Chapter 163
This was just the beginning, black mist rose from Ye Sheng's body, a ghost clone appeared, bypassed the Minotaur, and with the hatred of the clone and the Minotaur, led the mad attack towards the chaotic members of the Zhaxing Pavilion at the entrance of the passage them.

Seeing Gu Chu'er retreating hastily at a glance, at this time a wave of long-range skills has cleared many players blocked at the entrance of the passage, Ye Sheng rushed into the crowd on the blue dragon, taking a little damage and moving four times .

Throwing out the whirling whip to clean up some players in front of them, and rushing straight behind them. The two figures made them wonder who to attack for a moment.

Ghost Flash caught up with Gu Chu'er with a series of afterimages and overtook her, chasing a Minotaur far behind, waving a mace to smash the obstacles in front of him, and chasing Ye Sheng.

One person and one monster completely disrupted the formation of Zhaxing Pavilion, and the long-range group attack skills were finally released under the threat of death, but this was actually clearing the way for Ye Sheng.

Arriving at the second regiment at the back, at this time she only had half of her blood left. After putting on the seal of assassination and killing two people to recover their blood, Ye Sheng directly released Ghost Nirvana, and half of the retreating second regiment players instantly evaporated .

If it weren't for the narrow passage and the longer line, she could have killed more people.

Two players survived with residual blood, they didn't care about the people in front of them, they turned around and ran away, Ye Sheng ignored them, turned around and stood in front of the people in Zhaixing Pavilion who wanted to retreat, so that they didn't dare to take another step.

The red "kill" above their heads reminded them of the fear of being dominated in Sarang Canyon. No one dared to take another step forward.

"This place is too narrow to play, turn around and rush out!" Although Gu Chu'er started to panic, she was not stupid. There was no chance of winning against the edge in this passage, so she had to rush out and maybe there was still a way to survive.

Dwarf dodged the mace swung by the Minotaur, turned his head and rushed back.

Various long-range attacks frantically harvested heads, but after all, there were a lot of people, and most of them rushed out.

The vertical and horizontal long-distance players immediately retreated, and the members of the Zhaixing Pavilion were now under attack, but regardless of their sharpness, they were alone, and their deterrence was far greater than those of the long-distance professionals.

It is instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. In their eyes, those long-distances are more like soft persimmons that can be squeezed. The hard bone of sharpness has already broken through their teeth, and no one dares to touch it at this time.

Some assassins ran out from other passages, and ran back after two hits, just to remind them that there is still a passage here, the kind that can escape.

He stubbornly tried to surround and kill a few long-range assassins to gain some morale, but some timid subconsciously followed those assassins and rushed into the passage to escape, after all, Feng Mang had already chased them out.

Individuals are still wondering why there are all rangers and assassins here, and where are the other members of Zongheng.

However, as soon as they entered the passage, they saw a group of menacing melees waiting for them wielding their axes and long swords.

"The melee guards the passage, don't let anyone go." The melee was not allowed to enter the battle, so as not to accidentally injure them from the long-range, "the assassin personally protects the long-range."

When the formation of the Zhaixing Pavilion was completely disrupted, they had no chance of winning at all, let alone an all-elite guild.

In the chaotic battle, many members of Zhaixing Pavilion suffered accidental injuries, while Zongheng only kept the long-range and fought and retreated, and an assassin accompanied them to help them deal with some enemies who rushed up to get close.

And Estes and the others are completely worthy of being close, and they don't need protection, and few people even dare to provoke them.

"Ahaha, go to hell!" An Xiaoxi looked excited, and the flowers around him exploded to fend off the players who rushed towards them, and laid the Canglong Chaos in the front where there were many hostility.

Banye Shiguang originally planned to come over to take care of An Xiaoxi, but when he saw her, he walked away silently to protect the nearby archers. If he went there, he might be blown to death by her skills.

Mu Yan faced the enemy who was standing on Canglong Chaoshang, who had already run out of health, and took away one with the general attack of the thunder curse, and pulled the other with the soul-binding spell.

He raised his shield to block the stabbing dagger, chanted an incantation to summon flaming thorns to control him, and killed him with an attack.

"Go, baby!" A giant blue-green python suddenly appeared, flicking its tail and knocking down several players in the Zhaixing Pavilion.

This is the anaconda summoned by the Queen. Her Lady Queen is a second-level potential member recruited at the beginning, and is also one of the high-end combat power. Although the summoning is defined as the long-range method of the law system, but because his summoned beast is melee, He didn't participate in the fight against the Minotaur, but now he found an opportunity to fight and pulled out his most powerful summoned anaconda into the battlefield.

And he himself hid far away behind the soldiers at a passageway, manipulating his summoned beast far away.

The anaconda bit a residual blood and swallowed half of its body. The eyes of the other players around it were wide open. The scene of swallowing a living person was still very scary.

Not to mention the pictures of Minotaurs tearing up human beings with their hands, drinking blood and eating human flesh on the surrounding murals, which made them even more panicked.

"Little baby is awesome!" Her Lady Queen happily tilted her finger at the orchid and praised, her body also twisted a few times following the anaconda's wriggling.

The soldiers at the side silently glanced at the man beside them, and took a step away. Among the high-end combat power of their guild, there were really few normal people.

The women were as tough as men, and the men... glanced at Her Lady Queen again, unable to bear to look directly at her.

Ye Sheng blocked a passage by herself and didn't take part in the battle. She still has a Minotaur to deal with.

Several players saw that Ye Sheng was dealing with the Minotaur with all his strength, and had only half of his HP left after being attacked a few times. They rushed over to try their luck, and couldn't help chuckling. Isn't this sent up to restore her HP?

Put on the seal of assassination, took time to kill a few players, successfully restored her blood volume, and finally no one dared to come to her side.

An Xiaoxi also pays attention to her blood volume between battles, and will give her a wave of healing skills from time to time. After all, her range of activities is too small to be hit by the Minotaur, and it is easy to be swept by some skills.

Gu Chu'er didn't know when she was bombarded to death by the skills flying around, and the kills shown in the system message belonged to her own people, and she felt suffocated again.

"Qianfeng, we have met Zongheng! I am dead!!"

"What, where are you?" Killing God Qianfeng was opening the treasure chest when he heard Gu Chu'er's voice so angry that his voice became shrill.

"I can't post the location without a map!" Gu Chu'er felt so uncomfortable that she even wanted to cry, being surrounded and killed here, she couldn't even call for rescue.

Without a map, others would have no idea where she was, let alone navigate the intricate maze.

He couldn't help scolding the member who killed him by mistake in the guild, but after venting his anger, he found that the person who vented his anger had already quit the guild.

I also received news of several members quitting the guild one after another, and my mentality exploded.

He couldn't help but yelled at Killing God Qianfeng again, and was finally yelled at by Killing God Qianfeng who couldn't bear it anymore.

She went offline directly and exited the game room. She flung herself on the bed with two lines of tears hanging on her face, her eyes were bloodshot and filled with hatred.

Gu Chu'er went offline directly, and the other managers who were not on the scene couldn't take care of the situation here, and many members who were barely alive also went offline in frustration.

Although the logout delay in the maze is longer, logging out is tantamount to putting the character there to die.This kind of crushing and massacre without any suspense despite the fact that they fought more than they did, had a huge blow to the morale of the entire guild.

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(End of this chapter)

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