Endless Debt.

Chapter 130 Lore

Chapter 130 Lore
It's really strange, even though he was exhausted, Bologo still didn't want to use the potion that was close at hand. He said that he was a human being bound by shackles, but at this moment he turned into a silver lion in iron armor.

Thorndike couldn't understand this kind of person, and he wasn't in the mood to understand it. He just wanted to end all of this quickly. The remaining ghouls and ghosts were walking in the mist. They were like invisible wolves, surrounded This dying lion.

In a one-on-one situation, few people can defeat Thorndike. The invisibility fog brought by the secret sword combined with the ether cover, the dominator is completely transformed into an invisible ghost. , if it were other desublimators, it would be difficult for them to even break through the iron-hating paint's defense.

There was a whistling sound of metal cutting through the fog.

As a desublimator of the first stage, the only time when Bologo can find the dominators is when the dominators launch an attack, but no matter how fast he reacts, when the attack is launched, it will be too late for Bologo to act again .

Thorndike was confident, but the dark blood spilled out of nowhere chilled his heart.

The armor-piercing sword caught the fourth ghost, and the sharp point of the sword pierced its heart. The thrust was so strong that the blade did not reach the hilt, as if Burogo had punched through it. its heart.

How can this be?

Bologo was the first to discover the location of the ghost, and gave it a heavy blow, and then there was a tooth-piercing friction sound, as if a blunt knife was laboriously cutting meat and bones, and the friction brought pieces Bone and blood foam.

The ghost struggled vigorously, and the blade hammered the silver lion feebly, but the silver lion didn't care, just like a real hunt, Burrog grabbed another armor-piercing sword stuck on the ground, and walked along the first A hole left by a puncture, pierced into a second armor-piercing sword.

The armor-piercing sword itself has almost no ability to slash, but this is only almost. The soldiers cannot use it to slash because their strength is not strong enough.

When it was held by the Desublimer, wielded by Bologo, and driven by absolute power, the slightly blunt edges and corners were like crossed scissors, twisting the ghost's body. The sword was held high under the night sky, and the broken body spilled all over the ground with dirty blood.

This is no longer a slash, but more like tearing apart the body with brute force.

"Damn beast!"

Thorndike roared and waved his secret sword, giving orders like a general, and the hidden ghouls responded to his call one after another.

In his eyes, at a certain moment, Bologo seemed to have really turned into a strange beast, a silver lion covered with steel mane and scales, and his armor was covered with dark red blood stains.

"Here she is looking at me! Thorndike, how can I be reduced to a beast."

At this time, Burlogo actually laughed out loud.

The armor-piercing sword stabbed along the established trajectory and hit several ghouls out of thin air. The blade sank deep into the flesh and blood, and then was roughly pulled out and torn apart by Burrog.

This kind of slashing is a great loss to the armor-piercing sword itself, and soon the blade in his hand is full of cracks. Bologo throws them vigorously, drawing a bloodstain in the mist, and then he again from the ground Draw a new sword.

The stern sword forest covered the entire battlefield. No matter where Bologo was, there was always a sharp sword waiting for him to hold.

Thorndike couldn't figure out how Burrog discovered the ghouls. The wonderful combination of fog and ether shading seemed to him to be non-existent, but it was clear that Burrog was indeed restricted by the fog.

The dense and slender mane spread out, as if invisible palms were touching them, making a strange and ethereal sound with the wind.

Thorndike suddenly understood that those scattered manes were like tentacles, covering every corner around Bologo. He really couldn't feel the ether fluctuations, and he couldn't see the figures of these ghouls, but when When they came close to touching these manes, Burrog could sense their bearings keenly.

"You guys are too difficult to deal with!" Thorndike's voice was hoarse. He no longer knew how to deal with Burrog. Every time he thought he was going to win, this guy could always turn defeat into victory.

Taking out the liquid spirit potion he was carrying from his pocket, Thorndike prepared to inject ether, and continued to call the ghouls to entangle Bologo, but the sudden burst of sword sound almost cut his nerves, and a wound from his waist Abdominal dehiscence.

Thorndike saw the armor-piercing sword that cut him, and it was dragged by some unknown force, and it was thrown out of thin air with other armor-piercing swords that had been pierced into the ground.

Iron storms fall.

The razor-sharp blade pierced through nearly everything it touched, be it stony ground or a lurking ghoul, everything was brutally pierced through.

Thorndike swung his sword and cut off several armor-piercing swords that were smashed. Only then did he notice that there was a slender mane at the end of the hilt that extended to the back of the silver lion.

He only guessed half right, the mane spread out not only vigilant around Bologo, but also connected to all the armor-piercing swords inserted into the ground, like a spider web, spying on every thing that stepped into the field, And extend Burlogo's attack.

The silver lion jumped up and danced, its mane dragging the armor-piercing swords, creating a storm of sharp blades like whip blades.

The sluggish mist was also stirred by the storm, and broken limbs and flesh and blood continued to overflow out of thin air. Ghouls died in large numbers. They were not protected by iron-hating paint. No matter how hideous and weird, they were just flesh and blood.

