Endless Debt.

Chapter 132 Frontier Sanatorium

Chapter 132 Frontier Sanatorium

This should be the most peaceful sleep Bologo has ever had in his life. It was like an angel sheltered him in his sleep. He didn't feel tired or have any so-called headaches. The whole person was like waking up from a warm pool, wide open Open your eyes and see the unfamiliar ceiling.

Hmm... well, there's something wrong with this ceiling.

Burrog sat up from the hospital bed vigilantly and looked around. He was in a ward, wearing a white and blue striped hospital gown.

The ceiling above the head is several meters high, and the wall on one side of the ward is a floor-to-ceiling window made of glass. The soft sunlight easily fills the room, reflecting the tiled floor golden.

Outside the window is a meadow, and a patient is sitting on a bench basking in the sun. Outside the green field is a raised forest, with lush branches spreading to the end of the horizon, and the mountain forest is surrounded by hazy mist.

wait?Where is this?

Opals is a city full of smog and gloom, full of cold steel and gray concrete, such a lush green environment can only be seen in some indoor greenhouses.

Isn't this Opals?
Boluoge felt a little bad, trying to recall the memory before he came, he remembered the stone bridge on the storm, he and Thorndike's life and death struggle.

In my memory, I hammered Thorndike to death, and then chatted with Palmer about what happened afterwards.

Yes, they were planning to go to the Undead Club for a drink, and Burlog felt that the fact of revenge could be used as a reason to celebrate.

So... why am I here?Alcohol poisoning?

No matter how hard Burlog tried to recall, his memory was still blank. He thought that he was really alcoholic, and the hangover made him lose his memory of the period.

Bursts of snoring sounded from the hospital bed next to him. Bologo opened the curtain, and a familiar figure was snoring and sleeping with the quilt in his arms. In his sleep, he stretched out his hand and scratched his buttocks.

"Wake up! Palmer!"

Bologo slapped Palmer awake from his slumber. The unlucky ghost didn't know what happened at all, and he sat up straight like a carp.

His body came back to life, but his consciousness was still a few steps behind. He sat in a daze for a while before he yelled out belatedly.


Palmer covered his face and screamed.

"Stop shouting, where is this? What's going on?" Burrog grabbed Palmer's shoulder and shook it vigorously.

Palmer gradually came back to his senses and looked at Burlogo, who screamed again.

"Doctor! He's awake!"


After Palmer's rambling and embellishment, Burlogo probably understood what was going on.

"Wow, when you said you were going to have a drink together, you were really handsome, but you passed out before you finished looking good. If it weren't for my sharp eyesight and quick hands, you would have fallen to the bottom of the valley."

Palmer said with a look of regret, not sure whether he regretted his passing out or not being able to have a drink.

"According to our follow-up examination of your body, to be precise, you were not fainted at the time, but died. Of course, it seems that there is no big difference to you, it is just a continuous memory interruption."

Beside the hospital bed, the woman held a medical record and explained to Burlogo.

Burrog observed the woman. She was the "doctor" called by Palmer. She wore a doctor's cap on her head, a few strands of fine black hair fell from the edge, her face was covered by a mask, and her body was covered by a loose white coat. .

"The ether is exhausted, the body is bleeding heavily, several fatal injuries and multiple fractures, as well as countless trauma..."

Looking at the words written on it, the doctor couldn't help but marvel at the power of the undead. These injuries alone are enough to kill an ordinary person. In the end, they were all superimposed on one person, and this guy just fell asleep. It slowed down in two days.

"According to the information given by the Field Service Department, the injury that affects you the most is the exhaustion of the ether, which directly caused your 'gift' to become delayed.

For this reason, we put you in a high-concentration ether environment, allowing you to absorb the ether by yourself and resurrect from the dead. "

"Did it take two days?"

Bologo didn't expect that the depletion of ether would have such a big impact on him, and it would make the resurrection time so long.

This world is full of ethers, they are everywhere, even ordinary people will accumulate a certain amount of ethers in their bodies over time.

The reason why Bologo was able to quickly come back from the dead before was because he was not a Sublimator, so he couldn't mobilize the only ether in his body, and all of these ethers were used to activate the "gift".

In the battle with Thorndike, Bologo not only exhausted his own ether, but also squandered the hoarded soul fragments. It is no wonder that he resurrected so slowly.

"No, in fact, it took you a few hours to revive, but you have been in a coma. We have observed you for a while, and all the data are within the normal range... You may just be too tired and fell asleep."

"I slept for two full days in one breath, motionless, as if I was dead." Palmer interjected.

"too tired?"

Bologo was a little surprised, and didn't expect it to be because of this kind of thing.

But after feeling it carefully, Boluoge really felt that he was a lot more relaxed, not only physically tired, but also mentally tired. Only then did he realize that his mind was lighter than ever before, like a soft ball Cotton, floating in the air.

After such a long time, I was finally able to relax from being tense.

"So, where is this?" Burrog remembered his priorities.

