Mermaid Princess Jasmine Adventures

Chapter 105 Chapter Family

When Uncle Wen left the restaurant with a group of children, the waiter who had been serving them in the private room was stunned.

What surprised him the most was the appetite of the little boy who looked no less than a mermaid prince.

God!He ate ten plates of braised pork alone!He saw the only middle-aged uncle, probably the head of the family, his face changed a few times, but he just kept asking the young boy if he wanted an extra meal.

The waiter couldn't wait to share it with the manager, "Jing, manager, the shocking news! The family of the mermaid prince duo is all superb! Especially that one"

The waiter spoke out what he saw in a daze of incoherence.The manager of the restaurant also felt the same way, and decided to put the secretly photographed photos on the Internet platform to promote this little-known restaurant by the way.

Yu Ze took everyone to the riverside again. This time, Minister Dolphin led the guards to escort the little princess back to the secret ocean again.

Xiaoshuo held Little Jasmine's hand very reluctantly, but he didn't expect to go back to the ocean first after finding Little Jasmine.

Everyone watched the small group of people standing on their toes, trying to pat Xiaoshuo's hair with their hands.On the one hand, he explained to Xiaoshuo that he just went back to the ocean to see the mermaid king and queen, and he would definitely return to Huishi to find them the next day.

In order to cooperate with Little Jasmine, Xiao Shuo half bent down and lowered his head so that Little Jasmine could pat the top of his head with his hands.

Yu Ze and Ali looked a little funny at this scene, but Fan Li was a little bit amused, "I'll be back tomorrow, if you go early, you can go back quickly, don't be so reluctant!"

When Little Jasmine turned around and was about to jump into the water, Fan Li said again, "Little Jasmine, haven't you hugged me farewell yet?"

Xiao Tuanzi turned his head and took a look, "Brother Fan Li, you are so beautiful!" After saying that, he jumped into the river, and followed Minister Dolphin and they quickly went deep into the river.

Fan Li muttered what Xiudou was, thinking it was not a good word.She pursed her lips again, hey, Little Jasmine just doesn't know me well, I knew I would interact with her more when I was in the magic forest, I don't know if it's too late now.

Mr. Li Wen walked over to touch his son who was staring at the river in a daze, "Let's go, Xiaoshuo, we can see little Jasmine tomorrow."

The rest of the cubs followed Mr. Li Wen's car all the way back to Huishi.

The moment Little Jasmine returned to the secret place under the sea again, the old octopus witch who lived in the dark room suddenly opened her gloomy eyes, and the black air around her became more and more intense.

The old witch who barely moved for a hundred years began to spread her tentacles and slowly moved towards the door.
The little guy saw that the flowers, plants, and trees in the secret realm were so familiar and kind. After only leaving for a few months, everything was still the same, and everything was different.

The clear and bright eyes overflowed with dizziness, and soon condensed into two shining pearls falling with the sea water.The accompanying guards immediately stretched out their hands to catch it, and held it carefully in their palms.

The mermaid king in the distance disregarded court etiquette, and was eager to miss his daughter, so he swam out to meet his little daughter in person.

The first mermaid prince, the first mermaid princess and the second mermaid princess also followed behind.

When the fish outside the palace saw the king coming out, all the fish lowered their heads in unison.When they raised their heads, they saw their respected and majestic King holding his little princess and circling excitedly.

It turns out that all fathers in the world love the same, and their king is no exception.Among the fish, only the second princess mermaid looked at her father and younger sister with earnest eyes, showing envy and disappointment at the same time.

Little Jasmine snorted again with a small nasal sound, "Father, I miss you so much, I miss my mother, I miss my eldest brother, eldest sister and second sister!"

She gave all the family a French hug, and a reunion ceremony began in front of the palace.

The fishermen in the secret realm lined up spontaneously and shouted loudly at the same time, "Long live the king, long live the king, congratulations to little Princess Jasmine on her return to court!"

The mermaid king held Little Jasmine in his arms, and when he looked back, he saw countless fish people swimming over from the secret realm. He prostrated himself in front of the palace gate, and shouted excitedly, "In order to congratulate my youngest daughter on her return to court, all the fish people in the secret realm Everyone can receive a mermaid pearl, and at the same time give amnesty to the fish people of the Arid Sea!"

When the fishes heard this news, they immediately boiled, and the screams and cheers once again shook the entire secret realm.

Of all the happy fish people of the sea, but not the octopus witch, she decided it was time to take back what was hers.

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