Suddenly the silver lion stopped dancing, and its blue eyes stared at Thorndike, as if his vision penetrated the cover of the fog.

The cold gaze made Thorndike feel panic and uneasiness for a moment. He didn't understand why. He obviously didn't touch the manes of those hunting enemies at all, and he was also protected by the mist and ether. How could Burlog find it? he.

A slender, light mane billowed in the wind, hooked at one end of Thorndike's garment, and ran the other end over the silver lion's back.

When the armor-piercing sword cut Thorndike, it left such a mane, which led Burlog to find Thorndike's location.

Thorndike was about to do something, but he suddenly calmed down and gave up all actions, even if he was connected by Burlog, so what, he was hidden in the fog, and Burlog could not be sure what the silk thread was connected to.

"My boss is similar to you, he is also a ruler, but he is different from you, he never hides his whereabouts."

A deep voice sounded from under the armor.

"I asked him, why don't you hide? As a ruler, you can easily win thousands of miles, but he replied that if you hide in the shadows for too long, people will become cowardly, timid, and cringe, and lose the ability to face directly. death, and the ability to overcome fear."

Grasping the two swords tightly, the blue eyes were full of determination, without any hesitation.

"Thorndike, you've been hiding behind ghouls for too long."

Thorndike kept calling for the ghouls to attack him. With all his cards out of the way, it was impossible for Thorndike to leave one ghoul standing alone.

As for ghosts?The armor-piercing sword couldn't cut it at all, let alone leave the wire to connect it. Thorndike thought he was smart to stay where he was, but he didn't know that he was exposed because of this.

The mane is dancing wildly, and the silver lion is covered with dense sword blades. It seems that he has spread his wings to cover the sky and the sun.

Thorndike couldn't retreat any more, he was forced to the edge of the stone bridge, and the next step was a deep valley, and under the dense rain of swords, he couldn't dodge to the sides.

He seemed to be in a desperate situation, but the ghost figure that had lived in the mist for a long time suddenly appeared in the next moment.

Thorndike can precisely control up to four ghosts at the same time, but it doesn't mean that he only has four ghosts. The remaining two ghosts are always hiding, ready for a fatal blow.

"And how do you fight back?"

Thorndike yelled, guessing that Burrog's aether was completely drained, and this was the last blow he could deliver.

The crossed blades hit the silver lion, but the silver lion didn't stop. This was a life-threatening blow, and it must end with the death of one person.

Facing the overwhelming sword blades, Thorndike had no fear in his eyes, and he clenched something with his backhand, and then the black liquid wrapped his chest, and quickly solidified to protect important organs.

Iron-hating paint itself can also be used as armor, but its energy efficiency is one-time. After the battle, Thorndike needs to find a way to clean it off. Unless it is an emergency, Thorndike will not use such an expensive alchemy material for armor.

He thought that this would be the blow that drove Burrog into despair. He was so depleted of ether that he was powerless to break through the iron-hating paint defense.

Only in this situation did Thorndike dare to confront the silver lion head-on, wielding his secret sword and chopping the silver lion into pieces together with the ghosts.

The ear-piercing sound of cutting burst out together with the sparks, and the ghosts swung their sharp swords through the steel, the heavy armor fell, and the wildly dancing sword blades fell to the ground with a clatter as if they had lost their support.

After all, he won. Thorndike walked towards the huge wreckage of the armor. He wanted to turn Burrog into his own ghost, and every enemy he killed would have such an ending.

If Bologo still has breath, he would like to say something about the declaration of victory, but soon this sense of victory was washed away. Although he killed Bologo, the operation still failed, just because this damn Desublimer.

Walking to the wreckage of the armor, the expected bloody corpse did not appear, and there was nothing under the armor.

Burrog disappeared. After a brief hesitation, Thorndike looked around vigilantly. When the guy's ether was exhausted, the inception phenomenon also disappeared. Now Burrog has become an ordinary person. Undetectable.

What else could he do?Run for your life?The other side of the stone bridge is full of ghouls, and he has nowhere to escape.

"People like you have used other people's swords for so long that you have forgotten that you are holding a sword in your hand."

An icy voice came from behind, and at the same time the majestic ether was released.

"Have you turned into a beast after all?"

Thorndike turned around and swung his secret sword. He shouldn't have believed what Bologo said. He must have hidden the liquid elixir and didn't use it until now. But when he turned around, what he saw was a completely different scene.

Cyan light spots overflowed from Bologo's body, and the remaining soul fragments burned blazingly, igniting the ether, and also igniting the restless void.

Boluo Ge's face was like an angry god, holding the secret sword that hit him without pain, and stabbing the dagger in his hand at the same time.

Thorndike laughed mockingly, not knowing what happened to Burlogo's body, but how could such a short sword penetrate the iron-hatered defense?

The cyan trajectory poured into the dagger along the arm, and the brilliant light almost blinded Thorndike's eyes.

Shining Blade · Ether Sword.

(End of this chapter)

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