The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 137 One enemy, one enemy

Chapter 137 One against a hundred, one against a thousand

When he dodged behind Gu Chu'er, he didn't even need to make another basic attack.
The bold red injury of 7587 appeared above Gu Chuer's head.

Between the mad attack and the first attack, Ye Sheng was in an invisible state, so the first attack was guaranteed to be a critical strike.

The damage of the mad attack is actually not high. If it is not a critical strike, it is only in the early 32s. But at this time, the rarity attributes on the treasures and weapons are a bit extraordinary. The 16% critical strike damage bonus and [-]% ignore defense have greatly increased her output.

And Gu Chu'er is just a crispy little mage, how can that little blood volume stand up to her high output, Ye Sheng also used the CD that had been cooled down quite unceremoniously.

Gu Chu'er only felt a sharp pain in her brain being torn apart, with a very painful look on her face, she subconsciously forced her to exit the game room offline.

The severe pain still left her with lingering fears. What happened just now? Is there something wrong with the pain sensing system?And whenever they provoke that perverted edge, he would come to kill them all by himself.

It's just looking for death, when they think that the Zhaixing Pavilion is a low-level soft persimmon like the Kuanglong family!
After recovering, Gu Chu'er quickly went online, but found helplessly that after her character was automatically resurrected in the resurrection hall of Yichuan City, she entered a coma state and could not operate anything.

There are two kinds of coma states, one is controlled coma, just can't move, but actually some functions of Zhanjie game can be used, such as voice and so on.

But in the case of this kind of character who is completely comatose, there is darkness in front of his eyes when he goes online, and he cannot take any action before waking up.

Anxiously, she clicked to call various panels of the battle world system, but in fact she couldn't do any actions. She didn't expect Feng Mang to have such a weird method, so she couldn't help being a little panicked.

Although she felt that two guilds should have no problem dealing with Feng Mang alone, she was still uneasy in her heart. If she really suffered a disadvantage under Feng Mang's hands, then this person would lose a lot.

It's okay to lose to Du Sheng, who is a first-class guild after all, and although Feng Mang is called the number one player, he is still alone, and she hasn't even seen that wise man named Mu Yan.

I hurriedly exited the game room again, but most of the people were in the game at this time and couldn't be contacted. I only contacted a few who were not online, but they couldn't get in for a while.

Throwing the phone on the bed, Gu Chu'er paced back and forth in the room, unable to let go of her mind.

But this time, in the battle world, people from the Zhaixing Pavilion have already died a lot.

After Ye Sheng killed Gu Chu'er in a blink of an eye, he rushed into the crowd with three violent attacks. After triggering a critical strike and killing one in seconds, the other two were also half-blooded.

The Ghost Nirvana was activated directly on the spot, and the Ghost Li's cold air was thrown by the blade, killing all living beings, and few people within 10 meters were able to stand.

The members of the Zhaixing Pavilion who were 10 meters away were also stunned. The power of this group of attackers was too terrifying. In an instant, a large group of people evaporated, and the crimson kill character on Ye Sheng's head was also shocking.

However, Zhaixing Pavilion is a second-rate guild after all, not as scattered as the Kuanglong family, and immediately organized a counterattack.

Seeing a few soldiers surrounding them with their shields raised, and various long-range attacks coming from the gap, Ye Sheng's figure flashed, leaving a series of afterimages, and the ghost flashed into the crowd again.

The players around dispersed one after another, for fear that she would make another horrible attack just now.

However, the cooldown of Ghost Nirvana is a full 3 minutes. Although she has the cooldown reduction attribute, it only reduces the cooldown by 10 seconds, and it is impossible to use it again in the short term.

Catch a swordsman, hang the seal of assassination, and kill him instantly with one move. The blood lost by some long-range damage immediately returned.

Now her lifesteal is also 10%, and the amount of blood returned by the high damage is very impressive. In addition to the amount of blood restored by the seal of assassination, she is not afraid of being besieged at all. With the damage of those players, she can't beat her in seconds.

Another soldier rushed up, trying to block and control her, but with Ye Sheng's current speed, he could easily dodge directly and go around behind her, which was not covered by a shield.

Putting on the mark of assassination, a backstab hit more than 7000 output, even the fighters with the main stamina can only fall down with hatred.

Turning around, he slit the throat of an assassin who rushed forward and wanted to sneak attack, causing nearly [-] damage, which made the people in Zhaxing Pavilion doubt their lives.

We are all players who have only been in the battle world for more than a month. How can the gap be so big? Even if one skill hits Ye Sheng, it is only a few hundred output. Recover blood!

Completely massacring like no man's land, although the Zhaixing Pavilion brought hundreds of members, none of them could survive two moves under her hands.

Ye Sheng didn't even have a chance to use the skill Eviscerate. Eviscerate is usually used in conjunction with backstab, but... a backstab is basically an instant kill, and the cooldown will be cleared after the instant kill, so there is no room for Eviscerate.

With his backhand, he grabbed a handful of boomerangs from behind and threw them forward, forming a long whip that passed over the people in front of him, and the boomerang pierced them, causing considerable damage.

A few crispy skins were instantly killed, and two residual blood survived. Before they retreated and tried to drink the blood recovery potion, the bleeding buff directly emptied the remaining little blood volume.

Hearing about the situation here, Zero Realm led people to run wildly in the canyon. As the president, Killing God Qian Feng frowned when he heard the panicked cry for help in his voice.

How on earth did the Zhaixing Pavilion provoke the edge?However, he couldn't get in touch with Gu Chu'er at all, and she unexpectedly went offline at this time for no reason.

The kill character above Ye Sheng's head gradually turned dark red, and a few players with low loyalty at the edge of Zhaixing Pavilion had already started to flee.

She can see how sharp and terrifying her combat power is, no one can restrict her, and she will die sooner or later if she doesn't run away, they don't want to experience death and relegation, at worst, they just quit the guild and look for it.

During the killing, the cooldown time of nearly 3 minutes had expired in the blink of an eye, and Ghost Flash rushed into the crowd with a series of afterimages, another move of Ghost Nirvana that made people despair.

A bunch of people standing around were cleared away, leaving only broken corpses on the ground.

In the beginning, death in the battle world would leave players with a whole body, and there was not even much blood to be seen, but now it has gradually changed.

The beheaded corpses made people's scalp tingle, and even a tall man was cut off from the chest.

However, there is still some harmony at this time, the port is just a piece of blood-red flesh, without showing the internal organs, and there will be no disgusting picture of internal organs dripping all over the floor.

The splashed blood splashed onto Ye Sheng's body, which was why she always liked to wear black clothes. The blood stains didn't look very obvious, but a little dark.

Even though there are still many members left in the Zhaixing Pavilion, everyone has the intention to retire, and the sharpness is really terrifying.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Heaven-Defying Zero Realm was about to arrive, it is estimated that more members would have fled directly.

Not long after, a large group of people rushed over, and the killing god Qianfeng rushed forward with two swords in hand: "Fengmang, how did the Zhaixing Pavilion provoke you, or do you want to beheaded for saving lives alone? "

"You, and Gu Chu'er, provoked me." Ye Sheng kept moving while replying, and killed two more players in the blink of an eye.

A long arrow pierced through the wind, brushed across the back, and put the mark of assassination on a mage beside him, directly cut his throat and restored his blood volume.

 Thank you for the 2000 reward from Banye Shiguang, thank you to xiaozuyeye for your reward, thank you for your recommendation tickets, thank you for your support ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)

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(End of this chapter)

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