Endless Debt.

Chapter 120 The Pack of Wolves

Chapter 120 The Pack of Wolves
The team ran in the rainy night, and the gray raincoat made them blend into the gray and black tones, hiding in the hazy rain and fog, and the sound of their footsteps was also covered by the sound of the rain, like invisible ghosts.

"Captain, where are we going now?" A team member asked, none of them knew the whole picture of the mission, the only one who knew was their captain, Jamon.

"The big rift, we have to lurk here for a long time, and there is only one place where we can escape the sight of the Bureau of Order."

Jamon explained to the team members that after getting rid of Miransha and Gray who were in the way, he could finally stretch his fists to his heart's content.

"The sixth seat has already suspected us, otherwise these two unlucky ghosts would not have been forced into our team." Jia Meng sneered in a low voice.

Others also laughed similarly. Miranda is indeed very powerful and very suitable to be used to check and balance Jamon, but she is still too naive after all. She thinks everything is so beautiful, and never thought that Jamon would be at such a critical moment. Backstab yourself.

As for Gray, the newcomer had nothing to worry about. If Miranda hadn't been vigilant against Jamon, Jamon would have had several chances to put Gray to death on the way of action.

"Everyone should have discarded the communication equipment, right?" Jameng turned his head and asked.

"After Miranda's death, we have already cleared it, including the coat of arms representing our identity. Now the long sword team has entered a state of loss of contact."

Huggins followed Jamon. Before Miransha was transferred, he was the team's vice-captain. "In Opus, it's normal for the whole team to encounter accidents and lose contact. Six seats can do nothing but doubt."

Jamon nodded. From now on, they have completely separated from the king's secret sword. In Milansha's view, this is a betrayal, but Jamon never thinks so.

"My lord, we are coming to you."

Jamon muttered in a low voice, it was like faith to him.

Thinking of this, Jia Meng felt his blood heat up, and his expression was extremely excited.

From the beginning of the operation, the Sixth Seat's attention was all on the ghouls. Even if he had doubts about himself, he only sent Miransha and Gray to monitor him.

After waiting for so many years, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he has no reason to give up.

"Tear the false king off the throne, where the real king belongs."

Huggins said quietly, he had the same joy in his eyes as Jamon, and so did the other players.The betrayal of the long sword team has been planned for a long time.

Crossing the deserted streets, they walked through the alleys, their figures were sheltered by the darkness, and when they raised their heads, the Great Crack was close at hand.

Even though the rain was so heavy, it still couldn't drive away the smog lingering above the big rift. The water mist mixed together, and an arc of light surged in the rift, illuminating the water mist, and distorted it in the night sky like Aurora light band.

The team's pace gradually slowed down. Under the heavy rain, the city fell into silence, but the Great Rift was different. It had a completely different ecology from Opals. They needed to be vigilant and move forward.

Hiding their weapons under the large raincoats, their faces covered by shadows, they were just like ordinary passers-by, trying not to attract anyone's attention, and walked towards the thick fog of the Great Rift.

Pale light overflowed from the street lamps on both sides, and under the rolling mist, the light also took on a somewhat blurred color, covering the water pool on the ground.

The footsteps fell, crushing the rays of light on the water.

Jamon raised his hand suddenly, stopped the team's pace, and looked forward vigilantly.

As he approached, at the end of the street, a figure gradually emerged from the hazy water mist. He was leaning on a cane in one hand and holding an umbrella in the other. His upper body was covered by the lowered umbrella, and no one could see his appearance clearly. .

"This rain is so heavy, it flushed you rats out of the sewer."

The sound came slowly, just like the heavy rain, it made people feel a deep chill.

"I told you it wouldn't go so smoothly..."

Jia Meng laughed at himself, and then pulled out the secret sword at his waist, without any intention of covering up, the bright light track covered the blade, exuding bursts of dangerous aura.

These granted secret swords are themselves a powerful alchemy weapon.

Jia Meng was not worried about the situation in front of him. There was only one person on the other side. He didn't think that the other party could take on a whole team with one person, not to mention that everyone in the team had experienced many battles.

"Get out of the way!"

Jamon roared angrily and swung his sword, but before the secret energy was released, scorching blood splashed on his face.

He was stunned, the other party was still some distance away from him, and he was not injured, so where did the blood come from?

Jia Meng's doubts did not last long. To be precise, after the blood was spilled, the ear-piercing wailing announced the source of the blood.

He turned his head, his face was illuminated by the faint blue light, and there were bursts of piercing and weird voices echoing.

That was definitely the most distorted and sharp sound that Jamon had ever heard in his life. It seemed like thousands of iron armors were rubbing against each other, or like pythons with iron scales entangled together. The sharp ends scratched and hurt everyone's eardrums. .


He read the names of the players, and the players didn't get a chance to respond.

