Endless Debt.

Chapter 105 The Last Gift

Chapter 105 The Last Gift
The sky of Opals is still gloomy. Even after sunset, it only adds a little orange light to the gloom, like a fire burning in the clouds.

Burlogo was not in a hurry to go home, but sat on the steps downstairs, with his hands folded on his knees, and his head raised to the sky.

He remembered that he was like this when he was a child. When he was bored, he would stay in the pasture near his home and stare blankly at the sky until night fell.

Bologo liked that feeling very much, and his restless heart was rarely calmed down by the breeze.

It's a pity that this is Opals, not the familiar pasture. There are roaring machinery everywhere, and the rising and overflowing smog is smudged into damascular lights.

Bologo couldn't calm down, and the memories of the past kept bumping in his mind.

He began to understand the story of "The Wandering Mouse". Kodning said that it was based on himself. Now it seems that he did not lie, but he did not tell the whole truth.

Recalling the previous communication with Kedening, Bologo became curious when he was angry, what was Kedening thinking...

He still remembered what Kodening said.

God does not exist, but the villains should also be longing for the moment of punishment. When their lives end, they can finally stop fleeing and calmly accept the coming of peace.

Bologo began to doubt, Kedening, are you sincere?Or is it one of your many disguises? Burlog also understands that each of these actors is a master of disguise. After all, their profession is to become another person to deceive the audience and blend into the story.

Forget it, Bologo thought, no matter whether Kedening is telling the truth or lying, it can't change the ending of all this.

Some things are doomed from the beginning.

If it's true, then it's up to Burrog to bring him peace, if it's false, it's up to Burrog to punish it all.

As Burlogo always did, no one on his list would be spared.


A hesitant voice sounded from the front, and Bologo broke away from his thoughts and looked at the man in front of him.

A person who surprised Bologo appeared in front of him, with white hair and wrinkled face, but from this old face, Bologo could still feel a little familiar, just like Someone's afterimage was engraved on his body.


In any case, Burlogo didn't expect to see Lawson here today, let alone such a thing happened today.

He was a little afraid to look at Lawson for a while. Although Lawson didn't know anything, an unknown sense of guilt surged in Burrog's heart, scratching his heart like sharp claws.

"Yo, is that a surprise? Burlogo."

Lawson was carrying a suitcase in his hand, which seemed to contain a lot of things and looked heavy.

Looking at Bologo, and then at the building behind him, Lawson smiled, "Your place is really hard to find."

"Shenbei District is like this, it doesn't feel much different from the suburbs."

Burrog stood up, smiled as best he could, and said, "Why are you here?"

"I'll send you something. After my mother passed away, we sorted out a lot of her belongings. Everyone didn't know what to do with them. I wanted to throw them away."

Lawson held the suitcase in front of him, recalling Burlogo's angry appearance in his mind.

"I still remember that you were furious at the time, and if these things that belonged to her were just thrown away, it was as if she had died again... So I spent a lot of time sorting out these things, and I found that there are some things that she wants to leave to you of."

"Leave it to me?"

Burrogo was a little overwhelmed.

"Well, yes, it's for you," Lawson hesitated, but said with certainty, "although my mother didn't leave any will, I think this is for you. If I keep it privately, she Should be very angry."

Lawson said something that Bologo couldn't understand, and he handed the suitcase to Burlogo with certainty. Bologo didn't hesitate, he took the suitcase, it was heavier than he expected, and it was like a load inside. into another world.

"Want to sit up?" Burrog asked.

"No, I'm in a hurry. I'm leaving Opals tonight," Lawson said.

"Leave... Opals?"

"That's right, I wanted to move out of this city a long time ago. My children are all living in other places. It's just that my mother didn't want to leave, so I stayed here with her until the end. Now that my mother has passed away, there is no restriction here. mine."

Lawson spoke calmly.

"But don't worry, I will still come back to see my mother every year. Then we can get together and talk about what happened recently."

"OK, all right."

Burrog didn't know what to say, he was not good at facing Lawson from the beginning, there were too many things, he didn't know how to explain to him.

"You look a bit bad, have you encountered any troubles?"

Lawson looked at Bologo carefully, and could feel that Bologo was in a bad state of mind.