"Border Sanatorium."

The doctor introduced it like a salesman, as if the next step was to ask Burlogo if he wanted any insurance.

"This hospital is located in the outskirts of Opals, and it is protected by the 'virtual domain', so there is no need to worry about safety. The main service objects here are the members of the Field Service Department, providing you with treatment and follow-up recuperation."

The doctor said that he revealed the emblem on his chest. The main body of the emblem is a cross-section of human brain tissue. The left and right brains are unfolded, and the middle is connected by the corpus callosum like an egg. Two tentacles extend from the upper end of the egg...

The shape of the emblem suddenly became distorted and blurred in Borrog's eyes. He was shocked to find that the elements in front of him formed a butterfly with wings, and the butterfly wings representing the left and right brains were covered with complicated patterns composed of brain grooves. , Among the bumps, the gyrus is like a group of snakes crawling on the wings of a butterfly.

"By the way, this is also where the medical department of the Bureau of Order belongs."

"I thought all the departments of the Bureau of Order were located in the 'reclamation room'."

Burrog looked at the scenery outside the window. This was a scenery that could only be seen on the border of Opals, a land that was not covered by clouds and smog.

"Not all departments are in the 'reclamation room'. When we conduct some spiritual research, we will be disturbed by the 'reclamation room', so we moved here many years ago."

The doctor continued to explain, but she didn't say what the interference from the "reclamation room" was.

"This department has a considerable defense force and is protected by a large "virtual domain". The "virtual domain" covering this place was established by the sublimation furnace core based on the "reclamation room". Please rest assured.

If you want to return to the 'reclamation room', we have a direct underground subway to the 'reclamation room', which will take you back to the 'reclamation room' in about 10 minutes. "

Burrog nodded, he still knew about it.

The building of "Kenshi" not only has the main entrance and an exit, but also connects to the subway network of Opals in the deep underground position, and can quickly reach any area of ​​Opals from some "exclusive lines".

"Any questions?" asked the doctor at last.

"No... no more."


The doctor stretched out his hand and announced his name and identity.

"Rachel Cindy, currently the deputy minister of the medical department, we still have many opportunities to contact, Mr. Lazarus."

Probably because he was too relaxed, Bologo didn't react for a while, he also stretched out his hand, and held it with the woman's hand, with a little coldness in the softness.

As Rachel left the ward, Burlogo realized belatedly that a deputy minister had just arrived.

"What's the matter with you? Spring has sprouted?"

Palmer lay on his side on the bed, looked at Burrog who was staring at his palm, and asked in a strange tone.

Burlogo directly ignored Palmer's nonsense, "It's just a little surprising that the minister is so young, and he doesn't look very powerful."

Rachel gave Burlogo an absolute sense of rationality, with her tall figure and long legs, like a walking lancet.

Wait, The Lancet?

Burrog shook his head hard, and then looked at Palmer with a confused face. It may be that he has been acting with Palmer for a long time, and sometimes his thinking seems to be polluted by Palmer. All kinds of strange things Adjectives and absurd ideas continue.

"What do you see me doing?"

Palmer was terrified by Burlogo's serious gaze, and he immediately sat up straight and fastened his buttons.

Burrogo ignored Palmer, his eyes still stayed on the door, recalling the back of the person who left.

Thinking about it, the Bureau of Order has almost included the extraordinary elites of the entire Rhineland League. With so many elites, it is inevitable that there will be a few geniuses... such as Bailey.

The thought of that woman brought strange laughter to Burrogo's head, as if the woman was laughing and running around him.

As for whether it is strong or not, the entire Bureau of Order, except for some departments that need field operations, doesn't seem to care much about rank.

"By the way, don't you want to ask something?"

Bologo turned his attention to Palmer again. On that stormy night, this unlucky ghost was dragged onto the thief boat by himself and walked through hell with him.

Burlogo might still have a sense of distance from Palmer before, but when he looked confident and said to himself that we would definitely be able to catch up with the train, Burlogo really regarded Palmer as a friend and partner.

"Ask what?" The stupid man obviously didn't understand what Burlogo meant.

"However," Palmer quickly said again, "when you wake up, you feel a lot happier than before."

Palmer tilted his head, looking at Burlog's face and blue eyes.

"If you were a murderer with a stinking face before... now you are at best putting on a stinky face."

Before the storm, Bologo always had gloom and sharpness in his eyes, as if all evils were hidden in the darkness of his pupils, but now those malicious malice disappeared, and now Bologo was at best an indifferent cool man.

"Well, it's pretty good," Palmer commented, crossing his chest. "Nowadays the little girls quite like your type."

The atmosphere fell silent.

In other words, Burlog might have ignored Palmer before, or told him to be more serious, but this time Burlog held his forehead slightly, and then muttered.

"very popular?"

"Yes, very welcome."

The two looked at each other for a brief moment, and Burlog couldn't help but laugh, followed by Palmer, and the two of them couldn't stop laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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