Endless Debt.

Chapter 102 Name

Chapter 102 Name
Manic phagocytosis, this is used to describe the symptoms of emptiness and agitation, but according to the current information, such symptoms can also be differentiated between different people, such as the night clan like Seri, they need blood as a medium to absorb.

Bologo began to think, maybe he "absorbed" this ability, which was also a part of his mania. He obtained soul fragments from the demon's corpse, and these soul fragments were used to satisfy his own emptiness. As for Where did they go after being consumed...

Burrog felt a headache, he couldn't figure it out, and then he realized that all his doubts came from the devil.

The devil who traded with himself and gave him "resurrection from the dead".

As long as he finds the devil, Bologo believes that all the mysteries will be answered. Maybe Bologo can also know the reason why he came to this world.

It's a pity that Burlogo can't remember, whether it's the content of the transaction or everything related to the devil, he can't remember all of it, just like Burlogo has never experienced it.

Boluogo didn't continue to think about it. Such internal friction is meaningless, but just like Serley said, he has plenty of time to find out all this.

"Have you noticed the difference in yourself? This is normal. Every undead is considered a person favored by the devil. Sometimes our illnesses will be different accordingly."

Sulei explained, "Jeffrey didn't mention this to you, probably because he doesn't know much about it. After all, we are mysterious undead, and a lot of information about undead is actually sorted out by us undead. of."

"Why didn't you tell me then?" asked Burlogo.

"You didn't even ask!" Su Lei shouted.

Soon this guy showed a sly expression again, and whispered, "The main reason is that Geoffrey was also there at the time. Although the Bureau of Order is our dear landlord, we can't tell all the secrets to the landlord, right? "

"Of course, if the landlord asks, we will definitely know everything, but if he doesn't ask, we have no choice but to pretend that we don't know."

Thurley quibbled.

"Do you know how to find the devil?" Burrog asked abruptly.

Threi was stunned, and it took a while to react, and asked in a low voice, "What are you going to do?"

"I just realized that many of my doubts come from the devil, the devil who traded with me. If I find him, maybe everything will become clear." Burogo said.

"Hmm... I'm not sure about this. Most of the time, it's the devil who finds us, not us. Although there are some rituals that can summon the devil, is the devil who summoned you the one who traded with you? Nobody can guarantee that."

Thurley spoke of the devil he knew.

"Devils are a group of deceitful and mysterious existences. Thousands of years have passed, and people still know very little about them. Many times they will not appear in front of our eyes in person. They are more of an illusory form, and even various different media and forms."

"I know that there are related records in the Bureau of Order. Devils often appear when a person is in a desperate situation. Sometimes it is a phone call, sometimes it is an illusion in the mind... They almost never appear in front of your eyes, but When you make a blood contract under their promise, that is the beginning of disaster."

Under that strong thirst for knowledge, during his time in the Order Bureau, besides work, he read books to understand these extraordinary secrets.

"But one thing is for sure, it will always find you, isn't it? Bolog, you just need to wait quietly." Thray said.

"Waiting?" Burrog took a long breath, "I thought I had learned to wait, but sometimes I still feel anxious."

"Normal, after all, you are only a young man."

In Threi's eyes, almost everyone is young.

Looking at this absurd guy, Bologo still had trouble connecting him with the legendary Night Clan lord, let alone Threi was the son of the Night King.

"Would you like some wine?" Serai asked.

"No, I have to go to work later, just orange juice."

After Serley was busy behind the bar, from his appearance, it is true that he could not see the dignity of his previous status, but he seemed to have a feeling that all fame and wealth are vain, and the most important thing is to be happy.

Thinking of the scene in the bedroom just now, if judging from this angle, Serey is indeed quite happy.

"What about the rest?"

Burrog glanced at the empty club. Compared with the excitement of the last time he came, this time it was much deserted, which may also be the reason why Burrog came too early.

Judging from the personalities of these undead, most of these guys only wake up in the afternoon.


Sure enough.

"By the way, Bologo, you came early in the morning, don't you have to go to work?" Seri asked.

"There is still plenty of time," Burlogo glanced at the gate, "This place is very close to the Order Bureau, which can save at least an hour of time."

Recalling the churn in his stomach just now, and thinking about the commute to work afterwards, Burlogo hesitated for a few seconds and said again.

