Master is not married yet

Chapter 92 Pretending to be a ghost [Part [-]]

Chapter 92 Pretending to be a ghost [Part [-]]

"Chu Yinling?" I muttered.

The third brother trembled when he heard these three words, and then he said to us: "I'll go outside to have a look. Senior brother Bai, I will leave Tudou to your care, no matter what happens, don't let her come out."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and stepped over Xiao Shunzi, opened the door and went straight out.

I asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"The name just now is probably Chuchu's real name, Yin Ling, and it really is the name given to him by the Chu family. It's really fucking unlucky." The second senior brother sat on the side of the bed and looked at me, "There are very few people who know his real name. There are very few of them, and the people here must be the Chu family's confidantes."

"But the third senior brother has nothing to do with the Chu family, right? He has been living in Mingjingmen before, and I have never seen the Chu family come to him."

"There was an old man in the past, even though the Chu family had the power, they didn't dare to confront him directly. After all, apart from the title of King Xiang, the old man was also famously crazy. No normal person would want to get involved with a crazy person. "He said, "But now that the mirror door is gone, Chuchu can only rely on himself. I think his life is not going to be easy these days, just look at his mother's crazy appearance."

The second senior brother looked at the bowl of black things silently after finishing speaking, he didn't know what he was thinking, and then said: "Those people who tried to humiliate you just now, I saw that they could not live or die, so I gave them a sword to make them happy, but After all, I haven’t seen the present moment, if I had witnessed your humiliation with my own eyes, would I still be so rational?”

I patted the second senior brother on the shoulder and didn't say much. Regarding how to deal with this matter, the two of them have very different personalities. There is no right or wrong in the first place, but the third senior brother's current behavior is really not like his previous style.

"If only Robbie or the old man were here at this time," he sighed faintly.

"Second Senior Brother, do you know where Senior Senior Brother is?"

The second senior brother paused for a while, then shook his head, "I'm afraid even the old man doesn't know where his eldest disciple has gone. Since the Mingjingmen disappeared a few months ago, he has disappeared like a human being, leaving no trace behind." .I’ve also inquired about Luo Bi’s news with some of the guests. It stands to reason that an outlander with a chicken should be the most recognizable, but no one has seen him.”

I glanced at him, "Chicken?"

"Well, we can't understand what Robbie was thinking. Before he left, he didn't bring any weapons or clothes. He just took all the chickens in the chicken coop."

I began to imagine the picture of the elder brother followed by a flock of chickens.

"Oh, forget it, don't mention it." The second senior brother said, he looked out of the window, and after a while he said: "It's really quiet outside."

The sudden words of the second senior brother pulled me back from the picture of the senior brother dancing with the chicken. I listened carefully and found that it was really as he said, the whole house was extremely quiet.He fixed his eyes, stood up and said, "The situation doesn't seem right, Tudou, you stay here with the little eunuch, I'll go out and take a look."

I looked at Xiao Shunzi who was still lying on the ground, and found that he had been lying on the ground since he came in, so I asked the second senior brother, "This is Xiao Shunzi?"

"Probably because he drank too much. When he came to see me, he smelled of alcohol." The second senior brother turned Xiao Shunzi over before he left. As he said, Xiao Shunzi's face was ruddy and he was fast asleep, " I don't even know what his mother is doing."

He patted his face, Xiao Shunzi murmured twice, then his neck tilted, and he fell into a deeper sleep.

I saw Second Senior Brother help Xiao Shunzi to the wall, stand up and prepare to leave, so I called him, "Second Senior Brother."

"Huh?" He looked back at me.

"You and the third brother must be fine, I'll wait for you."

The second senior brother smiled at me, nodded slightly and left.

After he left, I tried to get out of bed, and saw that the bowl of black stuff brought by the third senior brother was still on the table, so I tried to walk over to see what the bowl of black stuff was, but the potion was more effective than I imagined. Be strong, I staggered after only two steps, and I leaned against the table to get my breath before I fell, which made the effect of the medicine fade a little.Then I sat on the crescent stool and took a look, and found that the bowl was actually glutinous rice balls, but because the heat was not controlled properly, the glutinous rice and sugar water were all mushy.

I held the bowl of glutinous rice balls, picked up the soup spoon, took a sip and put it into my mouth. A smell of burnt red beans rushed to the tip of my tongue in an instant, and it didn't go away for a long time. The brother probably thought that I was somewhat frightened, so he wanted to order some sweets to calm my mind.

Perhaps the third brother's personality has changed, but his gentle and meticulous nature is still there.

My heart warmed up, I squeezed my nose and drank the whole bowl of glutinous rice balls in one gulp before I felt any bitter taste, then I looked at Xiao Shunzi who was lying by the wall, slowly approached him and knelt down and asked, "Xiao Shunzi, Xiao Shunzi, can you hear me?"

"Hmm," Xiao Shunzi smacked twice, "No, Xiao Shunzi, don't want to be a monk."


"Hicc, I don't want to shave my head." He hiccupped and fell down completely.

I don't know what he dreamed about, seeing him frowning in pain to protect his hair, muttering to himself, probably having a nightmare, so I picked him up and put him on the bed I just lay on, and put him in his arms. The benzoin was placed a little closer.

After placing Xiao Shunzi in place, I sat back on the crescent stool and carefully inhaled Qi to detoxify, but when the medicine was almost gone, the second senior brother and the third senior brother still didn't come back. I had some ominous premonition in my heart, so I straightened up and wanted to go out to have a look After all, but remembering that the third senior brother told me not to go out no matter what happened before leaving, I sat back on the stool again.