No one can see the movement of that thing clearly, it is too fast and too sharp, flesh and blood, bones, raindrops, under the slender steel, all substances are cut off in an instant, the section is flat and clear, the person who was cut Maybe not even feel the pain.

Just like the vivisection seen by medical students in class, the slit extended from Polly's throat, and the entire head was directly decapitated, followed by limbs shattered in an instant, blood stains entangled the internal organs, and fell to the ground.

It was torn apart in an instant, and there was no chance to fight back.

In Jamon's horrified eyes, the monster who committed such atrocities was reflected.

It was an indescribable thing for Jamon. The black mane was superimposed on the body layer by layer, but their texture was not soft hair, but rough metal, like dense iron armor, and like sharp knives covering the whole body. .

The pitch-black wolf's head looked at him, but it was not a human being under the helmet, but a rising blue light.


While Jamon roared, he stabbed out the secret sword, fighting with the sharp beeping, bursting out many sparks.

"Kill that Sublimator!"

Jia Meng ordered that as a believer in the team, his rich experience allowed him to judge the opponent's ability in the first place. This is just the opponent's dominator. No matter how powerful the dominator is, as long as he kills the sublimator who releases the secret energy , can easily end all of this.

He gritted his teeth against the biting wolf, delaying it, while Huggins was striding forward at this moment, with cumbersome patterns all over his body, his muscles soared, and even his body began to dissimilate, tyrannical power surged in the alchemy matrix between.

Under the influence of the secret energy, Huggins turned into a ferocious beast. Whether it is strength, speed, or resilience, it has been greatly strengthened, and it has a strong intuition and a keen sense of smell like a beast.

Relying on past experience, once Huggins gets close, his flesh and blood will be easily torn apart by him. Even if he is hit by a gun, his powerful body can ignore these injuries.

Now that the dominator is held back by Jamon, the opponent will surely die.

While running wildly with hissing noises, the raincoat was torn apart by the swelling muscles, and Huggins' nails were as hard as steel, turning into sharp swords and slashing towards the opponent.

A gloomy light flashed across, the pitch-black blade was raised high, and a large smear of blood slapped on the umbrella, which was washed away by the heavy rain.

Huggins looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. The sharp claws that should have shredded the enemy were lying in the stagnant water at the moment, and a flat cut surface appeared in his arm. Blood vessels, bones, muscles, all The organizational structure is clearly visible.

The powerful body he was proud of was as fragile as a piece of paper under this sharp sword.

"How is this possible?"

Huggins looked at the man in front of him. He made a fatal mistake. The other party never said that he had only one dominator.

Beside the man, another Blade Biting Wolf walked out of the rain and mist without making a sound.

Without any etheric reaction, these blade-biting wolves are the real ghosts, and each of its strikes is swift and powerful, as if covered by a powerful etheric boost.

"The first warning, you are surrounded, release the secret power, give up resistance."

The man raised the umbrella. Under the umbrella was not a human face, but a wolf-head mask made of countless metal manes.

The cold pupils stared at everyone present through the mask.

Under the cold announcement, Huggins did not want to give up, he mobilized all his strength, and the ether roared and rushed.

He lost an arm, but at this moment he and Lebius are close enough. As long as he touches Lebius lightly at this short distance, he can seriously injure the opponent, and leave the rest to himself. teammate.

All the ether was injected into the arm, and Huggins felt that this would be the most powerful ether boost in his life. This blow was enough to shatter the ground and rocks, like a huge sword swung.

"Dedicated to my king!"

Huggins looked frenzied, and the ether was soaring, but at the moment they reached the peak, they all fell silent again.

what happened?
Huggins didn't understand that the second biting wolf was in his sight, and it didn't attack him at all...

The sharp pain in his chest interrupted his thoughts, a slender sword blade pierced his heart from his back, and blood overflowed along the groove on the blade and dripped into the pool of water.

I don't know when the third biting wolf appeared behind Huggins, stabbing out this fatal sword.

The gust of wind picked up suddenly, and before the rolling light in Huggins' eyes dissipated, his head fell heavily, and then the whole headless corpse collapsed and drowned in the stagnant water.

Lebius stood where he was, and he didn't move from the beginning to the end. Looking at the remaining enemies, he said again.

"Second warning, you are surrounded, release the secret power, give up resistance."

Before the words dissipated, they were torn apart by dense buzzing.

Sharp sounds came from all directions, and dark figures appeared from behind the rain and fog, as if a dense crowd was silently moving towards here.

Not long after, blade biting wolves came out of the rain and mist one after another. The dark and silent steel brought oppressive death, and the cold blade cut the raindrops. They were as numerous as a sea of ​​sand, and they hated evil.

A pack of wolves has surrounded the place, and there is nowhere for everyone to escape.

 As of now, almost 17w words have been updated this month, people are dying.

(End of this chapter)

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