The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 194 Mutated Stone Monster

Chapter 194 Mutated Stone Monster

On the second day, after taking Estes to level 20, she was not in a hurry to leave, but she stopped following Ye Sheng to level up.

An Xiaoxi was brought over, and she led them to level up one by one. In the afternoon, Lin Jianxiao was also brought up to level 20 by her.

Seeing Lin Jianxiao's level change, Jun Gu specially sent a message to thank him.

"President! I found a mutant monster, level 25, but it is very powerful and has high damage. An elite monster was torn apart in a few hits." Polixi and others who were spawning monsters outside the valley shouted in the guild channel road.

"It's a mutated stone monster with one eye." Gong Zijiu added.

"Let's go, there's a mutant monster!" Ye Sheng immediately stopped spawning monsters, greeted An Xiaoxi and Lin Jianxiao, and headed out of the valley.

Without Ye Sheng, it would be difficult to clear high-level monsters by himself, Lin Jianxiao simply followed her, went to see her current ability to resist monsters, and helped by the way.

The two teams mobilized some high-strength long-range players, regrouped, and brought Lin Jianxiao, a melee player, to the location marked by Polixi and the others on the map.

The mutated cyclops monster, which is more than three meters tall, seems to have a very violent temper. It looks very tall and burly, and the stones covering its body rattle and collide as it violently beats the tree.

Two or three blows broke a big tree that needed to be hugged by two people, stepped on the big tree that fell to the ground, and the stone monster looked around for the next target to vent, lifting a huge boulder and smashing it around.

His expression was a bit dignified. This stone monster looked like it was still level 25, and its mutated strength might be above level [-]. That power should not be underestimated.Although the rewards of mutant monsters are not as many as those of boss monsters, most of them are rare drops. Although it is a bit difficult, since you encounter it, you must challenge it.

"Try it, I will resist the monster and you will assist, and you will get a share of the reward after fighting." This mutated stone monster is not easy to resist, and she really needs Lin Jianxiao's assistance.

"Okay!" The mutated stone monster is very powerful, Lin Jianxiao saw her dignified appearance, and knew that even she would not be able to carry it off, so he drew out two long swords clangingly, and nodded solemnly.

"Let's go up first and see if we can hold it. Stand farther away first." Ye Sheng greeted the remote professionals behind him, and entered the invisible state.

Mutated monsters can't be deduced according to common sense, and there is even the possibility of chaos and hatred. Ye Sheng is extremely cautious, and it will be a big loss if the monsters don't kill a group of people by then.

"Stand back!" Estes was in charge of commanding the remote occupations, and with a wave of his hand, he led the people away.

She has never encountered a mutant monster before, so she doesn't know what the situation is, but she must be difficult to deal with with such a cautious attitude, and it is probably more troublesome than those boss monsters.

The mutated stone monster turned around and smashed another tree. The nearby wild monsters had already run away. While walking around, they saw Lin Jianxiao not far away. The huge boulder above his head was shaped like a human skull. There are two bright white light clusters in the two circular pits.

Facing Lin Jianxiao's direction, the two light clusters seemed to flicker twice.

Taking two steps forward in his direction, Lin Jianxiao stood with his legs back and forth, pointing his two long swords at the stone monster in the distance. He took a fighting stance and did not retreat. A translucent phantom had appeared behind the stone monster .

The stone monster stopped in vain, and the stone monster wanted to turn around, but Ye Sheng had already jumped up, and the persistent ink bite ruthlessly pierced into the gap between the two boulders on its back, but it couldn't get in just halfway through.

After exiting the invisibility, he revealed his own figure, and the ice slashed across its body, cutting off a few pieces of gravel.
11861 (The final damage judgment of critical strikes has been fine-tuned. It was a little unreasonable before. In the past, the critical strike damage was calculated first and then the defense reduction was subtracted. Now, the defense reduction is calculated first, and then the critical strike damage bonus is added. Hit damage will be slightly reduced)-
Facing the mutated stone monster, he didn't expect to be able to make a combo. Seeing that it reacted very quickly, Ye Sheng stepped on his back, using his strength to stay away, and immediately released Ghost Nirvana to make up for a wave of damage after landing.

