Chapter 199
"How did you learn at Tianfu?" Ye Sheng asked Mu Yan while chatting with Mu Yan privately when point R was distributing equipment.

"It went well. With the knowledge you gave me as a foundation, I learned quickly. Master Tianfu said that I am very talented in understanding." Mu Yan rolled his eyes. Without the knowledge Ye Sheng gave her, she could do nothing. If she didn't perform so well, Tianfu obviously valued her very much.

"Not bad." Those things of hers are somewhat useful.

After the battle with the Ethereal Temple, the name of Zongheng once again resounded throughout the Qingxuan Kingdom. Although the relationship with No. [-] in the world did not draw youmeng, it was no different from youmeng in the eyes of outsiders.

It was getting late, and Ye Sheng didn't bother to go to the fighting arena, so he went back to the hotel to rest.

After waking up, it was still pitch black outside, and the surroundings were silent. It was still some time before morning, and she continued to let the game character fall asleep. After she went offline, she walked out of the room to wash up, and then went downstairs to check on the little black cat.

The cat's self-healing ability is good. At this time, it can already climb up the cat climbing frame. Seeing her appear, it immediately jumped off the cat climbing frame and rushed over to grab her trouser leg.

He picked up the little black cat and rubbed it in his arms until it meowed until he let it go.

"It likes you very much. The young master also likes to keep cats, but he has not seen a few cats that are very close to him." The nanny came out and couldn't help but said after seeing this scene.

Scratching the black cat's chin, Ye Sheng rarely put on a soft smile.

Dragon is the leader of all spirits, knowing that she has thighs, how can this cat not get close to her.

After giving the nanny a look, she silently walked towards the kitchen again.The eldest lady is good everywhere, although she is a bit cold, she is very polite, is too delicious.

Throwing himself on the sofa, Ye Sheng hugged the black cat, watching current affairs and news.

Ye Ming came back soon, saw the black cat rubbing back and forth in her arms, and raised his eyebrows, but he didn't mention the black cat, but asked Zhanjie: "What's the matter, there are people outside Rumor has it that you hooked up with Lin Jianxiao!"

"What the hell rumors?" Frowning, Ye Sheng put the magazine away.

"Didn't you upgrade Lin Jianxiao for the past two days? In the morning, he fought with the Misty Temple, and the number one in the world rushed to the Qingxuan Kingdom to help without saying a word!" Ye Ming curled his lips.

"Lin Jianxiao paid for it, and Number One Under Heaven and Zongheng are friendly guilds." Ye Sheng explained.

"I didn't see you making friends with Iron Blood." Ye Ming was even more unhappy.

"Let's wait until you develop into a first-class guild." Put the black cat back on the cat climbing frame.

"Soon, the last two houses in the villa area have been sold, and finally all 56 villas have been sold. My mother said that the money for those two houses will belong to me. With this money, Tie Xue can develop another Wave." Ye Sheng got up together, and Ye Ming immediately fell down on the sofa unceremoniously, stretched lazily, and said.

Ye Sheng's complexion suddenly changed, and a drop of cold sweat rolled down his forehead: "Building 56? Did you remember correctly?"

"Huh? I remember something wrong, there are only a few buildings." Ye Ming looked at her back because he didn't know.

With one hand pinched on the cat climbing frame, he gradually left five fingerprints with force.

"Meow!" The black cat jumped off the cat climbing frame in shock, and directly retracted into a ball in its own nest.

The memories that had been forgotten in the depths of her mind gradually emerged clearly. She came to Ye Ming after earning money from the prosperity of the war world in her previous life. She wanted to buy a citizenship at a low price through the back door. She was still shopping in the villa area at that time. She knew Remember, there are obviously 58 villas!
Later, two buildings were demolished, which is unlikely.

"Is there a map of the entire villa area?" Repressing some turbulent emotions, Ye Sheng asked as calmly as possible, "Show me."

"Yes, in the study, why do you want to look at the map, it's all sold out." Ye Ming was full of doubts, but still went upstairs to get the map and handed it to her.

Some can't wait to unfold the map, the distribution of each villa in the entire villa area, the parking lot and the small central park are clearly drawn, and the palms are placed on the green picture of the central park.

Trying to recall the past memories, the area of ​​this park has become larger. Originally, there should be two villas in the north of it, but there are not. She doesn't remember that the area around the park has been rebuilt.

