Endless Debt.

Chapter 149 Law Abiding Citizens

Chapter 149 Law Abiding Citizens
When Jieluo woke up again, his body was in severe pain, and his mind was muddled, like a hangover, with faint pain in his fainting.

With the awakening of consciousness, more pain crawled into his mind along the nerves. For a while, it was difficult for Jie Luo to breathe. He could only open his mouth wide and let out bursts of whimpering.

It took him a few minutes to barely hold back the pain in his body, and with tears in his eyes, he looked at the sky above his head.

It was still the familiar gloom of Opals, and the sky was gray, making it impossible to judge the exact time. For this reason, it was difficult to know how long he was unconscious.

Jie Luo tried hard to remember, the residual fear lingered in his mind, and then a pair of blue eyes broke through the fog.

"Evil spirit!"

Jie Luo almost screamed, the last hideous figure in his memory was completely engraved in his pupils, and even in his mind.

He tried to move his body, but there was severe pain and a sense of restraint. Zero was tied up with a rope, and he couldn't move.

what happened?

Just when Jie Luo was puzzled, he pulled his collar with one hand.

"Wow, this guy is awake, what to do next, expert."

The voice was very close to him, it should be the man who dragged himself up.

"Put him on the rails."

Another cold voice sounded, as cold as a knife.

"Are you going to let the train run over him to death? I've seen this operation in a movie." When he said this, the guy who dragged himself up had an unexpectedly excited tone.

"But... this looks too villainous."

When Jie Luo was desperate, the man continued to speak, which raised a little hope in Jie Luo's heart. He didn't know what the situation was, but it seemed that these people were not all cruel people.

Just as Jie Luo was about to say something to save his life, the cold voice sounded again.

"Are we decent people?"

"Well... no." After thinking for a few seconds, the man replied.

"That's right, I'm not a decent person anyway, why not be a professional villain?"

"Yeah, you really deserve to be an expert, even if you are a villain, you have to be the most dedicated one." The man let go of Jie Luo, and he actually clapped his hands like that.

Jie Luo was a little dizzy, he turned his head vigorously, barely seeing the figure standing not far away.

It was the evil spirit, the evil spirit that knocked him down in his memory.

At this moment, he was facing Gero with his back, as if he was looking at something in the distance. The strong wind blew, and he took up his overcoat, revealing the bloody claw hammer at his waist.

The evil spirit turned around, and a ferocious face appeared in front of Jie Luo's eyes, further impacting his spirit.

For Jie Luo, this was really the worst day. The legend of the devil turned into reality, and it appeared in front of his eyes so bloody.

But this is not enough to make Gero admit defeat. He has been wandering around for so many years, and he has faced worse situations than the present. More importantly, the appearance of evil spirits has broken his inner fantasy to some extent .

The so-called evil spirit is just a mortal, not some kind of hideous weirdness, nor is it the supernatural power that hangs over Opals.

When the mysterious unknown has a recognizable entity, its various veils will also be stripped away.

Yes, it's not that bad.

"Jello, you are a well-known second-rate dealer in the Wandering Fork Road. You often sell some contraband, and some things that are worse than contraband."

The man told about Jie Luo's information, and stepped on his chest. Jie Luo looked at it painfully, and saw a dark hood appeared in front of him. This guy seemed to be a gangster, but obviously, this man The gangster had no interest in his belongings.

"You have spent quite a long time in the wandering fork, and you should also understand that there is still a power above all of you, right?"

Gero stared at the black hood. He did know such a force, the force called the Bureau of Order.

Wandering Fork Road is a weird and treacherous place, there are strangers who come from afar, there are also desperadoes who risk their lives, there are sublimators who wander among various organizations, and there are mysterious forces that come with different purposes.

Demons are rampant here, and everyone has bad intentions. It is a place of absolute chaos. The normal human world and the weird extraordinary world overlap here. Therefore, the existence of the Bureau of Order is not a secret in the eyes of some people.

But are these two people really from the Bureau of Order?

Such doubts arose in Jie Luo's heart, he pretended to be calm, and said, "I remember that you never interfere with wandering sideways."

"It was like this before, but the company's performance has not been very good recently, so I decided to fork in the road, no! It is the entire Great Rift that has expanded its business."

"As you can see, we are the salesmen in this area." When he said this, the tone of the black hood was full of resentment, but soon he became active again, "Surprise?"

"Stop talking nonsense with him and drag him over."

The evil spirit looked down at his watch, and then at the distance, he continued.

"According to the schedule, the next train will pass by in a few minutes, so hurry up."


As the black hood said, he dragged Gero to the railroad track. Gero tried to struggle, but what was waiting for him was a powerful punch, which beat him to death.

The whole person was lying on the rails, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. The evil spirit took out a claw hammer, and then slowly squatted down beside Gero.

"You should know why we came to you, right?"

"I don't know anything!" Zero insisted.


The evil spirit looked at Gero suspiciously, then he wiped the blood on the claw hammer carefully with Gero's clothes, and continued.

"I'm actually quite reasonable," the evil spirit said seriously, "I don't like to always use violence to solve problems."

Jie Luo stared at him stubbornly, even though the hideous mask exuded fear, but he still had to stare back hard.

Don't like solving problems with violence?

Jie Luo still remembered that cold and efficient action, and the evil spirit broke his arm and calf, and now he actually said that he didn't like violence.

