Endless Debt.

Chapter 155 Junior Sister

Chapter 155 Junior Sister
In the not-so-large room, Bologo and Bailey stood together, surrounded by countless cyan lights. Even after going through so much, Bologo still couldn't help admiring when he saw the current scene. , and clearly aware that this world is far wider than he imagined.

Driven by the recruiting hand, the Snake Scale Liquid in his hand collapsed from a solid state and turned into a soft liquid that rose and danced wildly.

In the wandering of the ether, the silver-white mercury twisted into scaled silver snakes, surrounding the two of them and biting each other, and the gaps in the scales erupted with urging green awns.

For a certain moment, Bologo felt as if he was in the deep sea. The sunlight penetrated through layers of deep water, and in the end it could only cast such a dim light, but even so dim, it still illuminated the group of snakes swimming in the darkness.

Strange feelings kept emerging. In the past, when Bologo recruited substances, he needed to extend the alchemy matrix to the substances with the touch of his hands, thereby distorting the form of the substances.

This process seems to be quick, but it is very laborious, like a strong invasion, but when he conscripted the snake scale liquid, Bologo didn't feel the slightest sense of obstruction. His own ether conquered the matter so easily, as if the strange The snake scale liquid is an extension of his body.

What surprised Bologo the most was that the Snake Scale Liquid in his hand could switch between solid and liquid at any time. The rapier was solidified one second, and it would be broken into countless liquid drops in the next second. It stands to reason Bologo's "narrow sharpness" restricted him to solid matter, but the Snake Scale Liquid, based on the characteristics of mercury, helped Bologo cross this limit like cheating.

Bologo turned his wrist, and all the cruising snakes retracted into the cave, wrapping around his arm layer by layer. The flowing liquid instantly solidified into arm armor, but flowed again in the next second, and the group of snakes Crawl on the skin of a balogo.

Just like when Thorndike used the iron-hating paint, this strange metal protected Bologo's body, but what was more powerful than the iron-hating paint was that the snake scale liquid could be transformed at any time, not a one-time item.

"You seem very satisfied with this alchemy material."

Bailey saw the excitement in Burlogo's eyes. Everyone in the Field Service Department was like this. As soon as they got the new equipment, their eyes began to look like children. Bailey guessed that Burlogo would go to actual combat next. Room, give this new weapon a good shot.

"Alchemy material? Shouldn't this be a piece of alchemy weapon? It's also a Corrupted Black Grade." Borrog asked.

"Well... how should I put it? It is very special, just like mercury is so special among metals, it is between the wonderful solid and liquid.

Its strength lies in its metal properties, so it is not a problem to be called an alchemy material. As for the alchemy weapon, it has indeed been implanted into the alchemy matrix and can be regarded as an alchemy weapon. "

Bai Li looked at Burrog as she spoke, a rustling sound came from under Burrog's clothes, and a small silver snake poked its head out from the cuff, and the snake's eyes were the same as Burrog's. Under the precise control of the green light, it seems to have real life.

"But this alchemy weapon can only be used by you. In the hands of others, it is just an alchemy material."

Bai Li stretched out her hand to caress the silver snake. It also spat out the letter and licked her fingers, feeling cold to the touch.

"You have also felt that the snake scale liquid has extremely good ether ductility. With the injection of ether, it is like an extension of your body."

Burrog nodded affirmatively, this wonderful metal can greatly reduce his consumption of aether and enhance his controllability.

"And its hardness after solidification is only slightly inferior to iron-hate paint, but expensive iron-hate paint is a disposable product, but it can repeatedly hover between solid and liquid."

"It sounds like it is indeed an extremely valuable alchemy material." Hearing what Bai Li said, the functionality of the Snake Scale Liquid is far stronger than the combat power it exhibits, "What is the alchemy matrix it is implanted in? "

Boluoge is playing with the silver snake in his hand, and the silver snake is wrapped around his fingers, like shuttling between dense forests, the movement is smooth without the slightest sense of rigidity. Improve day by day.

"The School of Illusion, as long as a large amount of ether is injected, it will be able to self-create and thus continue to proliferate," Bailey added, "but it's just an imaginary creation. After a period of time, the ether will dissipate on its own, and the creation It will also disappear."

"Sounds like a useless invention."

Bologo nodded. According to the current information, this snake scale liquid really has no combat power, it is just strange enough.

Bai Li kept it here all the time, and she probably couldn't figure out how to use it, so she let herself miss it.

"Almost, many distortion products are like this, strange enough, but difficult to put into actual combat, but this is not the case for you, this thing is a perfect match for you." Bai Li said.

