The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 134 Against the Sky 0 Realm

Chapter 134 Against the Sky Zero Realm
I stuffed a pill into my mouth first, and the taste of the pill was not very good. After all, this kind of thing is not a jelly bean, so I can't expect it to taste good.

The boost effect of the medicine will not be displayed in the system message, and Ye Sheng has been staring at his attribute panel, curious about the effect of the potion made by Shensi.

In her previous life, she only knew about the profession of alchemist, who could switch to alchemy, but she didn't know that there was such a profession as potion master, but it was probably exclusive to the demons.

With the qualifications of the god priest, it is definitely above the master level, and the effect of this potion should be good.

Just thinking about it, I felt a burst of clarity in my mind. On the attribute panel, the intelligence attribute directly increased by 20 points...

Ye Sheng's eyes widened slightly, the effect was unexpected, she originally thought that 10 o'clock was too much, and she felt a little bit reluctant to let Mu Yan even it out.

You can't take more medicines that increase attributes at once, otherwise the Jade Lin King Snake wouldn't have left her so many fruits, and put away the bottle after digesting one.

I poured out another bottle of dark green pills and counted them. There are 18 pills. As usual, let's try the effect first. I feel that it is worth looking forward to.

Take a pill and it tastes even weirder...salty...

The experience directly went up to [-], Ye Sheng chuckled lightly, fortunately, this Shenshui Wangzao was not in a hurry to use it, this time it was a big profit.

Originally, the effect of submerged king algae was far inferior to that of Longteng flower stamen, but it was different in Shensi's hands.

These pills are enough to raise her level to level 19, so I won't give Mu Yu any more. Anyway, the attributes are the most practical, so I've already given her four pills.

Ye Sheng didn't have any worries about the experience-enhancing medicines. Ye Sheng ate them one by one, but after eating, he asked the waiter in the hotel to ask for two large pots of water. It was too salty...


Congratulations, the player has been promoted to level 19 and has obtained 30 free attribute points.

Players are born assassins and get 2 additional free attribute points.

Players who are the main character will get an additional 5 free attribute points.

Bloodline grows, upgrade to get bloodline attribute points, intelligence +10, spirit +10.

She is now a top-level inheritance, and with the perfect bloodline, the attributes of the upgrade are terrifying. This is the advantage of the bloodline of the demons.

I don't know how Lin Jianxiao felt when he saw that he was promoted to level 19 in a blink of an eye. He glanced at the leaderboard and found that he was only level 16.

Upgrading to level 20 requires more than 40 experience points. Without the previous channel to obtain a large amount of experience, it will take several days to go up.

It's getting late now, and her character will never go offline now, so she can't go offline like she did during the trial on the Human Race Continent, so she got up and went to the Alchemy Association.

Although life and occupation are not important to her, it's just that there are several hours at night anyway, and she has rested during the day, so she should find something to do.

The next day, Ye Sheng returned to the hotel in the middle of the night and rested for two hours before going out early in the morning.

Go to the teleportation hall and teleport to Yichuan City. Among them, the Heaven-defying Zero Realm Guild who hates her even more is in Yichuan City, as well as Flying Flowers Like Dreams and Dusheng Zanzu.

Banzhuan is now playing Zhanjie full-time, and has been waiting in the teleportation hall of Yichuan City for a long time.

But even though he was staring at the teleportation array, he still couldn't find where Ye Sheng was. He didn't recognize Ye Sheng until he walked up to him.

His face was a little surprised, and he felt that after she disappeared these days, the whole person's temperament seemed to have changed, but he couldn't tell what the change was.

After thinking about it for a while, she was cold and even gloomy before, but now, she seems to have changed.

Although it still looks like strangers should not enter, the deterrence of standing together is still there. After all, she is really too strong, but his pressure is not so great.

"What?" Seeing that there was no response to the brick, Ye Sheng asked as if he didn't recognize him.

