The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 149 The Crazy Priest

Chapter 149 The Crazy Priest
He directly sent the attributes of the Pisces card to Estes. Seeing her changing expression, Ye Sheng pointed at the cute oranges: "She can make them in the future, and one person can wear five. Whether you take her or not."

"Take it!" Esdeth responded immediately, staring straight at Chengzi, which made her scalp tingle. It must be that the gaze is too strange.

In the eyes of Estes, she is thousands of attack power and a series of rare attributes.

"Go and sit on the side." Ye Sheng invited Cheng Zi into the guild, waved his hand, and glanced at the bewildered people outside the door. Fortunately, there is a protective formation in the ring area that is soundproof. After all, sometimes the ring area It's very noisy here, and she doesn't want others to know the existence of the craftsman now.

Until the end of today's recruitment assessment late at night, a total of [-] new members were received, including two members with second-level potential, namely the warrior Qingshi Hanmu and the swordsman Gongzi Jiu, and the results were good.

"Recruitment at noon tomorrow, come if you can, let's go!" Ye Sheng stood up and greeted all members of the guild.

Cheng Zi was very cute and excited and wanted to go up and talk to Feng Mang, but was forcibly carried away by Esdeth, who was taller than Ye Sheng who was 5 cm taller, about 1.8 meters.

Although Chengzi's height is not short, there is still a height difference of about 15 centimeters. Esdesh should not take her away too easily.

"Oh! You put me down, what are you doing by picking up my collar! I'm not a cat, ah, I'm a goddess!" Cheng Zi was very cute struggling and making noise, looking in Ye Sheng's direction reluctantly.

However, Estes finally got impatient, and an ice spike hit Cheng Zi's lovely back, making her silent for a while.

Seeing the appearance of those two people, Ye Sheng's eyes twitched, and he handed the orange to Esdesh, it won't cause trouble, although this is not the real Esdesh, but it feels like it's more than that And ah.

After the session was over, Ye Sheng went back to complete the setting of contribution points that had not yet been completed, and added some information about Fu Shi to Mu Yan tomorrow.

On the second day of Battle World, Ye Sheng started posting on World Channel in the morning. This time, she opened the recruitment arena at noon, and it was going to be the last one. She didn't want to delay so many days to recruit people.

Although it was noon this time, there were still quite a few people watching the excitement. Both Mu Yan and Esdesh were present. The strength of Esdesh had been seen by the members yesterday, and Ye Sheng directly promoted her to the core. No one is unconvinced.

Today's assessment is carried out by Estes and Mu Yan, so that those newcomers can also experience the strength of Mu Yan, the vice president.

Cheng Zi is very cute and leans over cautiously: "President, can someone else take me?"

"Why, Estes is a very strong mage." Ye Sheng saw that there was nothing wrong with her.

"But...but it's a bit cruel." Cheng Zi was very cute and weeping, and she was a little terrified of the wave of education last night.

Seeing the figure of Esdeth approaching, Ye Sheng thought for a while, but still didn't speak, watching the orange being picked up like a cat again.

Cheng Zi, who was carried away by Estes and put on the seat, hesitated for a second, and didn't dare to say anything more, sitting quietly and obediently...

Halfway through, another cute-looking, very soft and well-behaved loli walked into the room, but the complexions of Ye Sheng and Esthers changed for a moment.

Estes knew her because she was in the same country as before, and Ye Sheng was very happy. This was the second well-known player in her previous life—An Xiaoxi.

It's just that this person... is a bit special.

He is a sage, but he is a sage who is very crazy and powerful in killing people. People in the previous life gave him the nickname Crazy Priest.

Of course, this is not impossible, otherwise An Xiaoxi would not be so famous.

Because the top inheritance of the sage is called Nether, Doctor Nether.

It has a blood volume that is not inferior to that of a priest, and an output comparable to that of a mage. It is stronger in singles and stronger in group battles.Incarnation of the nether world, can slaughter all living beings, and also become a doctor, with countless blessings.

This is the evaluation of Nether Doctor by the players in the previous life, and An Xiaoxi was one of Nether's true disciples at that time. Although he was not a top disciple, he was very powerful in combat.

