Endless Debt.

Chapter 124 The Ghost of Mercury

Chapter 124 The Ghost of Mercury
The heavy rain made the roof of the car smooth and wet, and the high-speed driving was accompanied by a strong wind. Ordinary people could not stand up in this situation, but Bologo stood firmly like a rock.

Holding the last iron spear, the dense patterns spread from the palm to the steel, as if an invisible furnace was smelting the metal, the crooked iron spear turned into a dagger in the right hand, and the excess steel flowed along the arm Crawling, forged into gauntlets of gauntlets.

The beam of light was in front of him, but at this moment, Burlogo's attention was not on Thorndike. He ran fast and galloped like a hound between the cars. When he passed the car where Thorndike was, he Without stopping, he went straight to the front of the train.

Killing Thorndike was the secondary objective, the primary objective now was to stop the train and leave the transport here.

Palmer kept cheering, and this guy was like a real robber, shooting at the train with a submachine gun.

It's not clear where Palmer got the submachine gun from, or why the guy would carry a submachine gun when he was out riding at night.

In short, Palmer played the aura of an army by himself. Under the pouring of bullets, he beat everyone so that they dare not show their faces.

But soon, the soldiers in the carriage reacted, and they fired back. The dense bullets passed through under the rain, and the remaining gunfire kept flickering in the blue rain and fog.

Palmer couldn't hold on any longer. There was a desolate wilderness on both sides of the train. There was no shelter for this guy to hide from, not to mention that he still had to ride a bicycle to keep up with the train.

If this guy's "gift" occurs, Palmer may turn into a ball of fire in the next second.

Bologo made a judgment immediately. He punched the roof of the car under him, and the metal structure broke instantly. Before the soldiers in the car had time to react, Bologo fell from the sky and appeared among them.

The cold wind poured in along the big hole that Bologo smashed, and under the bursts of cold, the frightening face released a frightening killing intent.

"Anyone want to get out?"

The voice came through the mask, distorted into a hoarse, low-pitched tone.

"Enemy Attack"

The soldiers noticed Bologo, some were still shooting at Palmer on the wilderness, and some drew out short knives, preparing to cut Bologo's throat.

"It seems that no one wants to get out of the car."

Burrog said to himself, turning his head and setting off a storm of blood.

Narrow carriages and dense soldiers limit the use of firearms. Boluogo likes to fight in this limited environment. This place is like a ring, and Boluogo is fighting an irregular ring battle.

The short knife slashed towards Bologo, but was blocked by the armor, and the metal made a sharp sound of cutting, and then Bologo grabbed the soldier's arm holding the short knife with one hand, and raised it high, at the same time The soldier's armpit was exposed directly in front of his eyes.

The killing intent was boiling, and he kicked the soldier's calf. He knelt down in pain, and Bologo stabbed the short sword along the raised left armpit, piercing the heart from the side.

Let go of the dead body, and Bologo put his hand on the carriage, and the cyan light track flashed across the carriage.

The soldiers approaching Boluoge didn't know what would happen next. They were still thinking about chopping Boluoge into pieces, but the next second, the steel screamed.

Mysterious Power · Calling Hand.

The invisible big hands tore the carriage, shattered and twisted the metal structure, and turned it into rough spears and axes, cutting through and shredding the interior of the carriage.

The soldiers were chopped into countless pieces in an instant, and the corpses were thrown from the shattered gap in the carriage, and merged into the heavy rain together with the blood.

There was no pity in Burrog's eyes, and he didn't even pay much attention to that one.

He opened his hands, stroking the steel passing by, the blue light trails crawled over the carriage like a cold poisonous snake, and the blood-stained spears and axes collapsed and twisted one after another as Borrog approached, as if for the king. line of guards.

Bologo knew that this was the end of the carnival, and he no longer held back any more. The ether was released to his heart's content, and the alchemy matrix burned wantonly. softness and fluidity.

Like quicksilver.

The dull metal opened its dancing arms one after another, like spreading thorns, they crawled over Bologo's body like a group of snakes along Bologo's outstretched hands, until they completely covered the body.

There was a faint sound of forging in the wind and rain. The invisible craftsman swung a heavy hammer and slammed the unformed steel, and even beat the steel hammer red, as if it was burning.

Layers of metal are superimposed like snake scales, first the arm armor, then the breastplate, and bundles of sharp and slender iron feathers extend between the gaps. As Bologo advances, the sound of trampling becomes heavy, and the skirt The armor scraped against each other, and under the exposed ferocious mask, there was a beast-like panting sound.

The cyan light track is like a blood vessel, covering every inch of the armor, extending to the hands.

Burrog kicked the car door, and the icy heavy rain washed the armor brightly.

Reaching the rusted metal, Borrog conjured a heavy guardian ax from it.

The bright ax surface reflected Borrog's face, and metal snakes climbed up his face, and the snakes solidified into a helmet, but the helmet did not cover up the horror of the soul, and under the chilling aura, he seemed to be digging The cavalry that opened the grave.

Thorndike, who was far away in the rear compartment, noticed the violent etheric reaction here. After a brief hesitation, he realized Burlogo's purpose, and he wanted to stop the train.

"Stop him!"

Thorndike roared that the train must not stop. He tried to catch up to Burlogo, but at this time dense bullets were fired from the window, and the rain of bullets passed over his head, suppressing everyone in the car.

