The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 151: Wild Encounters

Chapter 151: Wild Encounters
The guild channel can directly chat with voice within a certain range. At this time, she heard that someone encountered the team of the Heaven-defying Zero Realm, but he couldn't solve it all by himself, so he was calling for someone.

An assassin stabbed him back, saying that he was nearby and rushed over immediately.

She has a little impression of this guy. After all, he often hangs out on the chat channel, and every time he discusses her, he will always bubble up. His strength is not bad, and he is classified in the C class by her.

The one who posted the position on the guild channel was also an assassin named Polixi, one of the six second-level potentials, and an assassin with invisibility.

Now that Devil May Cry is directly with her, and even has the right to order Devil May Cry, the quota of ten true disciples under him cannot be wasted. If Po Lixi is reliable in the later stage, he can directly call Devil May Cry to bring him.

After thinking about the location not far from her, Ye Sheng decided to go to join in the fun, but she didn't respond, and passed by on her own, mainly to inspect the actual combat capabilities of the guild members.

According to the location of Poli Xifa, he rushed to that place, saw a group of people fighting in the distance, and directly entered the stealth state and dived there.

It seems that the war has just started, there are not many corpses and bloodstains on the ground yet, and Polixi and Stinger are fighting side by side.

There are three teams on the side of the sky-defying zero world, but their strength looks average, and they can barely handle it with the strength of the two of them.

Hiding directly behind a big tree to watch the battle leisurely, he didn't choose to make a move.

In terms of the accidental injury mechanism in the war world, in fact, if a group of people like this fight against one or two opponents, and if the opponent is stronger or has higher agility, having more people is not an advantage.

When melee is circling in the front, go to a few fewer people, you may not be able to fight and cannot restrict the opponent's movement, and it is difficult to hit the target at a distance, so go a few more and interfere with the long-range attack from the rear.

When she was fighting in the Sarang Canyon, although there were nearly a thousand people who died in the Heaven-Defying Zero Realm and the Zhaixing Pavilion, hundreds of them were killed by the follow-up long-range professional bombardment and their own people.

After all, they can't attack her with large-scale bombing, but in this way, those skill damages that are not painful to her are still very painful to other players, so they have lost a lot.

Seeing the two fighting and retreating in cooperation, they also killed many players who were against the sky and the zero world. Polixi still lacked a displacement skill, otherwise the combat effectiveness in this kind of wild melee would be stronger.

Stabbing Poison still has some gaps with Polixi in terms of damage details and positioning, but he knows how to cooperate and does not steal the head.

Ye Sheng, who has a keen ear, suddenly heard the sound of chaotic footsteps behind him. There seemed to be quite a few people. After watching the battle for a long time, he had already finished his invisible state, so he quickly re-entered his invisible state and went directly towards that side.

With so many footsteps rushing this way, it is naturally the reinforcements from the Heaven-defying Zero Realm. When the reinforcements arrive, the two of them will probably have to run away. Now they are fighting and retreating and are ready to withdraw at any time. expected.

But since she is here, let's help them deal with the reinforcements, and it's impossible to let the hostility go and not kill.

After walking a few steps, I saw about four teams of players rushing towards them. For the sake of the two members of her guild, there was almost a group dispatched. The Heaven-defying Zero Realm really worked hard.

Carefully avoiding collisions with players running past him, Ye Sheng activated Ghost Nirvana directly on the spot after half of them ran past.

The people running in front didn't even react, their eyes were dark, and they fell down powerlessly.

And when they saw the person Ye Sheng appeared from behind, their eyes were tearing apart, but they just knew who killed them, and they died the same.

There were only a few lucky ones who were far away from being attacked, but they were caught up by Ye Sheng in seconds.

In the guild channel of the Heaven-defying Zero Realm, they got feedback from the rear staff, knowing that it was Feng Mang who killed their leader, and saw the people who asked for reinforcements asking why the reinforcements hadn't arrived yet.

Angrily cursing in the channel: "What the hell, you didn't see the sharpness? Blind? We all lay down! Did you ask us to come over and die?"

Po Lixi and Sting Du looked stunned, the people who were still chasing them and beating them suddenly scattered and ran away, some didn't understand what happened, and were not sure whether to chase them or not.

After seeing a black shadow with afterimages chasing up to a fleeing enemy and killing them, the two immediately chased them in two directions.

They were also thinking that reinforcements would come, and they were ready to run away, but the reinforcements did not come, and the enemy ran away first, so it turned out that the president was there.

It is estimated that the reinforcements are already dead in her hands, so the people who guarded the zero world got the news and ran away.

However, the three agility assassins wanted to hunt down a few miscellaneous fish, so they couldn't run. Of course, it was mainly Ye Sheng who solved it. She was faster and possessed displacement skills.

"President!" After chasing down all the enemies who had besieged them, the two came back to join Ye Sheng, bowing their heads respectfully.

"En." Ye Sheng responded, pointing to the direction where she killed the reinforcements before: "There is still a lot of bronze equipment over there, I am too lazy to pick it up, you can deal with it." Now she has completely despised bronze equipment up.

A voice suddenly came from the guild channel, it was from Qingshi Hanmu: "Poulixi, can you handle it? I'm coming! Is there any reinforcements?"

"It's solved." Po Lixi looked at the back of her president who had gone away, and Ji Du was busy picking up equipment, and replied briefly.

"So fast?" Qingshi Hanmu couldn't believe it, didn't he say there were three teams?

"Meet the president." Sting poisonously replied with a smile, "We were chased, and the hostility all ran away, hahahaha, we are frightened by the news!"

"..." Qingshi Hanmu was a little speechless, these two were lucky, and when they turned around, they saw Ye Sheng walking towards them, and hurriedly straightened their expressions, "Hello, President."

"Well, reinforcements?" She was about to go back to the teleportation point and leave here, and it seemed that Qingshi Hanmu came to help by teleportation.

"I'm no longer needed." Qingshi Hanmu rubbed his head and said.

"Be careful, I don't want anyone to die because of carelessness." Although she is a master of carelessness, she will not keep it, and she will not stay after speaking, and then leaves.

"Okay!" Qingshi Hanmu said seriously to Ye Sheng's back.

Walking on the road, Ye Sheng thought that she probably had to find a way to get some skills. A few more practical skills in the early stage would greatly increase the combat power.

However, the output of skills at this time is not mainly purchased by auction houses or professional temples at high prices, but dungeon treasure chests.

I still have to level up first. I have a few operations that are good. I played late, and I haven't reached level 15 yet.

"Tomorrow, we will gather in the teleportation hall of Baijian City. We will organize a group to clean up wild monsters. Come here voluntarily." A message was posted on the guild channel.

She found a place before, which is very good. It is suitable for the team to push and clear the valley of wild monsters. The wild monsters are all dryads above level 20. The number is large and dense, and the area of ​​the valley is not small.

Not only is it enough for ordinary members to spawn monsters, but it can also bring Estes and the others to spawn more advanced dryads.

 Thanks for the reward of half leaf time
(End of this chapter)

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