And An Xiaoxi...It is said that she has a split personality. She is really cute and soft on weekdays. I even heard that she is a little clumsy, but when fighting, she will be like a natural killer. Who would dare to snatch the first-class harvester with a crazy face? If she has a head, she can kill everyone.

At this moment, Estes looked at An Xiaoxi with a strange expression, he couldn't bear to look directly at her, obviously he knew her situation.

However, he turned his head and said directly to Ye Sheng: "If it's her, there's no need for the assessment, I can guarantee that she is very strong, and I don't want to fight her."

As a fighting maniac, An Xiaoxi can make her voluntarily avoid the battle, which shows that her fighting style makes her terrified.Of course, the current An Xiaoxikong has strength, but he is still limited by his own profession, so he will not be Esther's opponent.

"Isn't she a sage?" The rest of the members were a little puzzled and couldn't help asking.

"But her fighting ability is very strong." Estes said with great certainty.

As an existence second only to Ye Sheng in strength, what she said still had a certain deterrent effect, and they immediately stopped talking.

"Do you know why I am so strong?" Ye Sheng asked suddenly.

"High attributes, high attack, and powerful skills, you have never heard of those skills." This is what an assassin said.

"There are ten peerless powerhouses in the war world, eight of which are the strongest of the eight major professions, and the other two are the church and Qimen. Of course, there are some NPCs whose strength is not weaker than them. They did not compete for this ranking or they were defeated. Those who were eliminated." Ye Sheng began to popularize science, telling them about inheritance, true disciples, and job transfer.

"You Ming is the top biography of the sage. His name is terrifying, but his strength is even more terrifying. He is not necessarily weaker than other peerless people in killing people, and he also has the ability to restore blood. The strength recognized by Esdesh , even if you can't get the top pass, there is hope of getting a true disciple."

"Mu Yan, you go up and fight with An Xiaoxi." Silently put An Xiaoxi's name in the first-class potential, but in order to let the rest of the members understand, she is going to ask Mu Yan to go up and let her experience it How crazy is the mad priest.

Mu Yan got up when he heard the words, but when he turned around, he saw Esdeth looking over, and felt a little strange.

She and An Xiaoxi walked up from the rings on both sides, and then directly entered the battle mode. Since she had already entered the ring, she keenly noticed that An Xiaoxi, who was originally cute and lacking in momentum, had changed completely.

"Hahaha, go to hell!" With a roar at the top of his voice, An Xiaoxi rushed towards Mu Yan with a ferocious face.

The other members of the onlookers were stunned by the sound. Looking at An Xiaoxi, whose personality had changed drastically, their expressions were a little strange. Is this the soft and cute girl from before?Why does it look like a small female tyrannosaur?

Mu Yan had seen a wide range of markets, and there were many war lunatics on the battlefield. Although he was a little surprised by the behavior of a little girl, it didn't affect him.

An Xiaoxi dodged sideways and approached Mu Yan directly. The priest's attack skills were not far away, so she had to get closer to Mu Yan.

Mu Yan didn't retreat, seeing the distance, she directly went up to meet him, she was not afraid of close combat at all.

Four flower buds appeared around his body, Mu Yan quickly backed away when he saw this, the flower buds exploded, and more fine petals exploded, but each petal had a certain corrosive ability.

Mu Yan reacted quickly, and was not attacked. The soul restraining curse held An Xiaoxi, and then decisively released the flame thorns.

An Xiaoxi's speed slowed down and she couldn't dodge it. When the flames and thorns entangled her, she tried her best to adjust her position, and broke away from the vines that were trying to entangle her hands. A healing skill was hit on her body, restoring some blood volume.

The members below were stunned as they watched the two fight back and forth. Is this combat power really a priest?
But at this time, An Xiaoxi actually only had three skills in his hands, and Mu Yan's operation was still better than hers, and he didn't even make a full shot.

It was almost the end of the fight, Ye Sheng closed the ring directly, and let them see how big this battle world is.Priests can kill, mages can melee, and even music and singing can be used as attacks. As long as they are strong, any profession can exist.

 Thank you for the reward of fireworks perishable, thank you for your support ( ̄▽ ̄)~*
(End of this chapter)

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