Endless Debt.

Chapter 118 The Villain's Victory

Chapter 118 The Villain's Victory

Jinny ran over in horror and threw herself on Kedening. She stretched out her hand in a panic, trying to block the bleeding wounds, but they still couldn't stop overflowing, mixed with rainwater from between her fingers, and flowed to the In the deep darkness.

"No, Kedening, no..."

She desperately called Ke Dunning's name.

It was like a nightmare, and Ginny fell asleep from exhaustion. She remembered waiting for the bus with Kedening, and they would go to a new city and start a new life.

But in the next second, when Jinny woke up, everything entered the chasm of hell, Kedening fell to the ground dying, and the evil spirit man held up a blade, ready to execute the final judgment on him.

"Actually, you already know what's going on, right?" Burrog walked to the side of the woman, "You know what happened very well, but you just don't want to believe it and pretend that everything is normal."

Jinny didn't respond, she just kept trembling, holding Kedening's head in her arms with both hands, trying to feel his last warmth.

But today is a cold and rainy night, all the warmth has been swallowed up, leaving only the cold metal standing upright.

"There is no mental illness, and there is no cure, Kedening, I saw, I remembered, those I deliberately forgot." Ginny said sadly.

On that similar cold rainy night, that mysterious and abominable existence reached out to her. At that time, Ginny didn't know what price she would pay.

"I'm sorry." Kedening murmured.

He failed in the end, and he failed completely. Everything was ruined and there was no hope.

"It's really a terrible drama." Burrog said softly, watching coldly.

He adjusted the weapons on his body, raised the pocket knife in his hand, and the bright cold light shone on the faces of the two of them, making them dare not look directly at them.

"A woman who sacrificed her soul for her lover's ideal, a man who went to darkness for her lover's soul," Bologo sneered disdainfully, "The guy in your arms is an out-and-out sinner, countless people died In his hands, what do you think?"

"But no matter what he did, I'm the last person to blame him, am I?"

Ginny bowed her head so that Burrog could not see her face clearly.

Burrog was silent, and soon, his expression bloomed again. It was hard to describe it as a smile, but there was a strange joy in Burrog's voice.

"There are often such plots in movies. The protagonist finally finds the villain and is about to pour out his anger, but the villain plays such a bitter drama."

Burlog lowered his voice on purpose, learning the lines from the movie.

"I also do it for righteousness, only for the sake of my lover will I make mistakes.

Everyone is fighting for justice, just like a debate contest, who is more righteous..."

Burrog shrugged helplessly and waved his hands.

"Then the protagonist was moved, yes, the dead person is already dead, and the villain in front of him is also sincerely repenting, he is also for his lover, he was also kind at first.

So the protagonist forgave him just like that, and ended with a happy reunion. "

Breathing, swallowing the cold rain vapor into the throat, the damp and cold made Burrog's anger exhausted a lot.

"He is the protagonist, he is upright, and he is a moral model. At this time, the enemy should be forgiven. This is the victory of the protagonist."

The voice paused for a few seconds, and the anger rushed away from the cold.

"Kudning, I hate this ending, I think it's stupid, very stupid."

Immediately, Burlogo laughed again, like a patient with mental problems.

"Fortunately, I'm not the protagonist, and I'm not upright, so I won't be bound by this damned rules and regulations.

This is not the protagonist defeating the villain, but the villain being defeated by another even bigger villain, it's black eating black!Victory for the villains! "

He clenched the jackknife while cheering. He almost crushed the steel and plunged it into the ground. His palms overlapped on the handle of the knife, and his feet were slightly apart. Bologo stood up straight, with a solemn expression like a judge who judged crimes. .

"The most important thing is... If I just forgive you like this, who will forgive Adele? What's more, am I really qualified to make choices for those who died because of you?"

Bologo laughed angrily, even if he didn't wear the horrifying face, he was exuding a lot of fear at the moment.

"That's not right, Kedening, what do you think?"

Kedening didn't respond, and he couldn't say anything under Burlogo's reprimand.

Some things don't need words to apologize, but blood to pay.

Bologo slowly raised the jackknife, and the sharp edge hung down on Kedening's head, waiting for the moment when it fell like thunder.

"Everyone is an adult, and adults are responsible for the wrong things they do.

There is no need for forgiveness, no need for repentance, let alone confession, all you need is to admit your mistakes and then bear the price of your mistakes. "

The treacherous and angry blue eyes were filled with unstoppable killing intent.

"Beheaded beheaded, hanged hanged."

The sharp edge cut down, Ke Dening mobilized the last bit of physical strength, raised his hand to try to block it.

He didn't want to die, and if he died, who would take care of Jinny?If she dies, Ginny must also be killed by Burrog.

But he couldn't do anything, the raised hand was split open, and the sharp blade pierced his chest.

Along with Kenny.

"You...what are you doing?"

Kedening looked at Jini who was pounced on him, and under that pale smile, he felt a fear stronger than death.

Kedening was in great pain, Jinny was going to die, she was going to die...

"If you really love me, then you should be able to understand." Jinny whispered.

Jinny vaguely guessed all of this, but chose to forget it and not interfere. Now is the time to pay the price. Then she hugged Kedening tightly and whispered in his ear.

"We will meet again in that eternal dream."

The words dissipated in the rain.

Suddenly, Kedening felt relieved. Looking at the dark night sky, he raised his hand and tried to hug the woman in front of him.

"I... I'm just afraid of losing you."