Bologo did not deny that he was obsessed with the control of the snake's scale fluid. The silver snake kept splitting as it crawled, and soon turned into a dense snake group. Trying to increase the injection of ether, the snake group began to proliferate crazily , and in a blink of an eye, Burlogo was completely covered.

Bailey took a few steps back, and the snakes crawled all over Bologo's body, solidifying into a ferocious and solid armor. The surface of the armor is not smooth, but has many scratches, as if there were invisible snakes cruising around. trace.

The armor collapsed, turned into a group of snakes again and got under Bologo's clothes, and disappeared. With his mastery of the secret energy, the hand of summoning, at first this seemingly boring secret energy was released in Bologo's hands. brilliance.

The Hand of Calling does not have a strong direct lethality, but it is cunning and changeable enough. On the battlefield where the situation changes rapidly, the Hand of Calling can also respond quickly.

Even if he was as strong as Thorndike, with the help of the liquid spirit potion and the misty sword, he was still beheaded by Boluoge on the stone bridge, and most of this was due to the flexibility of the recruiting hand.

The Specialist isn't limited by anything, neither are his arcane powers.

"Is this just for me?"

Bolog has already regarded the Snake Scale Liquid as his own, and now Bailey has no choice but to repent. This alchemy weapon can help Burlog break through the "narrow and sharp" limitation to a certain extent, and in the cunning battle , it will be a fatal blow.


Bailey nodded. She didn't ask for anything, which made Bologo feel even more uneasy. No one knew what to pay for this free thing in the future.

"Don't worry, there are many factors that can give this thing to you, such as your reward, and this thing is only suitable for you."

"Is that true?" Bologo was full of vigilance, "Even though it is useless, it's not something I can afford in terms of value alone."

"Yes, but its inventor doesn't care about wealth. She thinks this distortion product is wonderful, so she gave it to us for the sublimation furnace core to record and archive." Bai Li waved her hand.

"Is this okay?" Burlogo didn't expect this thing to have such a history.

"What's wrong, the samples have been saved, and the records have been put into the warehouse. Instead of laying dust in the warehouse, it's better to leave it to you."

Bailey said seriously, she seemed to see Burlogo's doubts, and then laughed out loud.

"This thing is a sky-high price for you, but it's just experimental consumables for us. If you're really embarrassed, then..."

Burrog reached out and blocked Bailey's mouth, and it was enough to hear her nonsense.

"Cough cough."

Bailey coughed loudly, choking on Burlogo's sudden attack.

After dispelling the secret energy, Bologo collected the slime of the snakes. After the ether dissipated, the snakes did not change to the previous liquid state, but turned into chain mail and solidified on his torso.

"Who is its inventor, I would like to personally thank you if I have the opportunity." Borrog asked.

The Snake Scale Liquid is extremely important to Bologo, it can break through the "narrow and sharp" restriction, and this is something that only believers can do, that is to say, with the blessing of the Sly Snake Scale Liquid, Bologo Can temporarily make the arcane effect reach the level of the believer.

"She lives in the wandering fork, not in the sublimation furnace core," Bai Li said, and then she remembered something, and suggested, "You are in charge of the big rift now, right?"

"what happened?"

"I remember that when the Field Service Department was in charge of a certain area, wouldn't it establish a stronghold? Have you found a good place?" Bailey asked again.

"Not yet, the big rift is too chaotic, it's hard to find a safe place."

Each action team will establish a secret stronghold in the area in charge, so that it is not necessary to return to the "reclamation room" frequently for repairs, but to rest directly in the area in charge, and the stronghold also assumes the function of a safe house to avoid danger when necessary .

In the past two weeks, Burlogo and Palmer also picked a lot of places, but after careful screening, they found that the safest place might only be the Spiderweb Bar, but it was wrong to build the stronghold of the Bureau of Order here.

Palmer also protested a few times. He thought it was great to use the bar as a stronghold. Unfortunately, Burlogo couldn't tell who Vika's boss was. If he knew, he would definitely not react like this now.

Recalling the known information now, there are demons hiding in the Great Rift, forces with unknown goals, the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce coming from afar, the tyrant who dominates the wandering fork in the road, and by the way, there is also a king who escaped in with the secret sword.

In comparison, demons are more amiable than these people.

Just when Burlogo had a splitting headache, Bailey handed over a note with a line of address written on it.

"What's this?" asked Burrog.

"The teacher's address, maybe he can help you in this regard," Bai Li continued, "By the way, the inventor is also there."

"The inventor is TEDA?"

"No, the inventor is my little junior sister, um, probably a little junior sister." Mentioning this little junior sister, Bai Li looked a lot troubled.

"Ah? Didn't she die?"

Burrog couldn't figure it out, Bailey looked at a fool and said.

"Teacher, can't he recruit another student?"

(End of this chapter)

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