Um?The third senior brother doesn't seem to know that I am no longer what I used to be. I am no longer that useless potato. I don't need to be protected by them everywhere, but I can still help.

I immediately got up again, this time I really made up my mind to go out to see how the outside situation is, but the moment I bumped into the door, I thought that the third senior brother and the second senior brother might have encountered some situation where they couldn't make a sound, so they were so quiet, If I opened the door directly, I might startle the snake, so I stepped back quietly, opened the window and jumped out.

Walking along the edge of the house to the outside of the wall of the main hall, I saw the third senior brother and the second senior brother through the window, but the two of them are different from the previous appearance, and now they have a cold face.Especially the third senior brother, I have never seen him look so cold, his collar is stained with blood, it looks a little eye-catching.

I took a closer look and realized that an eight-foot strong man with his back to me was holding the third senior brother's mother with a dagger.And sitting between these few people at the main seat was a man who looked about 25 or [-]. He was wearing a white brocade robe and looked extremely graceful, like a rich young master from a wealthy family.

The man looked down at the scratched hand, stretched out his hand, and threw the blood onto the third senior brother's mother's face. She was so frightened that she burst into tears and started to scream strangely, but the strong man covered her mouth with her hands. The dagger on the top was closer to her neck.

"You!" Seeing this, the third senior brother's expression became even more icy. When he was about to pull out the lancet, the second senior brother held his hand. The latter moved his lips, as if to say something to the third senior brother, but the man jokingly interrupt.

"That's right, Yin Ling, you'd better listen to your cheap senior brother and be quiet, otherwise the sword will not have eyes, and if you are not careful, you will really wipe your aunt's neck." He said with a sneer, "Speaking of this , Xiao Wuxia really picks up all kinds of rubbish, besides this cheap student, don’t you have another senior brother with unknown background and a senior sister who died of father.” He continued: “Oh, I almost forgot Now, the Mirror Sect is long gone, and your junior sister was also killed by Xiao Wuxia, am I right or wrong?"

The third senior brother gave the man a hard look, tightly clutching the lancet in his hand, his knuckles turned white.

"However, I still have to mention Xiao Wuxia. A few years ago, my aunt set fire to the mansion, killing so many of our family slaves, but he threatened my father not to pursue it with a single word. You didn't dare to touch him, and then he even took you back to the Mirror Gate and hid your aunt. I was surprised, he was named Xiao, how could he want to meddle in so many things about our Chu family." He said "It wasn't until I heard about you and my aunt recently that I realized, oh, so you two are monsters, or extremely precious mermaids. No wonder Xiao Wuxia wanted to hide and tuck you. It is rumored that the tears of a mermaid are worth a thousand dollars." It’s no wonder he cherishes the silk brocade.”

I hid in the corner and listened quietly to what he said. At first, I was shocked by the fact that the man knew that the third senior brother was a mermaid, but he seemed to have got incomplete information and misunderstood the identity of the third senior brother's mother.

"If you didn't save those rogues today and let me know from them that you and my aunt are living in seclusion here, I would have had to work hard to find you in this huge Yangzhou." Ling, I remember that you were not such a reckless person before."

"Don't call me that name." The third senior brother said coldly, "My mother and I have never been regarded as the Chu family, so naturally we don't need the name you gave me."

"How come!" the man exclaimed, "Didn't I already call you mother and aunt? Besides, what did that scumbag call you just now, didn't you be so cute? Not only did you take the life of your second brother, but you even gave him his surname." Use it!"

The third senior brother bit his lips tightly, and glanced fiercely at the man and the strong man. Although the second senior brother looked ugly, he still pressed his shoulders to prevent him from having a fit.

The man ignored the two of them, and continued: "But there is one thing that I find a little strange, the tears of my aunt did not condense into beads." He turned to look at the third senior brother, "Hey, Yin Ling, shed a tear to see. "

The third senior brother naturally didn't respond to him, but the man gave him a wink, and the strong man's dagger was even closer to his mother's neck. Although I couldn't see it, judging from the panicked and furious expression of the third senior brother, his mother It must have been injured.

"I'm not a mermaid, and neither is Auntie." He said word by word, "If you still want to get out of this house, tell him to let go of my Auntie."

The man glanced contemptuously at the lancet in the third senior brother's hand, with a look of disbelief: "I know you are fast, but do you really want to bet your mother?"

I saw that the situation inside was quite critical, so I started to use my brain, and suddenly saw a statue of a Bodhisattva standing behind the man, which was almost level with the roof, but the Bodhisattva only had the upper body, and the lower body was still a complete log. It should be a fake made by the third brother , I glanced at the candles inside again, and suddenly I had a plan. Although it is not very reliable, I can only try it.

I lowered my body and walked around to the back. Fortunately, the back door was unlocked, so I picked up some stones and slipped into the main hall from the kitchen. I saw that they were still confronting each other, and the third brother's mother's neck was wiped out as I expected. With a trace of blood, the whole body trembled with fright, broke free from the shackles of the strong man, and began to utter three indistinct syllables.

At this time, her eyes fell on me, her eyes lit up, her mouth stopped abruptly, and she suddenly shouted: "Yuan Yingying! Save Auntie!"

Everyone in the room froze, especially the second senior brother and the third senior brother. They stood in place as if struck by lightning, while the man turned his back to me, and slowly turned towards me following the eyes of the third senior brother and his mother.
(End of this chapter)

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