Endless Debt.

Chapter 134 Owning the King

Chapter 134 Owning the King

"Although it feels good to crush the king's secret sword after so many years, what's the matter with more and more official duties?"

Jeffrey had a gloomy face, flipping through the endless files in the office. Normally, Lebius would handle the processing of files, but there are too many files now, even Jeffrey Gotta help out.

"As you said, the minister is a guy who likes to use people to death. If we reprogram the sequence, there must be a lot of trouble waiting for us."

Lebius said from behind the desk, his voice was still indifferent, but this time the indifference was entirely due to the heavy workload that had numb his spirit.

After the stormy night, Levius returned to the office after listening to Palmer's action report from the nursing home, and what awaited him was piles of documents, and Uriel was still trotting in the corridor, transferring more documents from other places. department transferred.

The Bureau of Order has a clear division of labor and a strict hierarchy. Before the two were only responsible for the logistics function, but as they stepped onto the battlefield, Lebius and Jeffrey were no longer in charge of the command and logistics of the special operations team, but two A real power bearer who can fight head-on.

The difference in identity, the information and authority obtained are completely different.

Those in power are not considered top-notch forces in the Bureau of Order, but they are also extremely important backbone forces. A large amount of information is open to the two of them, and at the same time one document after another to be executed is issued.

Jeffrey jokingly said that the special operations group was directly promoted from a fringe operation group to a core force overnight, but this joke is really hard to laugh.

Picking up a document, Jeffrey's eyes became serious.

"Has the place down here become so bad? Remember when I was transferred seven years ago, it was still under control?"

"It turned into an out-of-control area three years ago. A group of followers of the 'Scarlet Sect' sneaked in. They awakened the thing with their own flesh and blood. It has been eating all these years. Fortunately, there is nothing but rocks there. Things can be eaten by it, and only a few unlucky ones who fall can fill it up for a short time."

Lebius dropped another document, a follow-up to the events in question.

"Hell, what's the matter with this? Isn't the 'Happy Garden' thing solved many years ago?" Jeffrey saw another document and screamed, "Why did it appear again?"

"The current speculation is that we failed to completely destroy it at the time. After years of silence, it returned again, but don't worry, this is considered an abnormal virtual domain event. It is currently in charge of the third group and has nothing to do with us for the time being."

Lebius' tone was numb. Seven years have passed, and the head of the Field Service Department is still in the familiar posture, unreasonably pushing all the work to you.

There was a knock on the door, and Uriel pushed the door open, holding a large stack of documents in her hand, she was panting from exhaustion, and her forehead was covered with sweat.

"Which department is this from?"

Jeffrey turned his head, looking at Uriel was like looking at a monster.

"The sublimation furnace core is a list of some alchemy weapons, which we need to confirm." Uriel said.

"Oh? This sounds good."

This news made Jeffrey a little bit happier. I don't know if Bailey is really so obsessed with Bologo, or her action efficiency is so high. The first batch of alchemy weapons will be released in a few days.

There is no need for cumbersome approval procedures, and there is no need to deal with those guys. It is just like shopping in an unmanned supermarket. You can get what you want. The only price is to feel wronged by Burlogo a little.

Uriel took out the first copy from the thick documents and handed it to Lebius.

"This is the report, and the rest is from the Crow's Nest. They say it's information about related missions."

All but the first file.

Jeffrey took a deep breath and tried to control his emotions. After so many years of rest, it really feels good to be busy again, but now he is a little too busy, and he even wonders if he will die from overwork.

"Don't worry, Sublimation itself is protected by ether, and sudden natural death is almost impossible." Many years ago, the head of the field service department patted Jeffrey on the shoulder with a smile and said to him.

"Okay, okay, let's put it there first." Jeffrey waved his hands helplessly.

"I said, don't you feel tired?" Looking at Lebius who was still busy, this guy was simply a workaholic, and Jeffrey couldn't help but admire him.

"We need to quickly get acquainted with the current environment and understand what is happening in this city and the world."

Unlike the tired Jeffrey, the more Lebius looked at these documents, the more he felt a burst of silent pressure.

He thought everything was under control, but when he really returned to work, Lebius realized that the world had changed drastically.

"That's right. I said that the operation team couldn't divide the manpower. Such troubles happened one after another. The King's Secret Sword is nothing compared to it."

Jeffrey picked up a document, which recorded one bad thing after another.

"Those merchants have reached out here too."

"It's not just businessmen. In recent years, the 'Group of Secrets' has also intentionally extended its hands into Opus." Lebius said.

