Chapter 197 Guild War
But it was too late for Gu Yingchengshuang to receive the news, Number One Under Heaven immediately declared war...

At the same time, the guild message appears: The myth guild has terminated the friendly relationship with you.

Gu Yingcheng's double-faced expression turned gray in an instant, and he even felt a little resentful. Shinhwa turned his face too quickly.

If Number One Under Heaven intervenes, Shinhwa won't help him at all. With Shinhwa's current strength, if he gets into trouble with Number One Under Heaven, who has greatly improved his strength through the establishment of the guild, he can only go to Yaoshi Futu to bow down.

Shenyu Cejun didn't want to keep his head down. Although he gave up the Misty Temple, he bowed his head to the number one in the world, but after all, he did it secretly. The face is lost, and the face lost is even greater, which is enough for Shinhwa to be expelled from the top ten guilds.

After all, the myth that bowed to Yaoshifutu, who was also one of the top ten guilds, would no longer be recognized as one of the top ten guilds.

But if he gets involved with Number One in the World, if he doesn't bow his head, Shinhwa will also be severely injured by Number One in the World and Zongheng, and he will also fall out of the top ten guilds.

His choice is to give up Misty, anyway, the relationship between the two parties is just like that.

Kingdom Channel
The Lost Years: Oh, there is a lot of excitement!This declaration of war is so exciting!No. [-] in the world and a vertical and horizontal fight against the misty temple and the sky-defying zero world?

Cocoa: So it seems that Lin Jianxiao is not changing jobs.

Drawing bone: The relationship between No. [-] in the world and Zongheng is solid!

The Lost Years: Those two guilds are so courageous, challenge the No. [-] guild of the two countries!Get crushed!
Flying flowers like a dream:! ! !
"Do you need me to bring someone there?" Seeing Feihua Rumeng, who declared war, was startled. No wonder Ye Sheng suddenly asked about the Misty Temple just now.

"No need." Ye Sheng's reply was very short, since Jungu had already arrived, the members of the nine regiments were nothing.

Although with the strength of vertical and horizontal, they can break through with the loss of some manpower. Where the hard power is, and she is there, the nine regiments can't keep them, but at this time, they can all be left behind!
As for Shinhwa, she would like to see if Shinhwa dares to make such a move.

"Command Esthers! I'll deal with the sage." Ye Sheng immediately went into stealth, and she had to deal with the sage on the opposite side. There was only one sage, An Xiaoxi, and it was inevitable that she would suffer when throwing skills at each other.

"Soldiers press forward, swordsmen output the front row from behind, or archers break the rear and focus on the enemy's high-level battle. Ranged occupations output a wave of front row first, and then hit the middle fiercely after the battle! Summoners pull out summoned beasts to fight Disrupt their formation, the assassins are ready to deal with marginal players!" Esdeth's staff pointed directly at the opposite side, issuing a series of orders.

With the sharpness, Esdeth didn't plan to ask the assassins to commit suicide attacks to deal with the sages on the opposite side. I believe that with the sharpness of combat power, those priests would have a hard time.

Lin Jianxiao was also in full swing, standing behind the soldiers, and decided to help them deal with more melee combat. Although he didn't have as much damage as sharp, but no one was his opponent!
Since Number One in the World made a move, they also went all out, and with their sharp temperament, they would probably get a lot of rewards by then.He has also seen clearly the strength of the Zongheng guild in the past two days. Guaranteeing friendly relations will also be of great help to Number One in the World when necessary.

At this time, Sanshengmeng's body had been trampled into mud, and Esdeth picked up the exploded equipment as he walked by.

Jun Gu, who arrived at the Thorn Camp, also rushed directly to the battle zone with his people. Although he only brought three regiments, they were all elites. They were double-teamed by the Zongheng Alliance, and they were more than enough to deal with them!
"The fighters of the [-]th, [-]th and [-]th Regiment retreat to the rear, there may be an attack from our rear!" The battle has already started, and there is no way out, so Gu Yingchengshuang can only do his best to deal with it.

Although seeing No. [-] under heaven declare war, the crowd was already noisy and flustered.

