The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 122 Divine Movement Leopard Lion Beast

Chapter 122 Divine Movement Leopard Lion Beast

Fortunately, Ye Sheng was used to being alone, and she was a person who could endure loneliness. Even though she was always thinking wildly in this situation, she lived relatively peacefully for an unknown period of time.

Until I felt that my feet stepped on a flat ground, my senses gradually returned, and there was a light in front of my eyes.

"Hello?" He subconsciously greeted himself, and finally heard his own voice.

It is still a boundless gray space, and the next portal is just around the corner.

The system message is also flashed out.

System: Pass the second stage of the Demon Trial, and get rewarded with 50 free attribute points and 5 experience points.

System: The bloodline of the demon race is perfected, and the bloodline attribute points are obtained +5 for strength, +5 for intelligence, +10 for agility, +10 for endurance, and +5 for spirit.

System: Pass the third stage of the Demon Trial, and get rewarded with 50 free attribute points and 5 experience points.

System: The bloodline of the demon race is perfected, and the bloodline attribute points are obtained +10 for strength, +10 for intelligence, +5 for agility, +5 for endurance, and +10 for spirit.

The bloodline attribute points obtained have slightly changed, but in general it is still the same bonus, but there are a few more points.


Congratulations, the player has been promoted to level 17 and has obtained 25 free attribute points.

Players are born assassins and get 2 additional free attribute points.

Players who are the main character will get an additional 5 free attribute points.

Bloodline grows, upgrade to get bloodline attribute points, intelligence +5, spirit +5.

The number of own attribute points obtained by upgrading has increased again, which is already an added point for inheritance disciples. It seems that the next step is top-level inheritance, waiting for her to go out for trials.

The additional acquisition of the mainline characters made her stunned, and she turned to think of her immortal mission, probably because of this mission. It turns out that there are mainline missions in the battle world.

She is now the main character of the Demon Race. Although the mission is not specified, it is clear from the name. What she has to do is to lead the Demon Race to the road of revival and return to the mainland that originally belonged to the Demon Race, instead of shrinking in the extreme north. ice sheet.

The main line of the entire battle world is probably the dispute between humans and demons.

Her current attribute points are already an insurmountable mountain at the same level.

Not in a hurry to enter the fourth level, Ye Sheng went offline and exited the game room to rest for a while. The feeling just now was too suffocating, and he needed to calm himself down.

But this exhaustion is nothing, probably someone who died once, she feels that she is still calm, but her thoughts are a little distracted.

It was dark in the game room, it was afternoon in Zhanjie, but it was late night in reality.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and poured a glass of ice water down my throat, feeling a little depressed.

She has never been a entangled person, but it is hard not to be entangled with the main character of the human race.It suddenly occurred to him that he should not be the main character now, otherwise the gap with her would not be that big.

Do you want to cheat, cancel him in advance, or directly kill him and delete his account, if this is the case, the entire guild will be at odds with her.But the main characters of the human race should be changed because of this.

From then on, they really won't have any intersection.If he cut off his chance to accept the main task, it would be considered as saving his life, after all, he still has a lot of advantages in being reborn.

Go back to the room and enter the game room, go online, and then the real battle will begin. How much improvement the first three levels have brought to yourself, let's make good use of it in the next trial.

Entering the portal, this time it is no longer the dark space, but stepped on the soft ground.

There is a dull yellow in the eyes, and there is a desert Gobi in front of you. On the low cliff not far away, there grows a tenacious crooked neck tree. The two green leaves on the branch are probably the only embellishment in this desert.

There are still a few pieces of dead grass. The season of this space is probably autumn and winter, and it looks extraordinarily bleak. After walking a few steps, the ground under my feet has turned into a hard stone.

At the fourth level, there was a serious opponent. Although the opponent was uncertain, she didn't see anything at a glance.

Holding two extremely ordinary daggers in his hands, Ye Sheng cautiously shuttled among various jagged boulders, and finally saw... well, that... a lion on a cliff not far away?

The distance is still a bit far away, and no specific information can be seen, so Ye Sheng can only go further.

Standing under the cliff, I can barely see the information.

Magic Leopard Lion Beast, level? ? ? , leader level, blood volume 600000.

The boss-level ones still have 60 HP. I don't know the specific attributes, but it feels like it's definitely not easy to deal with.

And, the point is... She walked around the cliff, and there was no way up!
As for climbing up, she doesn't want to think about it, she should try to see if she can be lured down.

I didn't have a hidden weapon in my hand, so I couldn't bring it in, so I had to find a few pieces of gravel on the spot, looked up to see the height, and felt that it was a bit high.

Tentatively, I threw two stones up, but they were almost too far away, and I couldn't even throw them up the cliff.

The free attribute points obtained before were still useless, so he directly added 50 points to his strength, but now he successfully threw the gravel onto the cliff.

But... nothing happened.

"..." Going back to pick up another piece of gravel, throwing a few more pieces, you can always hit one, and the position of the god-walking leopard and lion is still quite close to the edge.

A few pieces of gravel were thrown up one after another, but there was still silence.

When Ye Sheng couldn't help thinking about whether to climb up to have a look, he saw a few pieces of gravel flying out of the cliff and falling behind her.

She retreated quickly in stealth, at this time her skills were ready to be used, a yellow figure with stripes appeared outside the cliff, leaping high in mid-air.

Call up the attribute panel and add 50 points to the agility, and the speed of the acrobatic leopard and lion is very fast.

In a blink of an eye, the leopard and lion landed on the ground, shaking up a cloud of dust.

Afterwards, Shenxing Leopard Lion Beast shook its head and looked around, as if it was puzzled because it didn't see anyone, obviously someone just threw a stone at it.

Ye Sheng approached cautiously, using silent steps to the wit she could use, every step was very slight.

Most of the ground is bare rock, and there are some sedimentary sand in some grooves. Try to avoid only stepping on the rocks to avoid leaving footprints.

The size of the Divine Walking Leopard and Lion is not very big, it is about twice the size of a real lion. It looks a bit strange, after all, it is a Leopard and Lion.

With the long-haired head that is the signature of a lion, but with a body like a leopard, it doesn't look very coordinated, but it makes good use of the agility of a leopard, and it is a monster with high agility.

Arriving at the side of the Leopard Lion, Ye Sheng moved more carefully and slowly, and finally approached and prepared to shoot.

However, the leopard lion was very keen to find her, even though she hadn't exited the stealth at this time.

A circle of yellow light waves spread from its body, Ye Sheng quickly turned to parry, but this was not an attack that could be parried.His body sank suddenly, as if he was stuck in mud, and his movements became difficult and slowed down.

It's actually a gravity field, and this kind of state-like attack really cannot be blocked by parrying.

(End of this chapter)

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