Endless Debt.

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

This is a terrible city, and the rainy nights in Opals are colder than any rainy nights Ginny has experienced, and every raindrop is full of bone-chilling chill, falling from the rising clouds.

It seems that there is a cold winter hidden in it, and it sprinkles liquid snow on the people of the world.

Ginny raised her head and slowly stretched out her hand, feeling the fine raindrops.

It's raining, another rainy night.

Rain in this season is obviously not in line with common sense, but the word common sense is not suitable for Opals. Everyone can look up and see the heavy smog overflowing from the big crack. They are like a support The column of fog rising from the sky and the earth is so towering.

From time to time, the smog in the big rift will overflow, forming a toxic smog and gray tide, invading the surrounding areas. No matter which of the above points, it is considered abnormal in a city, but they gather together, all Superimposed on Opals.

For this reason, the citizens living here have long developed the quality of being big-hearted, and have long been "accustomed" to the many "abnormalities" of Opus, even foreigners like Jini are no exception, living here for a while , she is also used to all this.

Wrapping her clothes tightly, she tried her best to resist the coming cold. After getting sick, Jinny always felt that her body was very weak, she often felt cold, and she was always hungry. She obviously ate a lot of food, but she just couldn't fill it up. abdomen.

Kedening said this is a good sign, saying that her body is digesting food and transforming it into energy to heal herself. The more Jini eats, the more she will recover.

He is the kind of person who always finds ways to encourage people in the darkness. For Jinny, Kedening is like a warm sun.

Thinking of this, Jinny looked forward, where Kedening was carrying luggage and arguing with someone on the platform of the station.

Jinny didn't bother Ke Dening, she could feel that Ke Dening was already very tired, so she had better not disturb him.

After picking up the luggage and moving to the bench under the awning, Ginny wondered why David didn't come.

David and Kedening are very good friends. When he and Kedening got married, David looked at him with resentment at the wedding, saying something, she stole his good brother, and so on.

Ke Dening also joked that if David had no place to live in the future, he could consider leaving the loft for David to live in.

It's not clear why Kedening left Opals in such a hurry, but he didn't take David with him when he left this time, which surprised Jini.

Jinny didn't continue to think about it, her thoughts were a little drowsy, leaning on the bench, her consciousness was between awake and lethargic.

She has often been like this since she fell ill. Kedening said that this is due to the effect of drugs, which caused Jinny to often not be able to sleep.

In fact, Jinny hated drugs. To be precise, she hated falling asleep. When she fell asleep, she would dream, and the dream was always the same.

like now.

Ginny remembered that it was a rainy night, the same rainy night as it is now.

The cold raindrops are pattering, and in the dream, Jini sits at the door of the house, waiting for Kedening to return at night.

At that time, they had just arrived in Opals, and like many foreigners, they were struggling to survive here. At that time, Kedening was in a very bad state. He traveled between various theaters to make a living, but those people were only willing to let him act in some The salary is pitifully low for a small character who doesn't even have lines.

Ke Dening couldn't sleep late at night, he sometimes doubted himself, whether he was really capable, and whether his choice was correct.

This kind of confused pain tortured Ke Dening, he didn't have the courage to give up his dream like this, and he couldn't convince himself that he was really just a mediocre person.

Not up or down, wandering constantly.

There was nothing Jinny could do about it, she could only hug Kedening silently, letting him feel the warmth of his body.

Sometimes it's not just Kedening who doubts herself, Jini also doubts herself. Faced with Kedening's pain, she only feels a burst of powerlessness and self-blame. She can't do anything except hug.

But then...the turning point appeared.

Ke Dening's acting career became smoother and smoother. They made a lot of money and changed to a big house. More and more people recognized them, and everyone cheered Ke Dening's name together.

Jinny felt that Kedening was about to realize his dream, but when she looked at Kedening, he looked unhappy, and sometimes Kedening looked at her with worry.

What exactly happened?

Ginny felt as if she had forgotten something, but she couldn't remember what she had forgotten, that extremely important thing...

The thunder streaked across the night sky, reflecting the world into black and pale, and everything stood still for a moment, then flowed again, and there was a monstrous noise.

Jinny remembered, she couldn't speak for a while, she could only stare wide-eyed, watching what happened.

The strange and vague figure was like viscous tar, struggling to crawl out from the deep darkness. It was dressed in a pitch-black robe, and stood in front of Jini with a bit of illusion.

The drizzle of rain poured on his body, but it penetrated strangely and slapped the ground.

Ginny couldn't see his face clearly, but felt a familiar smell, mixed with a certain uneasiness.

"Your wish...I heard it."

In memory, the man stretched out his hand as he spoke.

I heard...and then...and then...

Jinny's expression gradually became terrified, and she couldn't tell whether it was a memory, a dream, or reality.

