Endless Debt.

Chapter 14 Sublimation People

Chapter 14 Sublimation People
"Actually, there are not only extraordinary groups headed by devils in this world, but also sublimation people headed by humans."

At the dinner table, Geoffrey explained to Burlogo.

Burrog nodded, picked up the bread and dipped some meat sauce, and listened to Geoffrey while eating.

The noise of conversation came from all around, and people were full of people having lunch everywhere, without the slightest sense of mystery of the Transcendent Agency, everyone communicated casually, and from time to time there was arguing from one side.

"Why are these few dishes again, do you still want to cook!"

"Auntie! Keep your hands steady!"

"Don't shake! Don't shake! You can't do it for me!"

Words like this abound.

Bologo's expression was stiff, he didn't know whether to laugh or lament that this place is close to life, plus the topic he was talking about with Jeffrey, he was obviously talking about mysterious and extraordinary intelligence, but right now there is no sense of mystery at all, just like Like discussing what to eat after get off work.

Thinking about it, I am a newcomer who knows nothing, and the questions I am confused about should be the same as basic common sense in the eyes of these employees.

Jeffrey glanced at the people around him, swallowed the food in his mouth, and said, "Don't worry, in order to maintain such a large organization, there are far more people in the logistics department than in the field department."

Judging from the known information, the main body of the Bureau of Order is the "Decision-making Room" led by the Director of the Bureau of Order. This is the command core of the Bureau of Order.

Jeffrey works in the "Human Resources Department", which sounds quite ordinary, but in order to select employees who can join the extraordinary world from countless candidates, the composition of this department is actually quite complicated.

The "Department of Field Support" is a very special department, because it is responsible for the execution of external tasks, it can be said that all departments except the Department of Field Support can be regarded as "logistics". According to the regulations, all departments must give priority to cooperating with the Department of Field Support. Also due to the particularity of the Field Service Department, its head is directly served by the deputy director of the Order Bureau.

The "Logistics Department" literally means real logistics, and is closely connected with various departments. It is responsible for all troublesome matters, such as material transfer, personnel transfer, fund transfer, maintenance of the order bureau, and many other functions. Even cleaning up the scene after the war It is also part of their functions. At the end of the assessment, the "ferryman" that Bologo saw was specially set up by the logistics department to deal with the battlefield.

Under the leadership of Jeffrey, Burlogo left the Field Service Department and arrived at the Logistics Department, which is the atrium where the two first arrived at the Order Bureau, and the staff canteen was set up here.

"Speaking of sublimation people, debtors and demons are not the only ones who have those strange and extraordinary powers. Humans also have this power."

Jeffrey explained.

"In the age of unrecorded history, scholars have discovered a mysterious source of power, which we call the 'secret source'.

In the following years, scholars began to understand, experiment, and then gradually mastered the 'secret source', or use the 'secret source', just like now we use electricity to make lights illuminate the dark, use diesel to drive heavy Mechanically.

They systematically summarized this kind of knowledge and named it alchemy, and these scholars were called alchemists.

In the end, the alchemists thoroughly understood this extraordinary power, and developed a 'tool' to use it to tame it. "

"Alchemy matrix."

Burrog uttered the mysterious words, and the hazy and dim world gradually became clear.

Jeffrey nodded affirmatively, and continued.

"The alchemy matrix, a complex and cumbersome matrix, tames the reins of extraordinary power, just like fine circuits and complex machinery. Depending on the composition of the matrix, it will cause different effects. We call its ability ' secret energy'."

As he spoke, he took out the "Spoon of Crooked Path" and placed it on the dining table.

"Like this 'Key of the Crooked Path', it is essentially just an ordinary key, but it has been implanted into the 'Alchemy Matrix', and the 'secret energy' effect of this 'Alchemy Matrix' is to open different areas 'gate'."

"When the 'alchemy matrix' is implanted into the weapon..."

Bologo recalled, thinking of the blade-biting wolf wearing a sharp blade and chilling the depression during the assessment.

"This kind of 'carrier' that has been implanted with the 'alchemy matrix' and carries extraordinary power is collectively called the alchemy weapon. The blade-biting wolf you encountered can be understood as a piece of alchemy weapon."

Jeffrey explained.

"Then Sublimation... the human body has been implanted with an 'alchemy matrix', so that the human body has the ability to drive extraordinary power, right?"

Burlog reasoned, breathing slightly short of breath.

If the alchemy matrix of the "Key of the Crooked Path" can be implanted into the human body, will Bologo have the "secret ability" to open any door, no matter how far the distance is, it can be easily crossed.

"Yes, but not entirely."

Jeffrey corrected.

"The 'alchemy matrix' is not implanted in an 'object', its 'carrier' is the soul."

Picking up the "Key of the Crooked Path", Jeffrey's voice became heavy and solemn.

"Remember what I told you before? Everything has a soul, even flesh and blood."

Burlog listened carefully to Jeffrey's words,
"As for sublimation people, they are human beings whose souls have been implanted in the 'alchemy matrix', and thus gain the ability to drive extraordinary power."

"But how do you implant the 'alchemy matrix' into your soul? It's something invisible and intangible." Burogo asked.

The corners of Jeffrey's mouth were slightly raised, and there was mystery and unknown in his voice.

"That's why we need 'sublimation' to change the soul from nothingness to an entity that can be interfered with, so we are called 'sublimation ones'."

Bologo was stunned for a while, before he had a new movement, picked up the remaining bread, and stuffed it into his mouth with meat sauce.