After piecing together the scattered memories, Ye Sheng took out his mobile phone and began to search. Most of them were the same as the memories, but there were some discrepancies in some subtleties.

The expression became more and more calm, concealing the turmoil in his mind under the calm, and slowly folded the map, Ye Sheng returned to the game room quickly regardless of the dishes that were already halfway on the table.

"Miss Ye Sheng?" The nanny yelled from behind, but there was no response, so she looked at Ye Ming, "Young Master, are you eating?"

"What's going on?" Ye Ming was at a loss. He only felt that something was wrong with Ye Sheng, but he didn't know why. He happened to be hungry and didn't bother to think about it. It's just that he couldn't finish eating such a big table. Ye What is Sheng doing?
Back in the game room, Ye Sheng leaned against the door weakly, feeling cold all over his body. Many details that he hadn't considered since his rebirth were revealed to him without reservation.

She has been wondering why she still has the body of the demon clan if she is reborn and time goes back.

Besides this world, there is Zhanjie, and the world behind Zhanjie. If she is reborn, how can she affect so many worlds and accompany her back in time?

There is also the Demon God Prison, that can create the existence of the war world, the unfathomable and extremely powerful Demon God, can she turn back the time of the Demon God?Then she shouldn't be such a small existence.

Since there is not only one world, there may also be a world that is very similar to the previous world, such as where she is now.

The development time of the two worlds is different, and they look almost identical, but there are still differences in those very subtle places, but this difference is not enough to affect the development of the entire world, so she couldn't detect it before.

Recalling the few novels I occasionally read before, she might not be reborn at all, but the so-called... soul wear?So the body of the demon race existed from the beginning, everything that happened before has already happened, she is not a restart, but another beginning?
So what about Ye Ming, Mu Yan, and Lin Jianxiao in that world.Is there more than one battle world?
Hit the forehead with a palm, stop the chaotic guessing, get up and return to the game room, and log in to the battle world.

Turning over from the bed, Ye Sheng fell out of the task panel, but the words of the demon god would appear in the mysterious figure, but she had no way to contact the demon god. Perhaps only she could answer all this.

Just as he was hesitating, a chat panel similar to a private chat channel appeared under the task, and he didn't care about calmness, so he entered a series of messy questions.

High-tech high-rise buildings stand in the green valley one after another, but many people walk between the high-rise buildings. The tallest and most luxurious building in the center is made by combining elements and technological materials. The new floor-to-ceiling glass overlooks the entire city.

This is the city that she spent hundreds of years building after seeing other worlds, and it is completely inconsistent with the original style of this continent.

The world that extremely advocates personal force has never considered the development of so-called technology, but she brought technology in, but all of this belongs to the demons.

The various races other than the demons still have stone buildings and wooden houses, and their mounts are also various birds and beasts, although they don't necessarily need the so-called means of transportation.The civilians are more bonfire earthen stoves, unlike them who use technological stoves that incorporate fire elements.

A notification sound came from behind her, and she stretched out her hand in front of her to directly call up a panel similar to that in front of Ye Sheng, looking at the information inside, her eyebrows and eyes slightly frowned, did she finally find it?

Seeing that Ye Sheng even asked her about the situation in the world she used to be, the jailer brought up another panel, which showed a devastated world with almost no living beings left.

With a sneer, he avoided a lot of questions, only answered her the core, and left her a sentence: "Work hard to become stronger, so that you can see a more exciting world."

After reading the answer given by the jailer, the chat panel disappeared before she could ask any more questions.

In fact, she still has a question, that is, since the battle world already existed a few years ago, why did the world delay to the same date.

However, this problem appeared in the task bar: the date of war world needs to be changed.

"..." So it's because I'm too lazy to change it.

Exhaling a long breath, Ye Sheng froze on the spot with an inexplicable expression, his mind went blank for a while, and he didn't know what to think about.

Anyway, get stronger.

Not only to save your life, but also to see how rich and colorful the outside world is, and how many worlds are there?
 This article is a purely online game article, it only writes until the end of the war world, and does not turn to fantasy, this article is just a small background explanation

  Thank you for the rewards of Banye Shiguang and Fireworks, thank you for the monthly ticket voted by Mujia Xiaoguozi, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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