The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 126 Mirror Image

Chapter 126 Mirror Image (Add more updates for Qingge!)
"Crack!" The mirror beside him suddenly broke, interrupting Ye Sheng's thoughts.

With this start, all the surrounding mirrors cracked into pieces in an instant, and gradually turned into powder, gathering together not far in front of her, forming another self.

But it looked a little strange, giving her a sense of aloofness. It was clearly her own face, but it was a little strange.

Although she was usually a little indifferent, she didn't have this attitude.

Thinking that it was an opponent who was exactly the same and even copied his skills, Ye Sheng rushed up first, not giving her a chance to attack violently.

But as soon as you fight, you can feel it immediately, the attributes are exactly the same, even the speed of the play is almost the same, but no one can do anything to each other when the sharp blade collides.

She also fully understands the reason why Devil May Cry must put the inheritance after the Demon Trial, otherwise the eighth level will die miserably.

Her skills basically increase damage, but not increase overall strength.Unlike the various skills of Devil May Cry, they have both near and far, and there are instant displacement skills.

The mad attack skill needs to be channeled, which is its major weakness, and she is capable of interrupting the channel because she is familiar with the skill.

Of course, the focus now is how to defeat the opponent in front of her who is exactly the same as her, that is, to defeat herself.

The so-called surpassing oneself has never been an easy task, not to mention that this is not reality but in the extremely limited War World game, what she wants to challenge is to break the framework of the game.

Ye Sheng has a headache, how can she solve this.And this is a trial, she will feel tired from fighting, and she guesses that the other self will probably not be tired, otherwise the difficulty will be low.

However, if the attributes are the same, the blood volume is naturally the same. If it can be exchanged for injuries, it should be possible to cause more output, but this requires very accurate calculations, and the damage itself is fluctuating.

She didn't expect to be exhausted to the limit. The limit doesn't mean that breakthroughs can be broken through. Maybe she just falls there, and she will only choose a safer way.

In the end, she made a decision, using the method she used to deal with Devil May Cry before, using her own injuries to limit the opponent, as long as she can cause a critical attack with a high enough degree of completion, she will not lose.

When the opponent tried to stab his waist and abdomen, Ye Sheng turned around slightly, leaving the part that suffered the least damage, and let the dagger go in.

Another attack struck immediately, he raised his left hand to grab its wrist but was dodged, Ye Sheng thrust his palm across the dagger and went up to meet it.

While she is restricted by the battle world, her opponent is also restricted by its original settings. If it can hurt her, the opponent will not choose to retreat.

Enduring the pain, he grabbed its hand and dagger, seeing it trying to withdraw the dagger in her waist, Ye Sheng also stepped forward to prevent it from succeeding.

Holding the dagger in his right hand, he stabbed it fiercely into its right shoulder. Taking advantage of the temporary weakness of his injured arm, he dragged down his hand holding it, and stabbed the bloody sharp blade through the back of his hand into the other hand. in the wrist.

It restrained its hands, and Ye Sheng still had one free hand, now it was time to output wildly.

Her blood flowed down her waist and abdomen, but her opponent was also covered in blood at this time.

When it broke free in the end, the blood volume of the two people was low, which was probably the difference between one being able to withstand two attacks and the other being only able to withstand one attack.

When Ye Sheng was pushed away, she staggered a step, then stabilized her body and rushed forward even more desperately. She crippled one hand but also took the opportunity to attack the opponent's joints. At this time, she could feel obvious stagnation when swinging the dagger.

She can handle it with one hand.

Finding a gap and killing the replica with one blow, Ye Sheng looked at the bloodstains all over his body, the wound was still bleeding.

The replica on the opposite side gradually turned into ashes from head to toe. She knew she should sit down and rest, but she couldn't move looking at the ashes.

The ashes formed a thread and circled around her body, the bleeding wound gradually healed, and finally all the ashes merged into the spirit ring in her hand.

Looking at the spirit ring with some ecstasy, there seemed to be a figure reflected on the inlaid gemstone, cold and aloof and high above, looking at her eyebrows and eyes three points like her, there was an inexplicable familiarity.

System: Pass the seventh level of the Demon Trial, and get rewarded with 50 free attribute points and 5 experience points.

System: The bloodline of the demon race is perfected, and the bloodline attribute points are obtained +10 for strength, +10 for intelligence, +5 for agility, +5 for endurance, and +5 for spirit.

The soles of her feet lit up, and she upgraded again.


Congratulations, the player has been promoted to level 18 and has obtained 25 free attribute points.

Players are born assassins and get 2 additional free attribute points.

Players who are the main character will get an additional 5 free attribute points.

Bloodline grows, upgrade to get bloodline attribute points, strength +5, intelligence +5.

It took only two days to enter the Demon Trial, and she had already advanced two levels, and one level in the Canyon of the Undead, and now Lin Jianxiao's level is estimated to be 16 at most.She's definitely ahead of her time.

In a blink of an eye, it will be the eighth level. Ye Sheng has no way to get through the eighth level at this time. The method just now depends on a certain chance. She doesn't think she can use it for the second time.

Even if it's an injury for an injury, it's not worthwhile if the opponent has skills but you don't have skills. Obviously, the opponent can cause more damage.

Looking at the time, it was evening in real time, so Ye Sheng decided to go offline to have something to eat, and take a break by the way.Although she would not lose her satiety during the trial, she still felt a little hungry.

After exiting the game room, Ye Sheng found Mu Yan and Ye Ming were there when Ye Sheng went out. It seemed that he had just finished dinner.

"Come out? How's it going?" Mu Yan turned his head and poured her a glass of water. Seeing that she looked fine, there was nothing to worry about.

"There are about one or two more trials, the most difficult part." Rubbing his head in distress, he took the water from Mu Yan, sat down on the edge of the table, and gave the nanny a look.

The nanny went back to the kitchen and continued cooking.

"Your trial is complicated enough." Ye Ming just finished answering a phone call, "But the level has risen very fast, it's already level 18, and the players are about to blow up."

"It's not that time yet." Ye Sheng said suddenly, her eyes were a little dangerous, when she got into trouble with the demon clan, it was time to seek revenge from the two guilds in her previous life, in the name of blood sacrifice to her sharpness, then it would be When public opinion explodes.

Mu Yan blinked: "What are you going to do?" This is the rhythm of big movements.

"When the time comes, you will know that the name of the guild will be revealed." After the food was served, Ye Sheng began to bury his head in eating, basically finishing a plate of food in two mouthfuls, and then waited with the dinner.

Mu Yan looked at her like that, and silently went into the kitchen to help with the cooking.

Why does Ye Sheng have such a big appetite? Could it have something to do with Zhanjie? Because of his strength, he needs to consume more energy?

 Thanks to Chengzi, Liying Taoyao, and Fireworks Yishi for their rewards, and thanks to M and Late Autumn’s Green Leaf for their monthly tickets. Thank you for your support!
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(End of this chapter)

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