Endless Debt.

Chapter 109

Chapter 109
From small pistols to powerful rifles, sharp hatchets to sharp long knives, all kinds of weapons are on the shelves. Even Burlogo is a little surprised at the moment. He knows Vincent's old profession, But I didn't expect him to stock up so much.

This place is like a small arsenal, and this arsenal is just opposite his house, so grandiosely opened on the street.

"I used to work for the company in the Great Rift, but I was not a miner, but a member of the security department. I had to fight against those lunatics who wandered around the fork every day."

Wen Sen was smoking a cigarette, his old eyes were no longer cloudy, and there was a faint excitement.

"These are my treasures. It's a pity that I don't know what to do with them. If I'm not careful, I'll be caught by the sheriff, so I just hoard them here."

Vincent complained.

"Sure enough, life is not that simple. When I was working, I was only good at fighting and killing. As a result, I didn't know anything about the simplest transactions and money laundering. I could only guard these things and do some small business."

Burrog looked through it, and just as Vincent said, these firearms were all old models, but they didn't hinder their use.

"My marksmanship is terrible, so I need one that doesn't need to be aimed. There are many enemies. It's better to be more powerful, and the one that can knock down one shot."

Burlogo made his own demands.

"Then you can try this."

Vincent walked over to the shelf, casually picked up a gun and handed it to Burlogo.

"The pump-action shotgun produced by Beiyun Industry, you don't need to aim too carefully, as long as the enemy is near your muzzle, it is full of power, and the broken bullets can easily penetrate the human body, just like being baptized by a heavy rain, so it is also Known as 'Iron Rain'."

Burlogo set up the shotgun and put it in a shooting posture. His marksmanship was terrible, but he had been a soldier anyway, and it was not difficult for Burlogo to control the gun.

"These are all old models, but killing people doesn't have much to do with the old or new models, does it?"

Vincent said and took out another short-handled shotgun.

"If you're poor at aiming, then stick with the shotgun and use it as a close-range warhammer, put it on the enemy and pull the trigger."

Burrogo nodded, took the shotgun, and stuck it in the straps on his outer thigh.

His black overalls were not loaded with equipment, which had been reserved for Vincent in the first place.

"To be honest, I still don't want to give these things to you, it feels like a violation of my principles," Vincent muttered, "I only sell to those in need."

"for example?"

Burrog picked up the fanny pack and stuffed it with ammunition.

"For example, some women, when they need something to protect themselves, I will put a gun in their bag," Vincent said, taking a look at Bologo. "This is the first time I have sold a weapon to a A killer."

"It's quite psychologically stressful to think that someone is going to die with my weapon."

"Then why did you sell to a woman?" asked Burlogo.

"Phew, if this can protect those ladies, I don't mind taking on some psychological pressure." Vincent smiled and blew out a smoke ring, his demeanor actually looked a bit gentlemanly.

"Don't worry, Vincent, I'm not a killer. I'm now... I'm just an ordinary person. Someone killed my friend, and I want him to pay the price, that's all." Burogo said calmly.

"hope so."

Vincent didn't say anything more.

After packing everything up, he felt heavy all over his body. This reminded Bologo of his days as a soldier. At that time, he was the same, with his whole body full of equipment, holding a gun and charging towards the enemy's position.

Only this time he was alone.

"Thanks, Vincent."

Bologo said and put a lot of banknotes on the counter. This is all his belongings. It is used to buy these weapons. Bologo thinks it should be enough. If it is not enough, he can't take out more.

"Are you fighting for justice?" Vincent asked.

"I think it is."

"That's true, there is a saying in my hometown, when a man walks for righteousness, the whole world will help him, the mountains will make way for him, the sea will part his narrow way, and even death will stop his scythe , When he finishes all this, he will swing down again."

"Are you from the Kogadel Empire?" Burrog heard the words.

Those officers on the battlefield yelled these words, waved their sabers and charged towards the artillery fire like crazy. They thought that they were fighting for justice, so the whole world would help them. They were invincible, so the artillery fire could not shake them. them.

In fact they were blown to bits and pieces, and Bologl had seen it all firsthand, for they charged the very position that Burlogo held.

Everyone fights for what is right, everyone dies for what is right.

"Well," Vincent said, throwing a can of beer at Burlogo, "this is my treat."

"If Adele is really what you say, then she is indeed a good person. You are angry at the death of a good person. This is just an act, Bologo."

Vincent's words came from afar, and he blessed.

"The mountains give way, and the sea will also give way!"

Bologo waved his back to him and strode on the quiet street. As an expert, he had always been forbidden to drink alcohol before work.

But today it's not work, it's just a personal grievance. Borrog drank all the wine without any scruples, crushed the jar, and threw it into the trash can on the corner at will.

Drenched in alcohol, every nerve was cheering, and he couldn't wait to insert the barrel of the gun into the enemy's mouth.