There were bursts of cheers, and the neurotic, ignoring the counterattacks of the soldiers, galloped all the way across the wilderness as if he was not afraid of death.

Thorndike couldn't understand this guy, he looked like he had just escaped from a lunatic asylum, but it was such a guy who successfully suppressed them.

There was no time for hesitation. The glowing patterns emerged from Thorndike's body surface. He simply released the secret energy. While releasing the power, he also tried to chase Burrogo. Taking advantage of Palmer's time to reload, Thorndike came to the next train.

A sudden, howling wind mixed with icy rain poured into the compartment along the cracks in the windows. The wind became several times stronger in an instant, and the shaky windows shattered, and the sharp edges scratched Thorndike's cheek.

Everyone couldn't lift their heads from the wind, and even breathing became much more difficult, as if they were being ravaged by a storm.

Palmer's cheers came again, as if mocking the crowd.

In fact, there is another reason why Palmer loves rainstorms. In such windy weather, the strength of the secret energy wind source is increased several times.

The environment will also determine the strength of a Desublimator. The effect of the Arcane Wind Source is to control the airflow around it. Now, there is a storm waiting for Palmer's order.

The strong wind hit the train, and the violent trembling spread all the way to Burlogo. Such a high-pitched ether was released from behind, and Palmer must have fought Thorndike.

Raising the guard ax high, it was time for Burrog to do what he should do, and the ax opened the car door.

In an instant, there was a loud gunshot. The soldiers in this carriage waited for a long time and pulled the trigger. The powerful firepower instantly covered Burogo's figure.

Even an undead body, facing such dense firepower, would be shattered in an instant, but the expected flying flesh and blood did not happen. After the shattered rain and fog, what came towards them was cold iron armor.

This is really a screaming scene. The heavy and ferocious armor splits the car door and strides towards the soldiers. He seems to have come through from a certain knight movie. This should be displayed in the museum. Things have now become the grim death that is gradually approaching.

The chaotic flames splashed on the armor, but this could not stop his pace. The guard ax swung vigorously, splitting flesh and blood one after another.

Blood and death, and a tyrannical will.

Everyone who faced the armor was overwhelmed by the power of the terrifying soul. Some soldiers couldn't bear such madness. He turned around and opened the car door, put down all the weapons, and jumped directly into the wet wilderness , the figure hit the ground fiercely, rolled several times, and disappeared into the rain and fog.

Some soldiers screamed and opened the grenade, and after a short delay, a fiery explosion swept across the carriage.

The train vibrated violently again, a gap was blown out on the side of the carriage, billowing thick smoke overflowed from it, as if dragging a gray-black tail.

The soldiers in the next carriage poked their heads out. They saw that steel evil spirit was also blown out of the car, bursts of joy rose from the bottom of their hearts, dispelling the repressed uneasiness.

The ear-piercing sound of the wind came from overhead, as if something extremely sharp was cutting through all obstacles along the way, whether it was a strong wind or a heavy rain.

The guardian ax smashed into the roof of the car and stuck firmly in the frame. A hook was tied to the end of the handle of the ax. With the ether injected into the arm of adaptation, the evil spirit tore through the rain and fog and stepped on the train again.

The explosion made the armor pitted, and some armor was shattered, and the body underneath was bloody and bloody. However, within a few breaths, the flesh and blood were rapidly healing themselves. At the same time, the damaged armor was also refilled under the drive of the secret energy. , just like proliferating, heals all the damage.

Burrog pulled out his guard ax and strode forward. He was only a few carriages away from the front of the train. His eyes followed the rails. Farther away was a stone bridge across a deep valley. It looked extremely blurry under the rain and fog, and looked like a monster climbing up from the deep valley.

In the noisy wind, there was a slight noise coming from behind. He turned his head and swung the guard axe. Bologo could be sure that he had hit the target, but judging from the touch of the slash, it seemed that what he hit was not a flesh and blood body. It is tougher and stronger than human flesh.

The pale faceless mask came into view, and under the slash of the guard axe, its body showed a strange twist. It stands to reason that this blow broke its spine, but it can still move, swinging The sharp blade pierced along the arm, leaving a deep dent on the armor.

The opponent's figure was slender, and the body surface was covered by some kind of pitch-black substance. It was extremely tough and could easily resist slashing. When it landed on all fours, in conjunction with the opponent's unreasonable large-angle movements, it was like a ghost in a nightmare.

Suddenly there was a burst of wailing from the carriage under Bologo's feet, and then two sword blades tore off the roof, and another slender ghost jumped out. It tried to sneak attack Bologo, but Bologo was stronger than It was faster, and the guard ax slammed down fiercely. On the way of being knocked into the air, the ghost's back could be clearly seen bending.

It stabbed out a sharp sword and firmly fixed itself on the roof of the car. After the jaw-dropping sound of dislocation of bones, it actually corrected its broken bones and straightened its body again.

Holding sharp swords, the two ghosts stood silently amidst the wind and rain, with the glow of ether floating on their pitch-black surfaces.

Bologo didn't think that the other party was a sublimator, but he thought that the other party was a dominator similar to the biting wolf.

Is it Thorndike's secret power?Just as Bologo was thinking, a boiling roar sounded from the gap under his body.

The soldiers who should have died came back to life again, their eyes were pale, they stretched out their blood-stained palms, and opened their mouths like hungry beasts, longing for the flesh and blood under the armor.

On the speeding train, demons danced wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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