Reality and falsehood are kneaded together, roughly clumped together, and then violently torn apart.

The man's words were short, but Ginny just caught his meaning.

There is a price to be paid for the realization of a wish. Do you want to bear the price?

Ginny raised her hand tremblingly, thousands of emotions smashed through her heart like a meteor, fear and anxiety, and great fear permeated her heart, and she could even hear the scream of her own soul.

No, don't reach out your hand, if you promise him, something bad will happen.

Far worse than death.


Kedening's face flashed in Jini's eyes. He stood on the stage to welcome the audience's applause, bowed and exited amidst the carnival...

If his wish could come true, perhaps the price wasn't too high, at least for Jinny.

Sometimes people are like this, they can bear their own suffering, but they cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of others.

So on that cold rainy night, she stretched out her hand to the man.

Ginny remembered, remembered the beginning of all these nightmares.


The gentle words shattered the reality, Jinny woke up from a nightmare, tried to retract the hand she stretched out, but was grabbed by the man tightly, unable to move it away.


The voice became stronger, and Jinny tried her best to calm down. The weird black figure was no longer there, and it was replaced by Kedening.

He was standing right in front of him, holding his outstretched hand, and the truth and reality were mixed together.

"Are you okay?" Kedening asked with some concern.

"I... I'm fine. I seem to have hallucinations just now, probably because of the effect of drugs."

Jini smiled wryly twice, and then hugged Kedening. The two embraced briefly, and then separated, with panic and loneliness in their eyes.

Kedening sat beside Jini, complaining in his voice, "The train is late, we need to wait for a while."

Having said that, Kedening felt uneasy in his heart. Is it really just late?Or is there another secret.

He tried to keep his composure, absolutely not to panic in front of Ginny's eyes.

"It's okay." Ginny said and rested her head on Kedening's shoulder.

The monotonous sound of raindrops hitting the awning sounds surprisingly reassuring at the moment.

Ginny held Kedening's hand in her arms, trying hard to feel the warmth of his skin, as if everything before Jinni's eyes was false, only what she held in her hand and what she really touched was real. Absolutely true.

Under Jinny's touch, Ke Dunning's agitated heart was rarely calmed down, just like this night rain.

Suddenly Kedening had another extravagant wish, how much he hoped that this moment could become eternal, sinking in such a world is a rare happiness for him.

But this is a luxury after all.

"Kudning... what happened, right?" Kinny asked in a low voice.


This time Ke Dening did not continue to hide.

"Because of me, right?"

The warm liquid ran across Kedening's arm, and Jini wept silently, she faintly sensed the source of all this.

"There's no disease, there's no medicine," Ginny said. "I remember that man, that ominous fellow...everything started from then on."

"It's not your fault."

Kedening rubbed Jinny's head and wiped away her tears.

"It's just the wrong time, wrong place, wrong people and things that created the wrong status quo."

Ke Dening pulled the suitcase beside him a little closer, and he said seriously.

"But don't worry, I'll take care of it."

There was a piercing sound of brakes in the distance, as if a desperado was galloping.

Ke Dening guessed that he was a fast driver. Before the car stopped, he pushed open the door and jumped out. With a sharp weapon and killing intent all over his body, he let the out-of-control car rampage, and the explosive fireworks surged behind him. Cast his hideous shadow on the ground.

It took only a few hours for the car and the driver to meet each other, but it carried the killing god and turned over countless places. The broken tires and the ground burst into flames, and the silvery white and smooth body was also covered with countless bullet holes.

Kodening thought he would push the car door, but in fact the driver's door was gone long ago. It was torn off by the driver not long ago, and he used it as a shield, and went into another scene against the hail of bullets.

It can be said that a deep revolutionary friendship has been formed between the two, and now it is finally overwhelmed, and it exploded and burned under the violent driving of the driver.

The blazing flames shot straight into the sky, and the shouts of the guards sounded, but after a few bursts of gunfire, everything became quiet again.

Ke Dening took out the potion from the suitcase. He comforted Jini and injected the potion into Jini's body along his arm. After a few seconds, Jini's consciousness became drowsy again, and then he fell asleep peacefully.

"Just a moment please."

Kedening said to himself, picked up Jini's body, laid her on the bench, took off his coat, covered Jini's body, and wrapped her up.

Looking at Jini's peaceful face, Kedening kissed her forehead lightly, then took out the pistol and dagger from the suitcase, turned around and looked at the comer in the rain.

"Thank you."

Kedening thanked, bright patterns climbed along his neck, and at the other end of the rain curtain, the visitor also showed his claw hammer and jackknife in his hand.

Burrog strode forward, the same light trails lighting up in both hands, like holding fireworks.

(End of this chapter)

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