"Fortunately, nothing." Bologo replied casually.

Seeing this, Lawson didn't want to ask any further questions. The conversation between the two fell into a brief silence. Lawson's eyes wandered around. After a long hesitation, he spoke again.

"Sorry, Bologo."

"Huh? What's wrong."

"I have to admit that I was prejudiced against you before. I think you are a young man with evil intentions. I have seen too many people like you."

Lawson's eyes fell on the suitcase, and he was shocked that the contents of the box changed his perception.

"It's hard to admit your mistakes, but after thinking about it for a long time, I still feel that I want to meet you and give these things to you. This matter is very important, at least my mother thinks it is very important."

Looking at those blue eyes, Lawson felt the pressure for a long time, the pressure from the heart, he can be regarded as an old guy, and he has experienced all kinds of life, but at this moment facing Burogo, he is I feel like a toddler who doesn't know anything about the world.

"I don't know what happened to you, Bologo."

Thinking back on what he saw now, Lawson felt a wave of panic. He wanted to call the police at that time, but what should he say after calling the police?I saw a monster, but who would believe it?

Lawson forced himself to calm down. Amidst the anxiety, he read what Adele left behind, and based on the content, he made the choice he should make.

"I was really taken aback when I saw those things," Lawson smiled wryly. "I really don't know how to face you, and I don't know what you are, a human? Or a monster."

Burrog knew what Lawson was talking about, and he replied calmly.

"Human beings, at least I consider myself human."

Lawson didn't comment much on this, he skipped the subject and went on.

"Anyway, no matter what you are, mother still chooses to accept you. She is such a person who wants to warm all the people who are suffering with love.

I think if my mother is still alive, she will still do this. I follow her direction, and there is always nothing wrong. "

Stretching out his hand, there was a moment of stalemate, but Lawson still put his hand on Burlog's shoulder and patted it lightly a few times.

"These things are really precious to me, but from my mother's point of view, you seem to need them more than I do."

Lawson ordered.

"Keep these things safe, she left them for you."

After all this was said, Lawson left. Bologo wanted to send him off, but he declined. In fact, Bologo also understood that he and Lawson still didn't get along.

He still remembers the scene when he and Lawson met for the first time. At that time, Burlogo was sleeping on the sofa at Adele's house. Lawson beat himself with a mop and shouted "thief"!
It was kind of fun when you think about it, it's just that there's no going back.

Looking down at the mysterious suitcase, thinking that it was left to him by Adele, Burlogo's restless mood calmed down a little.

He returned to his home with the suitcase, sat back on the sofa, moved the low table aside, and put the suitcase on it.

Press the buckle, and the suitcase opens with a sound.

There were no spring dolls that popped out of nowhere, no fireworks and ribbons, it was no surprise, just a bland gift.

Burrogo rummaged briefly, and there were several thick books, a half-knit sweater, an old small box, a few yellowed group photos, and a necklace.

A hoop surrounds the cross, and Bologo remembers the necklace, which Adele told him was her coming-of-age gift, and she's been wearing it ever since.

When living in Adele's house, Burlogo could often see Adele holding a cross and praying in a low voice.

Picking up this necklace, it was very strange, it didn't have the cold feeling of metal, but it was very warm, as if it had just been taken off the neck.

Burrog rubbed the surface of the metal lightly, and it was polished like a mirror.

Putting it aside, Bologo turned to look at those photos. Under the attack of years, these photos have been blurred and yellowed, but they can still barely see a little appearance from them.

Burlogo easily found Adele in it, and she was as young and beautiful as he remembered in the photo.

Opening the old small box, there are some medals inside. These medals have been around for some years, and most of them were issued during the Wrath of the Scorched Earth.

Many people who are familiar with Adele know that she is a devout believer, but few people know that this devout believer once participated in the crazy Scorched Earth Fury.

Even in the midst of disputes, Adele still sticks to her piety. She did not go to battle to kill the enemy, but as a medical soldier, she saved more people with her own ability.

Finally, Bologo looked at the books, randomly selected one and opened it. Inside was a line of year and date, and then Adele's signature.

This is her diary.

(End of this chapter)

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