The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 291 The Powerless Scene

Chapter 291 The Powerless Scene

Turning his head and seeing the enemies from behind running into the intersection on both sides, Ye Sheng turned around and continued to kill indifferently. When they reached the teleportation hall, they had no choice but to hide.

They dispersed, even though they knew they were not sharp opponents, the members of the several guilds still formed formations according to their professions, and tried their best to do everything they could.

After all, it is not as easy as before, and there are very few people who are crowded because of fear. She has always kept a certain distance as far as possible, so that her group attack skills can gain slightly fewer heads.

And every ten meters away, a row of fighters blocked the street, trying to drag her here.

But Ye Sheng was always Ye Sheng. She rushed up through the gap between the crowd, stepped on the shield, and jumped up to the second floor with her strength.

A series of attacks followed, but they were all single-target skills with average power. If the house was damaged during the fight, both sides had to pay for it, and they all seemed relatively restrained.

Immediately, a swordsman struggled to climb up the corridor on the second floor and stood in front of her, with more players climbing up behind him.

Ye Sheng pierced the supporting column with a dagger, passed through the water curtain under the eaves, and climbed up to the roof of the low building on the second floor with his strength. With the help of his companions, Ke Deyuan climbed to the top of the building in an attempt to snipe her.

It was much safer for them to go up to the top of the building, and if they killed them all the way through the street, they might really bleed like rivers.

He raised his foot towards the two people who had just leaked their heads from the eaves and tried to climb up, and kicked them down one by one, only to be caught by the people below.There are also people who fell directly because of the heavy rain and slippery without climbing up, but the damage from falling at this height is not high.

Avoiding a few shots from the opposite side, he faced a hostile swordsman head-on, but just as he raised his sword, he saw a flash in front of his eyes, and then his neck was cold, blood splashed out mixed with rain, and his eyes turned For dark colors.

A corpse rolled down the eaves, and this time there was no one to respond, because they were all rushing forward, and then more corpses rolled down.

Standing on the eaves, probably because there were fewer people, the sound of the heavy rain was a bit louder, and he moved forward quickly, and climbed to the roof of a three-story hut.

There are also hostile players who don't give up chasing or blocking in front. Ye Sheng took a breath and looked at the flow of people on the street ahead. It didn't look very real in the pouring rain, but he could see that he was almost at the teleportation hall.

The ranking of the guild declaration of war recorded the number of heads he had killed insanely, and there was a huge gap with the second and third place Mu Yan and Dingxian.

A clump of green bamboo was planted by the wall of a family. Ye Sheng pulled a green bamboo and slid it down. Mo Che chopped it off, dealt with it a few times, and threw it away in the cut bamboo tube. With a coin, he jumped onto the roof again with a bamboo pole.

Seeing Ye Sheng bring up a long bamboo pole in a blink of an eye, the people in front and behind were a little hesitant, and then the green bamboo with branches and leaves slid across the rain curtain and hit him.

Qingzhu smashed into them who were caught off guard with whistling, the bamboo leaves covered their faces, their feet were unsteady, and they were swept down one by one by Ye Sheng.

The pursuers behind him didn't bother to care, Ye Sheng dragged the green bamboo to sweep forward, regardless of killing people, clear the way first.

The pincer attack on both sides was too much pressure for Mu Yan, she had to consume a certain number of people before the ground thorn was passed.

Running past the roof that she had swept down a lot of tiles, Ye Sheng looked down, the house might be leaking...

Fighting in the city is easier for Zongheng, but the compensation afterwards is estimated to be quite a lot.Fortunately, Zongheng is not short of money now, and is supported by the Kingdom's guild every month, and Zongheng's people can spend a lot of money for fighting without spending much money.

When she rushed to the street where the teleportation hall was located, Mu Yan was already fighting on two fronts, and she also noticed that a team was going to the resurrection hall.

"People are going to the resurrection hall, Dingxian is ready!" Ye Sheng jumped off the roof with eight afterimages, and greeted Dingxian by the way.

"Received." At the same time, Tingxian also received the message from the assassin who reported the point, and immediately waved his hands to adjust the formation, ready to be flanked and fought.

"Fengmang is chasing after him!" Gu Yingchengshuang also received the news that Fengmang was at the entrance of the street not far behind them.

A drop of cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and it didn't take long to get here with his sharp strength: "Hurry up, all go straight up to pile up the corpses, and some soldiers cover the ground with shields!"

"I can't stand stably with the shield." Facing the thorns on the ground, Falling Leaves Suifeng was caught off guard and lost too much, but it has already brought experience to Gu Yingchengshuang, and it can be regarded as a way to deal with it.

"Then it's just a pile of corpses! Extra rewards for the members who pile up the corpses!" Gu Yingcheng ordered the members to pile up the corpses decisively.

Hearing that there was a reward, the members of the front row who were originally reluctant rushed into the stab formation one by one. Feihua Rumeng immediately commanded a long-range attack to smash over, trying not to let them go too far.

Mu Yan always pays attention to the battle situation on both sides, wherever her skills are needed, she will drop them there. She and Feihua Bianmeng each command one side, but both sides have to control the skills.

The street in front of the teleportation hall is relatively wide. Ye Sheng stood in the middle of the street without any scruples and released the ghost. In an instant, he was not far from the position of Gu Ying Cheng Shuang. She could see Gu Ying Cheng Shuang through the crowd. .

Gu Yingcheng also looked back and saw her suddenly, his eyes widened, and he subconsciously shrank into the corner, while the rest of the scattered guild managers also tried to hide behind them.

"The sharp group has released the attack, immediately make up to stop her!"

The pile of corpses in front consumes a lot, and the vertical and horizontal distances are just right, so that their people can't walk far on the ground thorns. Instead, they are piled up together to stop them. They can only continue to pile up corpses and push the pile of corpses forward with the damage. .

They urgently need to replenish personnel, but there is a sharp edge lying there in the middle, making it impossible for the people behind to make up for it for a while, even if the sharp edge cannot kill some people, it is not enough.

"Try walking from the roof."

"No, there is an ambush on the roof!"

"Shoot down those archers on the roof!"

"I can't hit it! I can't press it!"

The archers arranged vertically and horizontally stood on the tall building opposite the teleportation hall, and the distance was well controlled. If you don't stand near the thorns, you can't attack them at all, but those who stand near the thorns will not live long.

And they can not only help kill those who try to pile up corpses, but also clean up those enemies who want to rely on their houses to cross the ground thorns.

Xuan Jing's current archer is already playing well. She is indeed more suitable for archers. She has changed her job to become a burst archer, and her damage is quite considerable.She was in charge of the archer ambush team on the roof.

"It's impossible to fight like this, the sharpness is completely a bug!" Gu Yingcheng's teeth were trembling a little, fearful and angry, so many of them were fighting vertically and horizontally, and vertically and horizontally were also fighting on the third front, but neither the teleportation hall nor the resurrection hall could be defeated .

Not only is the core edge one person blocking too many people, but also those few high-level priests can easily milk the people who are in control. The vertical and horizontal high output is worn down too quickly.

On the other hand, people who have been consumed too much by the edge cannot give enough pressure.

He helplessly fed back the current embarrassing situation to Shinhwa, waiting for the reply there.

 RNG stick stay ヾ(o`o)

(End of this chapter)

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