This feeling is very strange, just like the feeling when I first came to this other world. There are new and unknown things everywhere, which makes people ecstatic, but also makes people feel uneasy and confused.

"That is to say, there is a philosopher's stone in the body of Sublimation...at least it is similar to the philosopher's stone, right? And it is also carved with cumbersome formations, just like an engine, driving the extraordinary in your body Power."

Burrog tried to accept all this. It sounded like this was the weakness of Sublimation. Once the materialized souls in their bodies were taken out, they should and would surely die.

"Well, it's not the same as what you think. The soul of Sublimation is not presented in a physical form. It is between nothingness and substance."

Jeffrey's next words shattered Burlogo's guess.

"Condensation will make the soul of nothingness, skip the process of soul liquefaction, and directly solidify into a solid body, thereby extracting the so-called philosopher's stone, and when we implant the 'alchemy matrix', the soul will enter a semi-condensed state and carry out material transformation. Three-state change.

From the nothingness of 'air' to the flowing 'liquid', and then condensed into the solid 'solid'.

The implantation of the 'alchemy matrix' takes place at the stage of 'liquid'. There is a solid body, but it has not yet solidified, and still has a plastic shape. We implant and cover the 'alchemy matrix' at this stage. After the cover is successful, the ceremony That's it.

The human soul cannot be bound, so after the ceremony, our soul will stop the process of sublimation, but re-convert from 'liquid' to nothingness 'gas', but this time with an 'alchemy matrix' attached to it. "

Speaking of this, Jeffrey remembered something and reminded Burrog.

"You asked me about the generation of soul shards, and part of the conjectures came from here.

The generation of crumbs is the "loss" that occurs due to the change of the soul's form. This can also be explained by desublimation. The process of desublimation requires the release of heat, and the released part may be the soul crumbs. "

After speaking, Jeffrey quickly picked up the hot soup that was about to cool down, drank a few swigs, and wiped the corners of his mouth with a paper towel.

"Are there any doubts?"

"Yes, although what you said is an understatement, it sounds very risky to interfere and implant the soul." Burogo said.

"That's right, it's more than just risky. Even with the development of alchemy, the process of implanting the 'alchemy matrix' is still full of uncertainties, and as I said before, the soul determines the body. For those of us who interfere, how can our bodies be any better?"

Jeffrey's voice was subdued.

"There are often such examples where the soul successfully accepts the 'alchemy matrix', but the body is disintegrated during the ceremony. What's worse is that the soul cannot carry the 'alchemy matrix', and the soul collapses and dies directly."

Everything that Jeffrey just said is the accumulated knowledge of countless blood-stained examples.

"Is this the reason why there are so few staff in the Field Service Department?"

The risk is extremely high, but Burlogo is still very interested in implanting the "alchemy matrix".

"Part of the reason, and the other part is that field operations are indeed very risky. This is what I wanted to tell you at the beginning. You will not only face demons, but also those hostile Desublimers who carry strange and unknown' secret energy'."

"You know, Bolog, in fact, I am also a Sublimator, but I just retreated to the second line," Jeffrey laughed sinisterly, and whispered to Burlog, "If we are now hostile, will you How to do it?"

Bologo squinted at the chair beside him, and said coldly, "Pick up the chair and smash your head."

"Then, what if my 'secret ability' is to make the target staring at me unable to move?"

Hearing this, Bologo tried to look away, but in the conversation just now, he had already looked at Jeffrey.

Jeffrey, who caught his eyes, still had that friendly smile, but this kindness added a bit of coldness to him now.

"Look, you can't move," Jeffrey said, "I don't even have to hold you all the way, just hold you still for a few seconds, and I can take a spoon and stab you back down the throat. "

"You know, I used to be a member of the field service. Although I have gained weight, the muscles on my body are just covered by fat." Jeffrey rolled up his sleeves as he said, revealing his arms that seemed to have no muscles at all.

"But I am immortal." Burrog responded indifferently.

"Yes, but I can repeatedly smash your corpse to keep you in a state of 'death'. You also said that if you die multiple times in a short period of time, you will fall into a coma and be rendered powerless."


After a while, Bologo had a feeling of enlightenment. He realized his problem. In this extraordinary world, the immortal body may be powerful, but it is not powerful in an absolute sense. He still has a lot to learn. Arrogance will only kill you.

"I understand what you mean." Burrog nodded seriously, which was from the bottom of his heart.

"This is the battle between sublimation people. It's like guessing fists. They test each other, guess each other's 'secret energy', find out where their weaknesses are, and give them a fatal blow."

Jeffrey recognized Burlogo's attitude, and it was really not easy for Jeffrey to let Burlogo, a guy with some mental problems, listen to his opinions so seriously.

"The strong are honored, but the fittest survive.

This is a sentence that has been circulated in the Bureau of Order for a long time. The battles that Sublimator must face are full of deceit and weirdness.

In most cases, we don't know what kind of enemy we are facing, how many people there are, and what kind of "secret power" we can do. We can only adapt, adapt to the situation, and find out through constant trial and error. the enemy's weak point, and then slit his throat. "

When Jeffrey said this, his eyes dimmed a lot, as if recalling the battles in the early years.

"Information is life." Burrog said, he understood the true meaning of Jeffrey's words.

"That's right." Jeffrey nodded appreciatively.

"Then..." Bologo remembered Jeffrey's "what if" just now, and looked suspiciously at the guy who was transferred back from the field to the logistics, "Is your 'secret energy' effect really just like an 'if'? ?”

Jeffrey smiled, and responded to him with what Burlogo said just now.

"Intelligence is life."

(End of this chapter)

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