Seeing Ye Sheng let the ghost go, Lin Jianxiao rushed up with two swords in hand.

The mutated stone monster had already turned around, but there seemed to be a small opening on its tall back, emitting a faint light. He didn't take the risk and chose to jump up and attack. Two swords slashed on the thigh of the stone monster, and the dust and stone scattered Feiyang left two cut marks.

"What's going on on its back?" Lin Jianxiao asked in the team voice.

"The mutated energy core, its key point! The defense is too thick and I missed it, but it broke through a certain amount of defense." Although the mutated stone monster was attacked behind him, the hatred was still on Ye Sheng, seeing her jump far away , Chase after stepping up.

Lin Jianxiao caught up with two steps, plunged his sword into the gap between the rocks on his back and jumped up with his body, facing the hole Ye Sheng stabbed before, pierced fiercely with his sword.

Although Ye Sheng broke through the defense, he could still feel a certain obstacle, but this weak obstacle couldn't stop his sword.

It seemed to be pierced into a somewhat soft jelly-like object, until it touched a stone again, the sword was blocked, and he stepped on his back with both feet, and jumped away with his sword.

The stone monster that was stabbed in the core seemed to hesitate for a moment, hesitating between the two hatreds, Ye Sheng stepped forward and threw out the whirling whip, hitting its stone face.

The light balls in the eye sockets of the stone monster who was beaten in the face jumped, and rushed towards Ye Sheng, raising his fists and smashing down, trying to smash the small creature in front of him into meatloaf.

Ye Sheng jumped to the side, the stone fist slammed down, a dirt pit appeared, the surrounding mud splashed, the dagger swiped several times on his arm, and he ducked when the arm swept across.

The inertia of waving his arms caused the stone monster's body to turn half a circle, and Lin Jianxiao stepped forward to slash the few scratches left by Ye Sheng with his sword to deepen the scratches.

Ye Sheng circled around to attack from the other side, and Lin Jianxiao was always on the opposite side of her, and the two of them swung their double blades on both sides and knocked down a lot of rubble.

"Esdeth took two long-range attempts to attack." After some output, the hatred was almost stable, but the blood volume of the mutated stone monster was very high, and Ye Sheng didn't see any movement on the blood bar with such an output.

"An Xiaoxi, Hanyun Baiyu, come with me, output at the longest distance, pay attention to safety." Esdes named two people, and quickly led them close to the stone monster. After entering his attack range, he raised his ice stab He turned to the side face of the stone monster.

Some ice shards mixed with gravel fell on his head, making Lin Jianxiao a little ashamed. Fortunately, he had a helmet, so he couldn't lose his eyes, and he didn't have the energy to care about it. He changed his position from time to time to cooperate with Ye Sheng's position .

Han Yun Baiyu first launched a general attack with his bow and arrow, but it could only leave a faint trace on the stone, and the long arrow fell to the ground, and the damage was not enough.

He couldn't help frowning, and drew his bow again. Sparks ignited on the arrow, and he found the gap between the stones. The fire flashed across the air and plunged into the gap. The damage of elemental attacks would be considerable.

"Archers try to use skills to attack, especially elemental skills, otherwise they won't be able to deal damage at all, and the physical defense is extremely high, but we can't break through the defense." Han Yun Baiyu said, reminding the rest of the archers who have not yet entered the battle circle.

It's no wonder that the president brought Lin Jianxiao over here. In the physics profession, these two people are probably the only ones who have the ability to break defenses and attacks.

"All long-distance occupations enter and output." Ye Sheng was relieved that the hatred of the mutated stone monster was not affected in the slightest.

 Thank you for the rewards from His Highness Benming, Banye Shiguang, Fei Huayi, Wenren, and Sansuiyou for their rewards, thank you Zijin, Fan Xingchen, and your highness Benming for sending monthly tickets, thank you for your recommendation tickets, thank you for your support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
(End of this chapter)

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