The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 154 Elite Dryad

Chapter 154 Elite Dryad
After talking for a few words, Feng Ke directly bid farewell and led the people to leave the cracked creek valley. When he saw two assassins standing in the valley, he knew they were Zongheng people. They nodded to each other and passed by each other, heading towards the place Ye Sheng pointed to earlier. The strange area has gone.

After walking out of the valley, Feng Ke's face immediately sank, and he felt trembling when he saw the other team members, what's wrong, the sharp attitude was quite good just now.

Feng Ke ignored them, and directly contacted Liang Cheng, the guild leader: "Defiant Zero Realm just refuse, I met Feng Mang today, it's reasonable, and I'm not as arrogant as Killing God Qian Feng said, on the contrary, I'm quite kind." , I just can't understand them."

"Have you met Feng Mang?" Liang Cheng was startled, but he knew what was coming after seeing the news, "Success, I didn't plan to take this muddy water."

"Have you come into contact with them, have you seen them make a move, and how is their overall strength?" Liangcheng asked again.

"It's very strong. The previously optimistic valley has been occupied by Zongheng. A group of people cleared the wild monsters quickly. They didn't get too close, but I feel that the overall strength and quality are good." Feng Ke analyzed according to what he saw, "Zongheng There are few people, and the resources occupied are not as many as that of a large guild, and they are not causing trouble everywhere. It is beneficial to us to be in Baijian City for the time being, and there is no need to take the initiative to provoke."

"Well, you continue to look for the strange area, and we will have a meeting when you come back." Liangcheng replied.

"Okay." After closing the chat panel, Feng Ke's complexion had recovered a long time ago. Before that, he was only dissatisfied with their alarmist attempts to drag them into the water. On the contrary, he had a better impression of Zongheng.

There is Zongheng in Baijian City, when some guilds settle in, they must first consider that there is an all-elite guild Zongheng established by the first player here, maybe it will block them a lot of guys who grab resources.

To put it bluntly, under hostility, Zongheng is definitely a tough nut to crack.

There are few people, so I won’t confront you head-on when I declare war. Let alone the team, a group of people will not be able to please people from the Zongheng guild. It will take time and effort to search for Zongheng people on a large scale, but it will be a waste of your own monster fighting It's time to upgrade, and when the vertical and horizontal people are scattered, they can still brush monsters and upgrade with peace of mind.

Just like yesterday's declaration of war between the two guilds, Zero Realm and Zhaixing Pavilion, and Zongheng, I heard that one person was not killed, but hundreds of them died, and a group of people was chased and beaten by a sage.

This is probably the meaning of the sentence that Feng Mang first recruited people to say, kill a person in ten steps, and never stay behind. What she wants is a perverted member with strong personal combat ability. He didn't even dare to think about it.

Besides, even if they have conflicts with Zongheng, they won't associate with those people from the Zero Realm Against Heaven. I really don't know how to become a second-rate guild.

No matter how much Feng Ke thought about it, Ye Sheng was confident that as long as Yi Jian Ting Yu was not stupid, he would not take the initiative to provoke her. After the members had rested, they started to spawn monsters.

Ye Sheng didn't gain much experience in the morning, only tens of thousands, but the other members gained tens of thousands of experience each, and their enthusiasm for killing monsters was high.

Most of them are now at the [-]th or [-]th level, and a few Mu Yan and Esdeth are at the [-]th level. They don't need a lot of experience to upgrade to a level. Many people can upgrade to a level in one day. This efficiency is very impressive.

Seeing that their cooperation was quite harmonious, and that they could easily deal with low-level dryads, Ye Sheng went deeper by himself, where the level of dryads was even higher.

And the distance is far away, the experience is no longer shared, and her experience value is also a lot.

Mu Yan's management skills are good, and she can completely lead the team well, so she doesn't have to pay too much attention to that side.

Lin Jianxiao is already at level 17. He has been working hard to upgrade recently. He is probably trying to catch up with her. Did she stimulate him two days ago?
She still has to pay attention in the future, Lin Jianxiao's hard work is not good for her.

After all, the swordsman's inheritance Shura is in the Jingyun Empire, and Lin Jianxiao's outstanding strength might have attracted attention in advance. The sooner the top inheritance is obtained, the stronger it will be.

Peerless attaches great importance to inheritance, and most of them will choose carefully in their hands. The point is that most of them want to find suitable talents in their own country. No one is willing to send inheritance to other countries, unless that person is more important. suitable.And Lin Jianxiao happened to belong to the same country as Shura.

The vertical and horizontal guild also recruited a few wise men, and she secretly told Mu Yan to take a good look at it and cultivate someone who is sincere enough, even though it will be handed over to Tianfu.

At this time, Zongheng is still maintained by interests at the beginning. She brings them strength and stability, and they will stay in Zongheng with peace of mind. There are no real core members yet.

A sense of belonging and sincerity need to be cultivated through time experience and brainwashing, and it should be done slowly.Mu Yan is better at all these things, with her own style of doing things, it's not bad if she doesn't force people out.

A dagger plunged into the dryad's body, and seeing its blood volume drained and its body disintegrated, Ye Sheng shifted his position and continued to kill.

Seeing a tree root protruding from the ground, he walked around silently, and greeted the people in the guild by the way: "If you see some tree roots protruding from the ground, don't hurt them, even if they are moving roots that pop up suddenly. Don't attack either, I won't take the initiative to attack you. If it wants to take away some goblins, let it take away."

They were here to spawn monsters, and the giant tree in the depths of the valley was very clear, after all, the ground was full of its roots, and that was his perception.

But that giant tree is a good-tempered leader monster, and it will basically not attack them unless it provokes him, and it will be helpful for them to kill the dryad here.

The dryads that are killed will eventually be recycled by it, decomposed and absorbed, just like fallen leaves fall to the ground and eventually rot into fertilizer to nourish the roots of the tree.These goblins are produced by itself to feed back to it.

As long as they don't provoke that guy, they can keep brushing here.

Seeing an elite tree spirit, Ye Sheng went into invisibility and touched it quietly. With a backstab and a series of stabs, Ye Sheng dealt a large wave of high damage.

The green leaves on both sides broke away from the dryad's body and shot towards her. The two dodged sideways, rushed straight to the front, and chopped off a branch of the dryad as a weapon with a few strokes.

"Squeak, creak." The dryad couldn't speak, but he could make a sound, which was probably howling with pain.

Several ordinary dryads nearby turned around and surrounded them.

Ye Sheng raised his eyebrows, this is an elite dryad with special skills, he can control some nearby dryads.

Generally, guys with this kind of special skills can produce some good things. Turn around and deal with the ordinary dryads rushing over first. Ye Sheng stared at the elite dryads determined to win.

It's a bit unreasonable to put Ghost Nirvana in the monster pile. That skill is more suitable for dealing with people, but the displacement skill of Ghost Shadow Flash is very useful.

Flashing to the back of the elite dryad, he tried to hit her with the remaining branches, but she nimbly dodged it and stepped on its roots.

The tree spirit was trampled on its roots like a cat or dog being trampled on its tail, shaking its green leaves all over its body, squeaking something she couldn't understand, and bumped into it angrily anyway.

He directly parried the impact, and was pushed out one meter on the ground. He stabilized his figure, turned around and drew its strength to his side, and withdrew from the wrestling and continued to attack.

 Thank you Feihuayi for the reward of 10000 point coins and the monthly ticket, thank you for the reward of Banye Shiguang, thank you for your support (*/ω\*)
(End of this chapter)

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