The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 114 Undead Canyon

Chapter 114 Undead Canyon
"You can get up now, familiarize yourself with your own strength." After waiting for a while, Devil May Cry pushed her body again.

Feeling that his body was full of strength again, Ye Sheng crawled up under the cold sweat that was not completely dry on his forehead.

As soon as he clenched his fist, Hei Yan suddenly appeared and wrapped the entire fist. Its terrifying temperature burned the surrounding space a little, but Ye Sheng didn't feel anything.

He swung his fist and hit Devil May Cry at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye. Devil May Cry quickly took a step back, stretching out his silver-blue magic power to build a shield in front of him.

Hitting the shield without dodging or avoiding, he felt that power was blocking him, while Hei Yan quickly burned and consumed the shield until a hole appeared in the shield, Hei Yan quickly wrapped his entire arm and penetrated the shield, But it also slowed her down.

Then Ye Sheng withdrew Hei Yan with a thought, and Devil May Cry also removed the pierced shield.

"It's so strong." With this power, let alone attacking, just a little black flame can directly burn the previous self to ashes, and can also push her to the ground in the previous life and beat her.

Fortunately, her strength in her previous life was not too weak, and she was able to adapt to such strength.

Devil May Cry flipped his hand and took out a long sword and threw it to Ye Sheng.

He raised his hand to take the long sword and checked it. He couldn't see the attributes. It was not as good as Mo Bian, but it wasn't too bad, at least it was an epic weapon.

Hei Yan gushed out from the palm of his hand and wrapped the entire long sword, and while turning his wrist, he drew a sword flower in the air.

Looking at a lot of skills in the skill list, Ye Sheng raised his footsteps, drawing a Z-shaped trace with the afterimage of Hei Yan, but it appeared a few steps away in an instant.

"Okay, let's go." While looking at various skill descriptions, he said to Devil May Cry.

Devil May Cry's expression was also a little surprised: "You adapt very quickly."

Ye Sheng curled her lips. Without the foundation of her previous life, she would not have reached this level of adaptation.

Forcibly breaking into the battle zone, a place she didn't dare to go in her previous life, although her strength has greatly improved now, Ye Sheng is still a little bit uncertain.

"Are you sure you want to break into the battle zone?" She couldn't help asking.

"There is no way, we can only break through. I have already contacted, and there will be demons to respond." Devil May Cry is also very helpless, and he does not want to break into the battle zone. Garrison. There has been no friction between humans and demons in recent years, and the defense in the battle zone is not very strict."

"I hope." She still knew how much the human race wanted to get rid of the demon race, and the defense could not be relaxed.

It's just that if you don't take advantage of this wave to go to the Demon Race, it will be more difficult to go in the future, and now at least there is the peerless leader of Devil May Cry.

"Let's go, your possession won't last long." Devil May Cry urged her to speed up.

Ye Sheng felt a little regretful, if only she could last for two more days, she would go to the high-level strange area and go frantically.

But if you want to pass through the Canyon of the Undead, you should also be able to brush monsters. It depends on whether you can get some good things. It is a place called a forbidden place, and she has never been to it in her previous life.

Carrying the long sword on his back, Ye Sheng followed Devil May Cry.

The Undead Canyon is at the northernmost point of the Jingyun Empire, at the junction of the three empires of Jingyun, Jiye, and Cambrian. They want to straddle the Jingyun Empire.

After being possessed, his body became much stronger. After a long distance teleportation, Ye Sheng lightly stated that he didn't feel any discomfort.

It is precisely because the Undead Canyon is located at the junction, the three-way zone, and a forbidden area, it has become a barren and inhabited place, and there are no human races stationed on the periphery.

The two easily entered the Canyon of the Undead.

The canyon was filled with gray mist mixed with ash, which should probably be called haze.Because it is close to the extreme northern ice sheet, the temperature here is extremely extreme, and there is still snow covering the ankles.

It is said that the Canyon of the Undead is full of bones, probably because of the snow, and she didn't see anything when she first came in.

Following Devil May Cry and continuing to go deep, it didn't take long for a huge skeleton to appear in front of them, blocking their way forward, it seemed to be a rhinoceros, and every fallen skeleton was a rhinoceros that was two stories high.

Devil May Cry stopped, and his palms turned into demons.

Seeing this, Ye Sheng immediately drew out his long sword, ready to fight, but the enemy is this skeleton in front of him?

Just thinking about it, the skeleton vibrated, shook off the snow on it, straightened its limbs and stood up, and two gray lights glowed in the hollow head.

Ye Sheng looked up at the skeleton, and it grew even taller. Is this the monster from the Canyon of the Undead?

Looking at the information, Guangyan Zhuoxi (undead skeleton) is still a level 98 elite monster, and this is the first monster he encounters, and it is actually an elite monster.

Guangyan Zhuoxi originally seemed to be a volcanic boss monster at level 80. He had harmed many teams at the beginning, and became a skeleton in the canyon of the undead, but rose to level 98.

It must be even more difficult to deal with. I don't know how her current attributes deal with this thing.

In other words, for a level 98 elite monster, the killing experience seems to be a million dollars. Thinking of this, Ye Sheng almost laughed. Lin Jianxiao will be desperate when he sees her level.

However, the top-level inheritance has not yet been completed, so I don't know how many attribute points the upgrade will get. If it is still 15 points, it will be a bit of a loss.

Forget it, play one and see how many attribute points are upgraded. If there are few, then don't grab the last blow and let the devil cry.

Devil May Cry rushed up first, followed by Ye Sheng, the long sword was covered with black flames, and a black sword light was thrown out directly, chopping on the turbid rhinoceros' leg bone, cutting off half of its leg bone.

Devil May Cry is one of the top ten masterpieces, and his strength is even more astonishing. He directly chopped off a leg bone with a dagger.

Guangyan Zhuoxi just stood up, but because of the injury to his forelimb, he couldn't support himself and fell to the ground.

She tilted her head with some regret, but it didn't show any damage. She was also curious about how much damage was caused in this state.

However, Guangyan Zhuoxi's blood bar has dropped. She can at least know how much blood can be knocked out by her attack.

Her damage was far worse than Devil May Cry, almost one-tenth of his, but the black flame was very corrosive and had continuous damage.

The outstanding point of this bloodline is probably the speed, which is not much slower than Devil May Cry. She will probably run behind Devil May Cry when she enters the battle zone.

Under the super high output of Devil May Cry, it didn't take long for Guangyan Zhuoxi to lose blood. Ye Sheng glanced at the dagger in his hand, that dagger seemed to be stronger than Mo Che.

That's right, otherwise, why would Devil May Cry be willing to leave Mo Che to the Assassin's Temple, but Mo Che is already a ghost-quality dagger... Could it be that the dagger in his hand is a legendary artifact of immortality?

This is a bit ruthless, she played that part in her previous life, and she only heard that Lin Jianxiao and the three peers from several empires seemed to have a magical weapon in their hands.

However, the Demon Race must also have a divine weapon. If Devil May Cry has one, his status in the Demon Race is not low.Such a demon has become one of the top ten peerless... I still feel pain for human beings.

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(End of this chapter)

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