For an ordinary person, at the moment when the evil spirit appeared, he would probably reveal all the secrets. In fact, Jie Luo did the same, but he couldn't say that once he told these secrets, he would have nothing to do in the wandering fork. Got a foothold.

To him, it was the same as being dead.

"Well, you don't like to say it." The evil spirit stood up, as if ignoring Zero, and said to the black hood on the other side, "Do you have any plans after get off work?"

"Does a drink at the club count?"

"I don't think so, and tomorrow is not a weekend, so you can't be on duty if you're drunk."

The two started chatting like this, leaving Jie Luo aside, he couldn't understand these two people, let alone this weird evil spirit.

In Will's legend, he was so strange, but when he actually appeared in front of his eyes, it was no big deal.

The slight shock shattered Zero's thinking, and he slowly looked away, his gaze stretched along the railroad track, at the blurry end, the giant steel beast was marching forward.

"Ah... so there is a new store opened next door."

The two stood outside the railway tracks and continued to chat, as if all this had nothing to do with them.

In an instant, Jie Luo understood that the evil spirit really would not use violence to interrogate itself, because there was another more violent thing running wildly all the way, and it would crush itself to pieces.

Jie Luo's eyes were bloodshot, he struggled to wriggle his body, and when he finally moved away from the railway track, he was kicked back by the evil spirit.

The bastard is still humming, as if what he just kicked away was just a soda can.

"Are you crazy?" Zero screamed, "If I die, you will get nothing."

"This guy has some logic problems, as if he is alive, we can get something." The evil spirit spread his hands at the black hood.

"That's right, he doesn't want to say it anyway, he can't force him." Black Hood nodded.

Jie Luo struggled harder, but the severe pain all over his body made him unable to resist at all. Even if he moved his body, he would be kicked back immediately by the evil spirit.

The vibration of the railway track became more and more violent, even maintaining the same frequency as Gero's beating heart, hitting Gero's nerves repeatedly, the train had already appeared in front of his eyes, and it was rumbling, carrying the severe cold of death .

Jie Luo gasped heavily, the more he couldn't panic at this time, he knew that the two of them were betting with him, betting on his courage.

The train was getting closer, the two were still chatting, Jieluo held his breath, and at the moment of life and death, the evil spirit suddenly lifted his foot and kicked himself off the railroad track.

I bet right, these people need the secrets in their minds, and they won't kill themselves.

Sure enough, the so-called evil spirits were nothing more than that.

Jie Luo's upper body was detached from the rails, but his lower body was still on the rails. At this moment, the evil spirit stopped. Jie Luo didn't understand what he was going to do, and the evil spirit said at this time.

"Look, this will only crush his legs, so the upper body can be crushed again later."

"Oh, that's how it is. This way you can crush it twice." The black hood deliberately responded in a childlike tone.

Zero froze for a second, then cursed loudly.

"You perverts! Crazy! Killers!"

He cursed with the most vicious words he could think of, but the two of them didn't care about it at all, and laughed instead.

"Thank you for your recognition of our villain identity."

The evil spirit actually bowed to him earnestly, as if Jie Luo was a reviewer who had just given a good review of their service, yes, the best evaluation of a villain is probably these vicious words.

The vibrating rails kept urging Gero's nerves, his eyes widened, the whites of which were bloodshot, and then he looked hard at his legs.

I will not die, but maybe I will be accompanied by a wheelchair for the rest of my life.

"I said! It's the group of merchants! They're back!" Zero screamed.

"Look, let me just say that these second-level traffickers know something," the black hood showed off to the evil spirit, "I didn't expect to cheat those people from the 'Grey Trader Chamber of Commerce'."

Jie Luo was stunned, and then a huge sense of humiliation came to his heart, these two people were cheating him, these two damn bastards were cheating him, but he had no time to reprimand him, he yelled.

"Let me go!"

The two looked at each other, then laughed again.

"I just said that this guy's logic must have some problems. If you tell what you know, is there any direct connection with us letting you down?" The black hood said and kicked Zero in the face.

Jie Luo was already crying at this moment. He realized that the legend also has its credibility. The evil spirit is not a monster, but he is a complete perverted killer. a relief.

"Please! Let me go! I'll tell you what I know!"

Zero made this last struggle, but the two didn't care about it at all. The evil spirit hummed and looked at the sky, while the black hood ran aside, where a sidecar parked.

"That's right! It's the people from the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce! They brought a lot of goods to the Wandering Fork Road! It is said that they also brought a mysterious item, but I don't know more!"

Gero yelled these words almost in a yelling manner. He still had a lot of messy secrets in his mind, but he thought this was the one that moved the two of them the most.

The train rumbled past, and Jie Luo was held in the hands of the evil spirit. He looked at the passing train coldly, and Jie Luo was almost crushed.

Jie Luo stared at the front almost blankly, and his mood was completely numb. At this time, the voice of the evil spirit sounded, and he no longer had a bit of humor as before, but said in that cold tone.

"So, are you willing to cooperate with us now? Zero."

Jie Luo nodded dully, facing this moody evil spirit, his whole mind was shattered.

"Wow! I really want to see the train run over him." The black hood turned the accelerator, and there were rumbles from under the motorcycle.

"We are law-abiding citizens, don't make trouble for the railway operation."

Dragging the scarred and fractured Gero, the evil spirit spoke righteously to the black hood.

(End of this chapter)

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