Before, Burlog could bear it and wait for the investigation from Crow's Nest, but after reading Adele's diary, Adele's gentle words completely broke Burrog's emotions.

Burrog could take it no longer, he had to act, he couldn't stop for a moment.

The Bureau of Order can't find the whereabouts of the King's Secret Sword, so it's up to you. Every minute and every second that passes, these damned guys may escape the city with Adele's soul.

Lebius might say something about the regulations and rules of the Bureau of Order, and persuade himself to wait and wait again, endless waiting.

Burrog had waited enough, he had waited long enough in the dungeon.

Now he doesn't care about anything, just like the conversation with Adele back then, you can't reason with a person when he steps on the battlefield and has a red eye.

No need to reason, no need to wait, no need for any consciousness.

All it takes is action now.

Efficient, swift and deadly in action, like a dedicated hunter, silent killer and cold-blooded specialist.

Burlogo is in great shape now, and as Vincent said, the whole world will help him tonight.

Whether it is gods or demons, they will all lend a helping hand.

Burrog knew it from the start.

Humming cheerful music, he strode towards the red telephone booth on the street.

Stepping into it, Burlogo flipped through the phone book. The page numbers kept flying, and at the same time, the dense phone numbers disappeared one by one. Finally, the phone book was blank, with only a line of writing printed in the middle.


Who is welcome?alone?
Burrog laughed, reached into his pocket, and touched the cold thing.

"Is it my lucky coin?"

Burrog picked up the golden mammon coin, which was the beginning of Burrog's revenge tonight, and he opened the key to the door of burning blood.

Like an insidious will, it manipulates everything in the dark, driving Burrog in the direction it wants, and Burrow hates the feeling of being driven.

But admittedly, it worked.

Tonight is an exception, and the Burlog will not refuse any of its demands, as long as it can make the guilty man pay for his blood.

Taking a deep breath, Burrog put the mammon coin into the coin slot, and then picked up the phone.

He didn't dial the number, but after a short noise, the phone was dialed, and a deep and elegant voice sounded.

"Mr. Borogo Lazarus."

There was a smile in his voice.

"I knew we'd meet again."

A strange cold feeling hit the body, the sound of freezing continued, a thin layer of frost covered the glass of the phone booth, and then it shattered, falling into fine powder, and disappearing into the darkness.

Burrog turned around, and at some point the door of the phone booth had been opened. A red carpet stretched out from the darkness, extending all the way to the bottom of the phone booth. The familiar city was no longer there, but a dark and unfathomable depth.

Bunches of light fell, and when I looked up, I couldn't see where the light source was.

Boluoge stepped on the red carpet, except for the area of ​​the red carpet, the other places were equally dark, and Boluoge even felt that he was on the abyss, the red carpet as bright as blood under his feet, and the long bridge across the abyss .

Bursts of golden light radiated from the depths of the darkness, and countless mammon coins were piled up together, rising high like a hill. This was an incalculable wealth, and the man was sitting under the hill.

A huge long table stood in front of him. There were many documents, drawings, and carving tools on the table. The man seemed to be doing something, and the sound of knocking in his hands continued.

Bologo approached slowly. On the other side of the long table, the man thoughtfully reserved a chair for him. He also extended his hand gracefully to signal Burlogo.

"Want something to drink?"


Burrog turned him down.

Sitting on the chair, Bologo tried hard to observe the man. He was dressed in a black formal suit, and his body shape and exposed skin were also extremely normal, except for his head...

Burlogo was a little hard to describe that thing, like countless cables tangled together, they were wrapped around the man's head heavily, completely enveloping the head.

As if they were alive, the cables were still moving slowly, like wriggling maggots and snakes, and strange rustling sounds sounded from them, like cold scales rubbing against each other.

At the back of the man's head, more cables stretched out, hoisted high, and spread into the endless darkness. It seemed that the man was just a marionette, controlled by the weirdness from the depths of the darkness.

Soothing music sounded from the record player, the woman sang holy music, bursts of bright golden light emerged from the mountains of Mammon coins, covering all the things in the darkness with a layer of golden halo.

"You are not it."

Burlogo spoke.

The man turned his head slightly. This guy has no face at all, but Bologo can still feel the sight from it, Bologo said frankly.

"Although I have forgotten all about the transaction, I have always had a hunch that when I see that devil again, I will definitely recognize it...you are not it."

"Hahaha, is that so?"

The man put down the things he was busy with, put his hands on the table, and leaned forward to look at Burlogo behind the table.

"I have wanted to see you for a long time, Mr. Borogo Lazarus."

"Want to see me? This is really scary," he said, but there was no fear in Burrog's eyes. "What are you doing for? My soul?"

A smile bloomed on his indifferent face, and Bologo looked at the devil in front of him.

"If it's a soul, it depends on whether you can offer a suitable price... Tyrant."

(End of this chapter)

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