anything else I don't know about you?" I squinted my eyes and asked the senior brother who was begging for tears with the third senior brother, "You can speak animal language, you are a martial arts prodigy, a natural taste bud master, and now you can't even connect your organs. They are all reversed, senior brother, can you be more magical?"

"Compared to Ah Chu being a mermaid, I'm nothing." He replied naturally.

The third senior brother glanced at the senior senior brother with snake spirit eyes, but he still refused to shed tears.

Also, who would cry for no reason.

Since Gongshan Yu said those words that day and witnessed the tragedy of Zhenyuanjiao's fellow sect, a small number of small sects felt that they could not continue, so they packed their bags and left in a hurry. Zhenyuanjiao naturally did so.But the vast majority of sects still stayed, and the reason for staying was nothing more than reputation or a matter of face.

But whether these things are worth putting in front of life can only be said to be a matter of opinion.

The paper-tied bird was also missing that day. When the crowd dispersed, I tried to search the carpet, but I couldn't find it. I think it must have been picked up by someone, otherwise I should have found at least a piece of paper. I just hope to pick it up. Its owner will remember to feed it.

Later, I learned from the second senior brother that Huo Buming joined the Chonghua Sect, which is the big sect that Gong Shanyu belongs to. I remembered that a long time ago, a disciple of the Chonghua Sect came to Mingjingmen to ask for a competition. After a joke, the matter of being defeated by the third senior brother with the bamboo flute in the end, now that I think about it carefully, the time has not passed much, but a lot of things have happened.

Now the four of us are standing together at the gathering place for the second round of tests. Eldest brother has basically no problem with his body, except for the hole in his stomach which is still a bit scary (because the third senior brother still didn’t give him shark tears in the end), my mental state It can be said to be exceptionally good.

Standing in front of the Xilin Wall, apart from the Gongshan Yu I had seen before, there were also elders from other sects. In front of them was a huge crowd of disciples’ heads, as if they had forgotten what happened two days ago. On the surface, there is still harmony.

"Since all the little friends have gathered, the old man and the other elders will no longer waste everyone's time, so I will tell you the content of the second round of experiments in detail." Gong Shanyu said, "The second experiment is to Test your will."

I was taken aback for a moment, and thought to myself, why is it a test of psychology, can this really work without a test of martial arts?
After Gong Shanyu finished speaking, he turned around and groped for the mountain wall behind him. With the sound of a click, there was a sound of gears, and the rock wall of Nuoda suddenly rumbled, and even the ground we were standing on trembled. Then a huge dark cave appeared and stood straight in front of our eyes.

"It used to be the place where my predecessors of the Chonghua Sect practiced. The obstacles inside can confuse people's minds, and the things that they are most afraid of appear in the body, so as to test whether people's will is firm enough to successfully solve the obstacles and save the day. Turn back." He said, "Please rest assured, my little friends, although this place belongs to my Chonghua sect, there are elders from various sects supervising here, and this old man will never favor his own descendants. We will also secretly pay attention to the situation of the children with other elders at any time, if there is a bewildering situation, we will take action, and we will never let the previous regrets happen to the children."

After finishing speaking, Gongshan Yu asked us to enter the cave one by one, one sect after another. The time is one hour. If we fail to come out, we will fail. On the contrary, as long as one person can succeed, the entire sect will pass the test.

"This old man wishes all my friends that this trip will go smoothly." Gong Shanyu said kindly, but his eyes were filled with deep scrutiny.

When I followed the person in front of me into the cave, Gong Shanyu had already turned to the other elders and yelled something, but I didn't pay attention, I just felt that the cave in front of me was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers apart from it. It was only when I could see something that I realized that the three of them had disappeared.

And I found that not only the seniors, but also all the disciples who came in had disappeared.

"Hey, this experiment is still for one person?" I said to myself, and started to grope around.

The cave was so dark that I could only see my sleeves, and I could vaguely hear the sound of water dripping down the mountain wall. I tried to find the fire pockets, only to remember the burden that my fire pockets were all on Laifu. inside.

Alas, I usually rely too much on the brothers and the others, I really have to reflect on myself.

I walked aimlessly all the way, and found that this cave is really weird. One is that I have been walking for a long time, but I have not touched the mountain wall, as if it is endless. The other is that we obviously have so many people coming in. But it was so quiet here that only my footsteps and the sound of water could be heard.

Although I felt strange, after all, I didn't know where I could go, so I had to go in the direction of the sound of water, hoping to find something.

As I walked longer, the sound of the water became louder and louder. I found that it didn't sound like the trickle of water on the mountain wall, but more like the sound of a spring. I quickened my pace, wanting to find out.

As I gradually approached the source of the sound, my foot slipped suddenly, and I almost fell, and found that I seemed to have stepped on something round. When I looked closely, it seemed to be a token made of fire and a piece of copper.

I didn't know whether it was left behind by the predecessors or my obsession was the fire that couldn't be ignited, so when I was going to test whether the fire can be used, it made a click, and it really ignited a star flame the moment it was opened.

It's too kind to give me a novice gift pack.

I took a picture of the surrounding area with a fire folder, but I couldn't see anything except the endless darkness, so I squatted down and looked at the copper token.

It’s okay not to look at it, but when I looked at it, it was like a thunder exploded above my head, and my whole body froze in place, because the token was engraved with a name I was all too familiar with.

"Yuan Moran, the supervisory censor of the procuratorate".

At this moment, I heard the sound of the water source behind me, and there were bursts of cries for help.

(End of this chapter)

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