Chapter 139

The remaining managers of the two major guilds couldn't contact their respective guild leaders, and they were extremely flustered until some brothers who knew the situation went online and gave real-time feedback on the battle situation.

Killing God Qianfeng sat down on the ground leaning on the game cabin with her head in her arms, and gave the order to retreat with difficulty.

Thousands of people, against Feng Mang alone, they really lost!
Both he and Gu Chu'er were puzzled, where did they provoke the edge.

Isn't the edge always on the side of Fengjing City? No matter Yichuan City or Yizheng City, the distance is not close, and there is absolutely no possibility of conflict between them?
After Gu Chu'er gave the order to retreat, her chest heaved violently and she was furious. Finally, she couldn't hold back, and instead of throwing her phone on the bed, she threw it on the ground and fell apart.

How could the edge be so strong!

Zhaixing Pavilion lost so badly, where will she put her face from now on, she must not let it go!

Most of the people who had been killed or injured in the Zero Realm and Zhaixing Pavilion finally started to retreat. Seeing this scene, there was an uproar on the cliff.

With one against a thousand, Feng Mang really won.

Even the management of many other guilds who heard about this incident and came to watch, felt chills down their spines, and secretly made a decision in their hearts to warn the members of the guild not to provoke the edge.

If you really mess with her, you can stab your entire guild!
In the past, the Kuanglong family was not popular, but they were not so sharp at that time, and now they really can't be provoked, can't afford to be provoked!
The Heaven-defying Zero Realm and the Zhaixing Pavilion are all second-rate guilds. Although they only brought thousands of people, they can't represent the strength of the entire guild at all, but which guild can limit the edge now.

It's a very wise decision to withdraw directly, even if you call someone over again, so what, can someone stop you if you don't want to fight?It can only be more embarrassing.

What's more, with Feng Mang's godlike killing speed, it's too late for people to come over. Gather good people and send them all the way to rush over. It is estimated that people will die long ago.

World Channel
Holy Tiger Demon Marshal: I am the number one player in Daqingxuan. I fought against two guilds by myself and won!

Stinging Poison: I am the number one player in Daqingxuan, and I fought against two guilds alone, and won!

Stand-alone life: I am the number one player in Daqingxuan. I fought against two guilds by myself and won!


I don't know who started posting the first sentence first, and then many players in Qingxuan Kingdom started posting it, and the entire world channel directly swiped this sentence.

Lin Jianxiao and Jun Gu stood together, watching the World Channel silently. There was a window next to the view, which was the live broadcast of the sharp battle on the forum. Jun Gu patted him on the shoulder and said, "Wan Younger brother! You can't surpass him!"

"Put away your schadenfreude smile." Glancing at him coldly, Lin Jianxiao wanted to show a little dissatisfaction, but he was indeed extremely convinced from the bottom of his heart, and his sharpness had greatly increased.

I don't know that there is no news about this period, but what kind of missions did Fengmang perform during the upgrade days to get such a big improvement.

Now, in Feng Mang's hands, he might not be able to do a few tricks.

The cliffs on both sides returned to silence after a burst of commotion, and everyone watched silently that there was only Feng Guang left in the canyon, and her head was bleeding red, and there was a fiercely burning black killing character on the side of her ID. stinging their eyes.

She killed hundreds of people in this battle.

Ye Sheng let out a long breath, sheathed the two daggers, folded his hands and moved his fingers and wrists.

Mu Yan and Feihua Rumeng walked down the cliff, stepped on the blood all over the ground and came to her, looking at her silently, they didn't know what to say for a while.

"Help pick up the equipment?" After the corpses were revived and disappeared, the ground was covered with equipment dropped by dead players except for blood.

There are at least a hundred pieces of equipment scattered all over the place, and the people on the cliff are looking at them eagerly, but they are worth a lot of money.

A little itchy, but no one dared to go down, and no one knew whether Feng Mang still had the ability to fight, not to mention that Mu Yan's strength is not bad now, and there is a vice president standing beside him.

Although Feihua Rumeng compromised and withdrew from the Sarang Canyon just now, but no one left, and they were all watching from the cliff at this moment.

They were still a little dissatisfied at first, and felt that the attitude of Feng Mang coming over and directly driving them out of the canyon made people uncomfortable, but the strength they finally showed made them put away their dissatisfaction.

At this time, if someone went up to seek the dead treasure, they would not let those people succeed. Now Feng Mang and Du Sheng Zhan Zui can be regarded as a friendly relationship, such a thigh, who would not want to hold it.

I'm really envious of the vice president's friendship with Feng Mang, and even benefited a lot from them.

"You're quite imposing, you're on fire." Mu Yan and Feihua Rumeng listened to the words, and scattered to pick up the dropped equipment. Mu Yan even joked.

"You will have a chance in the future." Just Gu Chu'er has a temperament of vengeance, and there are far more people in the Zhaxing Pavilion. I am afraid that there will be revenge in the future. I just finished building the guild and practiced for those newcomers.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it." Mu Yan nodded with a light smile.

Feihua Rumeng put it aside and still didn't know what to say, so she turned around and went to pick up the equipment silently.

She only intends to recruit players with outstanding operations. Naturally, she wants to lead them to improve their killing ability in actual combat.

I just don't know if this fame can attract those people.

Now that the famous and powerful players have been accepted by the major guilds, she doesn't expect to attract those people to switch jobs, and mainly focuses on the casual players.

Many lone players who have been single all the time, although they have good operation skills and good skills, but they have too little game resource acquisition rate, and the major spawning points are almost occupied by the guild. This is not the time for them to be strong.

In her impression, there are also a few single players with deep memories. Each of them has achieved very dazzling records in the later stage, but most of them in the early stage are not satisfactory.

I don't know if there are a few of these people.

What she looks forward to the most is that the luthier will tune the strings. He was still a single player when she died, but with the inheritance of the Qimen luthier, his piano skills are superb. Not surprisingly, he should be one of the top ten masterpieces of the new generation in the future.

There are probably only two of the most talented players I have ever seen, one is Lin Jianxiao, and the other is a luthier who tunes the strings.

It's the first time she has entered the game, but she has a talent that surpasses everyone else, and she does not lose her efforts and opportunities. She was once extremely envious.

It seems that it is time for Banzhuan to investigate the whereabouts of those people, maybe they can find an opportunity to recruit them, and it would be even more perfect if they are delivered to their door.

The World Channel began to refresh the screen again. After the players of the Heaven-defying Zero Realm and Zhaxing Pavilion withdrew, they couldn't help abusing on the World Channel, and the target was naturally her.

Mu Yan and Feihua Bianmeng retrieved the equipment, and also saw the situation on the World Channel.

Ye Sheng hardly spoke on the World Channel, and the club was taking a break. Seeing them jumping like this, he replied: "I am strong and I am justified. You are weak and you are sad. If you don't accept it, come to fight at any time."

It was simply adding fuel to the fire, and this sentence directly detonated the World Channel.

 Thank you for the perishable rewards of fireworks, and thank you for the recommendation tickets (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
(End of this chapter)

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