"Ah, Sheng... No, the boss is here." Ban Zhuan greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Go out first." Ye Sheng walked away directly, and Ban Zhuan hurriedly followed.

The two found a restaurant. At this time, it was still early and there were not many people there. They found a corner and ordered breakfast.

"Two days ago, there was some friction between the sky-defying zero world and Dusheng Zhanzui. I led people to do some things in it, and now it is completely hostile. The two parties have made an appointment in the morning. But most of them should not have Go online." Banzhuan held a bowl of soy milk and began to report.

Ye Sheng raised his eyebrows. This troublemaker didn't tell himself before: "You did a good job, but report to me first if you want to do anything in the future."

"Yes, I didn't want to show off." Ban Zhuan rubbed his head and smiled embarrassedly. Ye Sheng said he was going to move the Heaven-defying Zero Realm, and just in time for them to kill themselves, he couldn't help but play in the middle For a moment, "But how did the boss attack Zero Realm?"

He took out the abyss blade that he had knocked out and handed it to Banzhuan. Seeing that his eyes were bright and he was holding the dagger excitedly, Ye Sheng answered him with two words: "I have grudges."

Then he clicked on the trading page and gave a series of high-level materials to Banzhuo: "You can sell these, and you can just sell them directly to the corresponding life occupation association. No player can afford them."

"Wow!" Looking at the materials traded, Ban Zhuan couldn't help exclaiming, "Boss, where did you get so many high-grade materials? I've never heard of it."

"Remember to go to a few more cities to ask, don't be tricked."

Ban Brick nodded again and again.

Ye Sheng continued: "Next, I'm going to prepare to establish a guild, but if you establish a small guild on your own, I will fully support the funds. By the way, I will bring some trustworthy people together and let you manage it. This guild has nothing to do with each other, at most there are some transactions, understand?"

"Thank you boss! I understand!" Banzhuan was very happy. After wandering around alone for so long, he finally had an organization. What he didn't expect was that Ye Sheng directly supported him in creating a guild, and even involved real management. generally.

With a quick mind, he reacted quickly, "The boss's matter of finding the zero world is also to gain fame, right? But what is the strength of the boss now? Look at your super fast level up!"

The Heaven-defying Zero Realm is not like the incompetent Kuanglong family that can be bullied freely, otherwise Banzhuan would not privately provoke and upgrade the conflict between the Sky-defying Zero Realm and the life-saving and killing crimes. He knows that the boss and the vice-chairman Fei Hua Like a dream some friendship.

"Basic attack power is 200." Ye Sheng only reported her own attack power, which was actually a bit short of [-], but she still has more than [-] free attribute points, which can be replenished at any time.

"My God!" Ban Zhuan exclaimed, silently taking a look at his attack power, if it wasn't for the equipment provided by Ye Sheng, his current attributes would still be pitiful.

Although he has worked hard to improve his strength, after all, the focus is still on connections and intelligence.

As for Ye Sheng, not only relying on his own attributes, but also relying on skills if he wants to fight against the crowd.

Although the inheritance of Devil May Cry is not complete, it has brought her six skills, four of which are rare skills, the rest is a bone-eviscending skill that can be obtained by changing jobs at level 20, and the other is a demon clan skill. The hidden weapon technique that appeared in the trial is the whirling whip.

And the invisibility has been strengthened, that is, like the shadow assassin after the job change, the next attack after invisibility must be a critical strike, and it is not limited to invisibility skills.

As a top-level inheritance, the two major transfer directions must have their own interests, but now there are only shadows, and the professional characteristics of blood killing have not yet been revealed.

 Thank you for the reward of 2500 from Belief in Cat Seven, thank you for the monthly ticket package in Belief in Cat Seven, thank you for the reward of breaking the halberd and sinking into the sand 0 time is not old, thank you for the perishable red envelope of fireworks, thank you for your monthly ticket recommendation tickets, thank you for your support

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(End of this chapter)

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