The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 167 Drop Accessories

Chapter 167 Drop Accessories
"We're dead." As everyone fell down except the soldier, someone immediately responded with lingering fear, and that soldier was ignored.

Only then did Yu Jing lead the man to the corner, and he was there not far away, but at this moment he didn't have the courage to really go out, and turned his head helplessly: "Let's go, retreat back."

Up to now, he still hasn't figured out what kind of enmity Feng Mang has with them.

In the end, the entire arena was full of Zongheng people, only the Minotaur and the warrior, the warrior stood awkwardly, Ye Sheng really didn't kill him if he said he didn't kill him, and the other Zongheng people didn't attack him either.

But if he is alive alone, what will the members of the guild think of him.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Feng Mang was still fighting the monster alone, and the soldier watched her operation with his eyebrows twitching.

They carried a Minotaur and killed a few soldiers. In the end, he saw an assassin fighting the monster alone, and the resistance was still very stable.

The long-distance is outputting, but the skills are all avoiding him standing in the middle, and he can't die if he wants to die.

"I see you are pleasing to the eye, don't kill me, if you want to join Zongheng, you are welcome at any time, you can go now." Ye Sheng gave him a glance at him while resisting the strangeness, and answered him.

There is no point in staying here anymore, but he is afraid that he will not be able to argue when he returns to the guild now, so he silently walked to the wall and pulled out his axe, and the warrior clicked to quit the guild.

But he didn't rush to Zongheng just because he was solicitous, because he was hostile before, so he turned around and prepared to leave from the passage where Zongheng appeared just now.

The Zongheng members guarding the entrance of the passage didn't understand why the president asked him not to kill him. They all stared at him curiously, and when they saw him coming, they consciously moved out of the way, and followed him until his figure disappeared around the corner.

The soldier stopped after walking out of their line of sight, feeling a little confused for a moment, where should he go alone in this maze?Since he didn't die, he wouldn't commit suicide now, so let's take one step at a time.

I always feel that I am not repaying a kindness like this.

Looking at the passage, Ye Sheng thought so.

After being distracted for a moment, he turned his head and continued to fight against the monster.

Polixi and Banye Shiguang go stealthily to inspect other passages. Although Ye Sheng feels that people who are against the sky and the zero world may not dare to come, being cautious can avoid unnecessary casualties.

"There are traces of a large number of players' actions here, but they have turned back and left." Polixi reported his discovery, and walked forward for a certain distance until the fork in the road. Both fork roads have traces of player activity. "Go to the fork in the road. I didn't meet anyone, and there was no movement, I should have gone far, I will monitor this."

"Received." A short reply, it seems that those who defy the sky and the zero world have withdrawn.

It took a lot of work to solve the Minotaur, and this time an accessory finally broke out.

"Unidentified iron ring, is this equipment? There is no ring equipment slot?" The accessory this time is an iron ring, and it is considered lucky to be able to get an iron accessory. Although it is very inconspicuous, the ring is very special. caught the attention of the members.

"This is an accessory. When you own it, there will be 5 more accessory equipment slots." Ye Sheng pinched the accessory in his hand, and the brilliance of the ring became brighter and brighter.The appraisal fee is 68 silver coins and a third-grade iron ring.

Send the attributes to the guild chat channel.

"Wow, the defense value of 75 and the magic damage of 50 are almost the same as my weapon attack. Can I equip 5?" Someone exclaimed, this attribute is nothing in the eyes of Ye Sheng who has two jade accessories , but still good for them.

"This is an accessory. Such an iron accessory orange can be made right away. It's still R points, but the person who gets it will have to pay me the appraisal cost of 68 silver coins. This is a private expense and I won't give it to you." He said. Throwing the ring into the R point column, she directly gave up on the configuration of magic damage.

The identification fee of 68 silver coins is not cheap, but now members of the guild can afford it, and it is not expensive compared to equipment with similar attributes. All legal professions are eager to look at the ring in the R point column.

As Estes, who had seen the attributes of the accessory on Ye Sheng, looked at the iron ring with a very calm expression, but he also chose the R point, 5 positions, so naturally he had to fight for it.

In the end, this accessory fell into the hands of a mage named Wanzi who loves to eat. After receiving the ring, Wanzi traded it to Ye Sheng for 68 silver coins, and then put the ring on his hand and went away happily.

Probably because of accessories, there are only four pieces of bright silver equipment, and only one skill book.

When physically equipping the R point, Ye Sheng waited quietly for them to participate in the R point, and then clicked to participate. In the case of no one giving way, Ye Sheng, who was unlucky, did not get any R.

Glancing at the current battle world time, he couldn't help but look at Mu Yan.

"I asked Ye Ming to go to the company during the day." Mu Yan chatted with her privately, Ye Sheng had greeted her before, the Minotaur maze might consume more than one day's time, and Mu Yan was also prepared.

Although the labyrinth notified Tie Xuedanxin this time, Ye Ming seemed to have encountered some special event. Neither the main force nor himself came over, and only sent two groups to join in the fun.

During the daytime, the affairs of the company were also handed over to Ye Ming by Mu Yan. Ye Ming herself had already participated in the operation of the company, and she had already delegated power a little bit.

"It's getting late. Is there any reality that you have something to do during the day? If you need to go offline, we will send you out." Asked in the guild channel, it is too dangerous to go offline in the maze.

Everyone shook their heads, it was nothing serious, who would be willing to go offline.

Seeing this, Ye Sheng led the team to continue walking in the maze, and picked up another black iron treasure chest. At this time, it was completely dark outside the battle world time, but the maze was closed. Whether it is day or night at this time.

After wandering around for a while, Feihua Rumeng suddenly contacted her: "Fengmang, our people saw that Shinhwa is cooperating with Heaven-defying Zero Realm, if you encounter Shinhwa, be careful."

"Understood." Ye Sheng raised his eyebrows, and the butterfly's wings were fanned again. The two guilds that would have had conflicts in the maze actually joined forces. I'm afraid it was posted by the sky-defying Zero Realm. She put too much pressure on them. up.

But it's hard to say whether Shinhwa is willing to show up to the sky-defying Zero Realm.

It's still early days, Shinhwa won't come to Zongheng so early.

Turning around all the way, Ye Sheng's footsteps gradually slowed down, why did this position seem a bit strange. "

"President, we have come back again. This is the road we walked before." Mo Xiangli looked at the map he drew himself, and observed it on one side of the wall. Leave an inconspicuous mark.

And he found the imprint left by himself on the corner of the wall, and according to the map, they obviously went around and turned back.

 Thank you for the reward from Banye Shiguang, thank you for the half-deaf, half-mute and half-crazy monthly pass, thank you for your recommendation tickets, thank you for your support (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

(End of this chapter)

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