Chapter 124 Fiasco
The sound of gurgling water suddenly disappeared, and he couldn't even hear any sound. Ye Sheng was very calm. He had already expected this kind of situation, but it was good to lose his hearing.

The berserk attack had already begun to guide, and immediately disappeared in place and rushed towards Mi Yan.

However, so far she has not missed a wild attack, but was easily blocked by Mi Yan, and a gentle force blocked her, making it difficult for her to take a single step.

"Use your strongest attack." With a wave of his hand to withdraw his strength, Mi Yan took a step back.

Ye Sheng rushed up again, Mi Yan seemed defenseless, allowing her to rush in front of him and even attack him.

You're welcome, cutting your throat with one hand and stabbing your heart with the other.

However, the two daggers could not leave a trace on him, and then his eyes went dark, and the sound of the stream was heard again, but her vision was gone.

"..." This is still changing.It feels like the third trial is useless.

The dagger was pressed against Mi Yan's heart, and he quickly retreated with a push. There seemed to be wind in his ears. After carefully identifying the approximate location, he swung the dagger and slashed in that direction.

The dagger seemed to have scratched Mi Yan's palm, but it felt like it had scratched a solid rock.

With such an absolute gap in strength, she couldn't do any damage at all, but Mi Yan didn't seem to attack much.

Just as he was thinking, the sound of breaking wind sounded one after another in front of him. Although he couldn't see, he tried his best to identify the direction of the attack by relying on his sense of hearing and touch, and dodged sideways.

Mi Yan seemed to have drawn out a long sword at some point, Ye Sheng parried the attack, and there was a crisp sound of collision between the sharp blades.

There was no room for retaliation at all, and he was pressed and beaten by Mi Yan, but twice he felt that he was about to be attacked, and finally the attack was withdrawn.

There is a feeling of being drained...

But she really needs to practice attack dodging in this situation, eyesight has too much influence on her overall strength.

After passively defending for a long time, her vision finally recovered, but now she lost her sense of touch.

Losing her sense of touch was even more terrifying than losing her vision. She clearly saw that she was holding a dagger, but she couldn't feel it.

Every time she took a step, she had to rely on her eyes to find the exact position, and the same was true for swinging the dagger, which made her directly lose her ability to fight.

She has always thought that she is already very strong, and the attribute of being ahead of everyone makes her feel that she has no opponent among players.

But her opponent is not just a player. Today is the biggest setback she has encountered since her rebirth. Mi Yan can turn her into a useless waste with no combat capabilities, and all attributes and skills are nothing.

She was completely defeated in front of Mi Yan, and Mi Yan's victory did not rely on his leading level and strength, but only on that weird skill.

Reluctantly received a few attacks, Mi Yan stopped his hand after an embarrassing fall, even the dagger slipped out of his hand, and also dispelled the skill.

Ye Sheng, who had regained his sense of touch, picked up his dagger and got up, his expression somber: "I lost."

"It's normal, you can't beat me." Mi Yan said with a look of reason, "But you passed the test, I give you this ability, you can rely on this ability to train yourself, but you can't use it on others. Of course, you will be immune to similar skills other than mine in the future."

Mi Yan raised her hand and gathered a gray ball of light in the palm of her hand, which flew towards her eyebrows with a flick of her fingertips. Ye Sheng didn't even have time to react, the ball of light had already sunk into the center of her eyebrows, and she felt as if she had obtained something.

"...Thank you." That's it?Ye Sheng can be sure that Mi Yan is simply letting water go.

She still has to go to the ninth level to meet the mysterious person, and she can't just fail and quit here, so the kindness is naturally accepted.

With such an ability, she can be said to have made a lot of money. Even if she can't use it on others, she is very powerful as long as she is immune to similar abilities.

Maybe Mi hates such an existence, and I'm afraid there won't be another one in Zhanjie, but similar abilities that make people lose their senses should exist.

"See you by fate." There was a crack behind Mi Yan, and Ye Sheng could see the blue night-like scenery and stars inside, Mi Yan turned around and frowned at an angle she couldn't see, "Who is it? , It was a good fight."

Of course, Ye Sheng would not hear these words.

As Mi Yan stepped into the crack and disappeared into the space, leaving only Ye Sheng in the space, a white light door appeared at the place where Mi Yan was originally standing.

System: Pass the fifth level of the Demon Trial, and get rewarded with 50 free attribute points and 5 experience points.

System: The bloodline of the demon race is perfected, and the bloodline attribute points are obtained +5 for strength, +10 for intelligence, +5 for agility, +5 for endurance, and +10 for spirit.

The sixth layer is said to be a strong man she knows... She seems to know a lot of strong men, I don't know who it is.

Of course, this is counted in the previous life. In this life, there are only a few who can be called strong, but the strength should be lowered, otherwise she will only have to be hanged.

Regardless of the Devil May Cry Talisman or the Demon Emperor, even that miser Ping Yuankai is very strong, so he won't run into them.

But she was not in a hurry to go to the next level, but found the ability that Mi Yan gave her, but she didn't see it in the skill column.

Looking at the skill bar, Ye Sheng was a little puzzled, if not here, where is this ability and how to use it.

Just as he was thinking, a new skill gradually emerged. His eyes lit up and he checked quickly, and the skill was named after Mi Yan.

Miyan (limited): The innate ability of the ancient mythical beast Miyan, which can make the target lose its senses (can only be used on itself).Those with this ability are immune to all similar abilities except the source ability.

After closing the skill panel and opening it again, the skill was no longer visible... Ye Sheng was concentrating on the skill of Mi Yan, and then it slowly reappeared.

"..." It's a magical setting, how to use this skill, there is no response at all when clicking.

Do you also need to use your mind?Thinking about losing your hearing?
Well, I lost my hearing!

After saying a word silently in his heart, Ye Sheng really couldn't hear anything.

Remove skills.

The sound of running water was heard again. can use this skill to train yourself well, especially the three points of vision, hearing and touch, which are particularly important.

After testing the skills, Ye Sheng approached the portal and went to the sixth trial.

Passing the fifth level is really a bit vain, and you still have to give full play to your own strength next.

Keep in mind that there are people who are beyond people, and there are people who are beyond the sky. She is not strong enough now, and some people can easily defeat herself.She was just standing out among the players.

Ye Sheng was very familiar with the scene of the sixth level, it was Shanning Village, but it was empty, so the opponent this time was also very clear, it was Devil May Cry.

(End of this chapter)

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