"No. [-] in the world? What's going on?" Killing God Qianfeng didn't expect to attract the No. [-] person in the world. He could only look up to the existence of the top ten guilds. Didn't Lin Jianxiao jump to Zongheng?

Gu Yingchengshuang didn't want to pay attention to him at all. No wonder Nitian Zero Realm and Zhaixing Pavilion are not small, but they can only wander in second-rate guilds, and they are played around by sharp edges. Not enough brains are flawed.

"President, the rear is under attack!"

Gu Ying returned to the crowd in pairs. He already knew that Number One Under Heaven had come, and he was very calm when he heard the news, but the disappearing edge was a shadow in his heart: "All the sages should disperse! Immediately!"

Before the sages scattered in a hurry, the chill spread in the crowd, making people's hearts tremble. The ghostly whip burst out in the crowd, and the breath of death enveloped them.
The screen is filled with high amounts of terrifying damage, mixed with a lot of critical damage, which is shocking to see. Although I have heard a lot about the explosive output of sharp edge, it is still very scary to encounter it.

Ye Sheng, whose name was red on the top of his head, appeared in the center of an empty area with a scarlet letter, and none of the people around him survived.

Immediately after, the attack hit her. After quickly looking around, he recognized various divine staffs, and headed towards the direction where there were more sages. The black shadow flashed past and rushed directly.

The operational quality of the players in the Misty Temple is generally much higher than that of the Heaven-defying Zero Realm. Even if a lot of manpower is lost, the team is not in chaos, and there will be no littering of skills.

The single-target skill followed her, and seven swordsmen and assassins rushed over to try to stop her, and the long-distance professions turned to attack the front and rear vertical and horizontal players and the number one player in the world.

They all knew that they couldn't kill Feng Mang if they couldn't hit them. Instead of wasting their skills on her, it's better to kill a few more people.

The fighters from the two sides had already raised their shields and charged together. Those who faced the vertical and horizontal members were more of the people who defied the sky and the zero realm.

The two warriors made way for a gap, and suddenly someone from the Heaven-defying Zero Realm wanted to rush over aggressively, but what they were facing was Lin Jianxiao who was holding two swords.

Instead, Lin Jianxiao's sword was as bright as a rainbow, and he rushed out alone, swung his sword and beheaded two players who were blocking the blood, kicked away the shield-raising warrior in front of him and killed them.

The long sword swung in a circular arc, and the afterimage left by the sword light seemed to form a round moon. With a full moon slash, it opened a gap by killing the hostile players around him who had already suffered a wave of long-range damage.

There seemed to be a sound of breaking wind behind him, but he ignored it at all, and a broad heavy sword slammed down hard, splitting the long sword that was trying to attack Lin Jianxiao.

Lin Jianxiao glanced back, and the idiot grinned at him: "Let's go!"

A series of elite swordsmen such as Gu Qianyu, Young Master Jiu, Sha Erzai, and Sword Intent Taixu also rushed out, and Qingshi Hanmu, the mad warrior, Lin Jianxiao helped them open the gap, so naturally he would not stand up. Watch behind the fighter.

The enemy will not attack here from a long distance, and they took care of each other to resist the attack of the enemy swordsman, and followed Lin Jianxiao to kill many fighters along the way.

An Xiaoxi called out the Healing Fountain, healed the surrounding rangers, approached the warrior a few steps, and pushed the Canglong Chaos over. When their people pushed to that position, the duration of the Canglong Chaos had already expired.

Esdeth's staff was held high, cold air burst out, and a cloud appeared above the enemy's head in the distance, and the rustling hailstones slammed down, which didn't look like much, but did a lot of damage.

A flash of lightning struck, and with quick eyes and quick hands, he pulled Cheng Zi very cute behind him to dodge, and the rest of the long range also dodged one after another.

A dark green anaconda also rushed into the hostile crowd following the gap, with its bloody mouth wide open and its powerful tail sweeping around. Although the damage was not high, it knocked down many players.

He lowered his head, bit his upper body and lifted it up amidst a wise man's horrified cry, and threw it at the crowd again. At this time, two sharp arrows pierced through the air and pierced the wise man's chest. dead body.

(End of this chapter)

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