"In the future, I may often borrow the road from here to go to work."


This time, Thurley was surprised, but he didn't mean to drive Bologo away, but said instead.

"Actually, you can live here directly. There are still many vacant rooms upstairs," Serley said. "Don't feel embarrassed, this is for members."

To be honest, Bologo was tempted for a moment, but after thinking for a while, he still refused.

"Let's talk about it later. After I work for a while, I will study moving or something."

It’s not that he feels sorry for the rent that has already been paid. The main thing is that Bologo still has respect for these idiots. If he lives here, he may be knocked on the door one day and join their carnival, and the reason for the carnival is certain. It's ridiculous.

"However, regarding your question, you can actually ask some people who have really faced the devil directly." Selei suddenly brought the topic back.

"Who are you thinking of?"

"Hmm, an old guy who is about to be forgotten by me. I just remembered when you mentioned this. In fact, I have never faced the devil. Among the people I know, those who can be contacted and who have really faced the devil should also Only him."



"Forget it, I'm off to work, see you next time, Selei."

Bologo waved his hand. He realized that for a guy like Thurley, it's best to only have half expectations. He can indeed bring a solution, but whether this solution is feasible is another matter.

Fortunately, everything has indeed made some progress. If I want to learn more, it will inevitably involve things like alchemy. These things can't be learned just by reading books.

The woman's rampant laughter could not help but sound in his mind. Burrog's expression was complicated, and now he understood Jeffrey's words more and more.

Few people can refuse the sublimation furnace core. If they can refuse, it means that they haven't given enough.

Leaving the Undead Club, the Bureau of Order is close at hand. Although you can borrow the Undead Club in the morning, you still have to walk slowly when you go home at night.

If you live in the Undead Club, the big problem of commuting will be perfectly solved, and it seems that there is no rent, and these undead are all very rich...

Burrog was caught in a battle of thoughts, and when he broke free from his thoughts, he was already standing in front of the building of the Bureau of Order.

"Are you here so early today?"

Jeffrey glanced at the time, and Bologo came earlier than before, "I just finished the mission, I thought you would be very tired, and you will be late."

"It's really tiring, but let's talk about rest and so on after we've dealt with the matter of 'people addiction'."

When it comes to work, Burrog is a workaholic, a stubborn wild dog who won't let go of his bite.

Palmer complained a lot about this. He often said that Burlogo worked too hard, which made it difficult to take him as a partner.

"You are an undead person, and you have plenty of time to rest. What about me? Me? I am an ordinary person, and my limited lifespan is so long. Let me rest more!"

Palmer often howls like this, and recently he has learned a new word, what is called introversion, and Burlogo is the big sinner who entangles him every day.

Bologo doesn't understand this, and he doesn't bother to understand it. As an expert, dedication is an extremely important part. Doing what you do and loving what you do is Bologo's consistent philosophy.

"Palmer hasn't arrived yet?"

Burrog looked around, but couldn't find Palmer.

"He should be the last one again." Uriel entered the door with two cups of coffee in her hands.

"Probably slept to death at home." Burlogo commented.

Lebius behind the desk has no objection to this. For him, as long as he can handle the task well, he doesn't mind if his team member is a lazy dog ​​who is late for work every day.

Hurried footsteps sounded outside the door, and Burlogo and Jeffrey looked at each other, and if they guessed right, it should be Palmer.

But something was wrong, Palmer has always been a laid-back guy, even if he was late, he would take his time, so he shouldn't be in such a hurry.

The visitor was so anxious that he pushed open the office door without even knocking.


An unexpected person appears.

Ivan had an anxious expression on his face. He was very stable and rarely showed such emotions. Holding a document in his hand, he walked directly towards Lebius and slapped the document on the desktop.

"The urgent information sent by the iron whistle this morning, we have found the leader of the'thirsty'."

Everyone present was cheered up, and the one with the most obvious emotional ups and downs was Bologo. He almost stood up and grabbed Ivan's documents to see who the damned guy was.

"Who is he?"

Burrog tried to control his emotions and asked calmly.

"Kirdning Caesar."

Ivan's voice lingered in his ears, his ups and downs were frozen, and Bologo repeated without emotion.

"Kodning... Caesar."

He thought he had heard wrong, but Burrog knew that was impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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