Jeffrey is no stranger to these words, he was dealing with these guys seven years ago, and these guys are still around seven years later.

This feeling is quite strange, not only has the wonderful sense of fate that old opponents still exist in the world, but also complains about why these guys are still dead after so many years.

"By the way, how do you want to deal with the matter of Burlogo?"

Putting aside these disturbing worries, Geoffrey focused on what was happening right now.

"Although you made preparations in advance and disguised this as a raid, you and I both know that this is not a raid, it's completely Bologo's own will, and it's not clear how he found the train... But it must not be that simple, right?"

Jeffrey's gaze sharpened, and he had a strange feeling that since Lebius took out the "decision-making room" order that day, he felt covered by some kind of conspiracy.

A vague sense of coldness lingers around him, and it is difficult to dissipate.

"According to the report of the logistics department, his battles spanned several urban areas and raided many gangsters, and there were countless casualties. The most terrible thing is that Bologo's strikes were very precise, and there were not many accidental injuries."

It was just him and Lebius in the office now, and Jeffrey wanted to talk about it.

"He not only found Kedening, but also killed him, and then ran into Palmer, caught up with the train all the way, killed a believer carrying the secret sword, and a train full of ghouls, the philosopher who collected the king's secret sword Stones and potions are all stopped..."

These things alone are ridiculous, let alone put them together and compressed into one night.

It seems that there is a mysterious existence who made a list of sinners for Burlogo, and arranged a strict schedule for him. From midnight to dawn, Burlogo didn't waste a single minute.

But does such a thing really exist?It would take a certain amount of time even for Crow's Nest to collect and sort out such a list, let alone Borrog.

Something must have happened beyond my imagination, and I don't know it now.

"Is that you? You helped him," Jeffrey asked.

"No, actually I don't know exactly what happened?"

"How is this possible? You are so well prepared, a deliberate raid, others can't figure it out, but I am your partner, you and I were together that night." Jeffrey asked.

Lebius stopped what he was doing. He seemed to be thinking about how to answer Jeffrey. In a short silence, Jeffrey asked again.

"Does this have anything to do with orders from the 'Decision Room'?"

"It doesn't matter much... At least in the order, there is no such thing as Burlogo's raid on the train."

Lebius went on, earnestly.

"As for the procedures for the raid, I prepared it very early, starting from the disconnection of the clues of the addict."

"You've expected Burlogo to do such a thing?" Jeffrey asked.

"You were there that day, and you saw Burlogo's expression at that time."

Lebius recalled that although he was silent, his observant gaze never stopped. When everyone was waiting for further news from the crow's nest, only he was staring at Borrog, looking at the tumbling eyes in his eyes. Maliciousness grows savagely.

"Actually, I think human beings are similar to demons and debtors. We all need something to satisfy our inner 'emptiness'.

Boluogo is a guy with nothing, and he only cares about a little bit of things. For this little thing, he doesn't care about anything, not to mention that he is an undead, a born outlaw.

Now you tell him that there is no trace of the enemy, maybe they will disappear..."

Lebius shook his head, thinking about this kind of thing gave him a headache.

"When people don't care about anything, they can do anything, not to mention people like Burlogo."

Jeffrey didn't continue to say anything. He has been in contact with Burlogo for the longest time. He also knows Burlogo somewhat. It will become crazy.

"I don't know what kind of 'process' Burlogo will use to complete his revenge, but I clearly know that he will complete the 'result' of revenge, nothing more."

"What about our actions that night? That team, this kind of thing shouldn't be a coincidence?" Jeffrey asked again.

"It's really not a coincidence, it's an order from the 'decision room' ordering us to hunt and kill these people."

"Is there anything important about them? It takes two power holders to figure it out."

"It's very important. According to the current intelligence, it is very likely that there were apostates before them." Lebius said.


"That's right, Renegade, and this is also the operation we will be mainly responsible for next. Other operations will be responsible for other troubles."

Lebius removed all the documents from the table, leaving only one document in the center, which depicted chains and five sharp swords.

"Jeffrey, there are many things I can't tell you clearly, but just like we did before, just trust me unconditionally.

Another group of people has already taken care of the matter of Borrog, and his fate will be decided by that person. "

Thinking of that person, Lebius' emotions are very complicated. The person himself is like the incarnation of mystery. When you look into his eyes, you will only see absolute darkness and depth, as if you are looking straight into the abyss.

Rebius believed that he would make the right judgment, stopped thinking about it, and talked to Jeffrey instead.

"According to reliable information, there is a split inside the King's Secret Sword."

"They are supporting the new king."

(End of this chapter)

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