He will not lose it now, the long-lost tranquility appeared in Kedening's eyes, and then Burlogo pulled out his jackknife, drawing a scarlet streak in the rain.

Ping raised the jackknife, and the heavy rain washed away the blood on the blade, making it spotless. Burogo was about to turn his head and leave, but he stopped again and looked back at Kedening, whose light had all been extinguished.

"By the way, what's the end of The Wandering Mouse?" asked Burlogo.

"Didn't you already see it?"

Ke Dening hugged the woman in his arms and let the heavy rain submerge the two of them.

Bologo was stunned for two seconds and commented helplessly.

"What a boring ending, Bart."


He took out his pocket, and took out a pack of cigarettes. He raised his hand to cover the rain. With a cigarette in his mouth, he poked his head into the burning fire. The wreckage of the car was hidden in the fire, and the noise could be heard faintly. current sound.

The rolling fire flickered, and the cigarette was lit, and Burlog took a deep breath, and then heaved a long sigh.

He killed Kedening, but Bologo didn't feel the pleasure of revenge, or in other words, the pleasure of revenge was diluted.

There is still gloom in his heart, which has not been fully released, which makes Burlogo feel very uncomfortable.

Everything is so bad, there are no twists and turns, no complicated purpose.

Sometimes Burlogo felt that if there were no devil, maybe the two would become good friends. Unfortunately, this kind of thing will never be proved.

Shaking his head, Burlogo has no time to be sad and think about these things.

Raising his palm, after the massacre all the way, the names on the list were crossed out one after another. With Ke Dening's death, there were only a few people left on the list.

Looking at the deep night sky, several beams of light rose from the horizon, they were blocked by many buildings, and Burlogo couldn't judge the approximate distance.

But Burrog could vaguely sense that the beam of light was receding, and that the rats on the list were fleeing the city with all their cargo.

Ke Dening's death is not the end of the night. Although this guy is a man-hungry leader, it is the king's secret sword hidden in the dark that really controls everything.

Judging from the luggage that Kedening brought, this guy was also running for his life, but he didn't carry any goods on him. Presumably, these goods had already arrived in the hands of the king's secret sword, and they were fleeing the city with the goods.

There was no way Burrog could let them go.

So how to catch up with them?
Looking at the burnt black wreckage, he had to admit that Bologo felt that he had hacked too much. The car just hit a ball of fire, and he couldn't catch up with these people with his feet.

Just as he was thinking about what to do next, at the end of the dark street, there was a roar of an engine.

The bright snow-white headlights tore through the darkness, and the steel objects smashed through thousands of raindrops, causing a burst of water mist behind them, and the men on the motorcycles wearing raincoats cheered happily.

He likes to drive on rainy nights, the bad road conditions make it impossible for the sheriff to catch up with this outlaw, the thunder will cover the roar of the engine, and the citizens will not open the windows to curse him as a nuisance, and the cold and humid air, The continuous gusts of wind made him feel like returning to his hometown.

It felt great, so he twisted the gas pedal and went a little faster, chasing night and thunder.

Burrog watched the burst of light from a distance, and blew the butt of his cigarette into the puddle.

He burst into laughter.

Touching the equipment on his body, after killing so many people, the ammunition on his body has long since been shot, so he simply dropped the shotgun, making his body a lot lighter, then grabbed the jackknife, and walked to the middle of the road.

As the lights approached, Burlogo couldn't help sighing, repeating Vincent's blessing in a low voice.

"The mountains give way, and the sea part ways."

Before dawn, the blessing of "Cinderella" on Bologo is still in effect, so the whole world will come to help him tonight, no matter if it is a god or a devil, no matter who it is, it will lend a helping hand.

Even if he didn't reach out, Burrog would come and grab their hands like a rogue, but Burrog didn't care.

You can't reason with a psycho, can you?

The rider saw Burrog standing in the middle of the road, and he honked his horn, but Burrog didn't mean to give way at all, and the rider didn't slow down at all, intending to bet on his courage with Burrog.

The distance kept shortening, and when it reached the critical point, the glow of the alchemy matrix ignited on Bologo's body, illuminating the darkness in an instant.

The rider cursed loudly as if he had seen a ghost, and turned on the brakes. He turned several times on the slippery road before barely stopping. Before he could react, he stepped on the front wheel of the motorcycle with one foot , The rider saw the guy blocking the road clearly.

"Yo... Yo! Bologo." Palmer said tremblingly.

"Yo! Good evening, Palmer."

Burlogo was overjoyed. For the first time, he felt that his partner was so good.

Palmer looked at the red-stained clothes on Burlogo's body, as well as the tightly strapped weapons, and he looked at the burning car wreckage and the station that was almost in ruins after the fire.

"Overtime... work overtime?"

"No, some personal matters," Burlogo shook his head, staring at "Laika", he said again, "Palmer, you are free tonight, aren't you?"

This is not an interrogative sentence, but a declarative sentence. Bologo's eyes are sharp. This guy is not asking himself at all, he is threatening.

"However, although……"

Palmer's expression became strange, he hesitated to speak.

"If you are free, please help," Burlogo said as he got into the sidecar, and said in a tone that could not refuse, "drive."

"But... wait a minute, something is wrong!"

Palmer screamed, he just wanted to play car racing on a rainy night, but ended up being so inexplicably strayed into the murder scene, and this psychopath threatened himself to come along.

For this, Burlogo just showed a kind smile on his face, stood up slightly, and put a hand on Palmer's shoulder, with a very friendly tone.

"Palmer, we are an ace combination!"

(End of this chapter)

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