Endless Debt.

Chapter 157 Teda Yazdet

Chapter 157 Teda Yazdet
Stepping on the rusty steps, the building in the mist gradually became clearer. Like many buildings hanging on the cliff, it also looked like a hideous tumor. Shimmering light, this shimmering light distorts other people's sight. Without Bailey's note, it would be difficult for Burlogo to see through the emptiness and find this place.

Palmer followed closely behind Burrog. He was now affected by the Void Realm, unable to see the existence of the building, and could only be guided by Burrog.

At the end of the stairs, Bologo felt like he was standing in front of a huge bird's nest. The shell was covered with iron plates, but these metals were covered with rust under the corrosion of the mist, and some even showed a collapsed pattern. .

Knocking on the iron door, Bologo became a little nervous. He hadn't greeted TEDA in advance, and he didn't know if the other party would regard him as an intruder. Thinking of TEDA's implantation ceremony, the secret power was all there. With an open posture, Burlogo's nerves were tense.

Footsteps sounded from behind the door. No password was needed, and there was no identity verification. The iron door was opened just like that, and Taida's face appeared behind the door, while he was still muttering.

"I remember I didn't have an appointment today?"

He was just about to say something to complain, but after seeing the face of the visitor, TEDA showed a surprised expression.

"Bologo Lazarus."

He still remembered Bolog's name, and he couldn't help but remember, after all, Bologo contained the alchemy matrix of the Overlord Cylinder.


Burlogo didn't know how to call TEDA, the former minister?Teacher TEDA? .

Among so many people he knew, Bologo had special respect for this former minister of the sublimation furnace core who had little contact with him. It may be under his leadership that he was on the path to the extraordinary.

As for the other guy?From the first moment they met, Burlogo felt that he would never have respect for Bailee again.

"Teda, just call me Teda."

TEDA glanced at Bologo, and then at Palmer behind him, his voice was even more unexpected.


"You know each other?" Teda was able to call out Palmer's name, which Burlogo didn't expect.

"The unlucky Krex family, he's quite famous." Taida explained.

"Huh? What."

Palmer couldn't hear what the two of them said, and his attention was all on the building.

The deep roar came from the building, and the ether entangled and surged in a fixed trajectory. As TEDA opened the door, a gap appeared in the closed ring inside, and the power of the closed silence began to spill out a little, constantly stinging Palmer's heart nerve.

"Is this your alchemy workshop?" Palmer asked.


TEDA stared at Palmer, and Bologo could feel a little hostility in his eyes, but fortunately, this hostility didn't last long, TEDA sighed.

"Forget it, you two come in."

"Oh, thank you."

Palmer didn't realize why TEDA behaved like this, but Burlogo clearly noticed it, with a somewhat helpless expression on his face.

"Don't collapse." Burrog prayed in a low voice.


"I didn't expect that the Bureau of Order was actually planning to intervene in the Great Rift."

Taida frowned after hearing the intention of the two, "So you need a safe zone now as a stronghold?"


Burrog nodded affirmatively, he did not disclose too much information to TEDA.

He talked to Palmer about TEDA's position before, but Bologo is a vigilant person. TEDA has already left the Bureau of Order. No matter what kind of agreement he has with the Bureau of Order in private, he has received his help. , Bologo decided to hide part of the information.

He still remembered why TEDA left the Bureau of Order, and his research violated the ethics regulations. No matter what TEDA was researching, he undoubtedly crossed that line.

"Bailey suggested that... we can temporarily stay with you for a while, as a stronghold."

Burrogo spoke Bailey's words, watching Teda's reaction with his eyes.

"If you can promise not to demolish this place, I welcome your arrival."

TEDA gave an unexpected answer. On the contrary, Burlogo didn't know what to say at the moment, and he never thought that TEDA would agree to it.

If he and Palmer stay here permanently, they will be like the eyeballs of the Bureau of Order, monitoring TEDA's every move, but TEDA doesn't seem to mind being watched, the only thing he cares more about is that he is afraid of Palmer's " Bounty" overturned his alchemy workshop.

"Palmer, I remember you, the heir of the Clarks family." Taida talked to Palmer again.

"Compared to the heir, I am more famous, probably the title of unlucky ghost."

Palmer was surprisingly self-aware. He stood at the door and did not step into the room.

"If necessary, I can leave," Palmer looked at the complex equipment and pipelines in the room, his eyes were full of curiosity, but he restrained himself, "Since I became a debtor, those people never allow me Step into the alchemy workshop."

"It's okay, you can visit here, but remember not to touch the alchemy equipment in the center of the building, it is the core center that maintains the virtual domain."

TEDA was surprisingly generous. Hearing his words, not only Bologo was stunned, but Palmer was also stunned. He even thought he had heard it wrong.

"Are you serious?" Burlogo asked. Once Palmer got in trouble, the sophisticated alchemy workshop might explode into a fireball.

"It's nothing." Taida said with an indifferent attitude.

"Oh oh oh!"

Palmer crowed like a rooster, looking incoherent, and wandered into the room.

As Palmer left, Burlogo's expression became indifferent, and he whispered.

"Palmer is an unlucky ghost. In order to distract him, aren't you afraid that he will really blow up this place?"

"Anyway, you will come here often in the future. It is better to accept this situation as soon as possible."

Taida showed the look of an old fox.

"I have one condition. If you agree, I will be happy to provide all support for your actions in the Great Rift."

Taida's words are full of temptation, worthy of being a master and apprentice, and Bologo understands who Bailey learned the damn words from.

"Leave us here, aren't you afraid that we will spy on you?" Bologo said frankly.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Taida said nonchalantly. "The fact that the Bureau of Order let me go already proves that I'm not a threat, doesn't it?"

Bologo didn't speak, and his blue eyes were staring at TEDA. It might be a matter of temperament. When Bologo stared at the other party without saying a word, the other party could always feel full pressure and coldness, as if he was facing Just ghosts in human skin.

The same is true for Teda, he said, avoiding Burlogo's gaze.

"How watchful you are, Bologo."

He looked relaxed, privately TEDA was not as majestic as before, and his old eyes shone with wisdom.

"What's your condition?" asked Burrog.

"Let me study you, your secret energy, your alchemy matrix, and the power of the Overlord Cylinder... To some extent, you are simply a walking masterpiece."

The wisdom in the pupils was replaced by a little fanaticism, Teda continued to Burlogo.

"I have studied this power for many years, maybe I can help you master it better."

"It sounds like I really have no reason to refuse."

After pondering for a few seconds, Bologo accepted TEDA's proposal.

As TEDA said, at least in the eyes of the top executives of the Bureau of Order, they still trusted TEDA, not only letting him go, but also allowing him to participate in the usurpation of the power of the overlord, but even so, Burlogo still couldn't fully trust him.

After the Kedening incident, Burlogo seldom believed in his first judgment of people. Everyone wore a mask, and all he could do was to maintain absolute vigilance.

In addition to these, the conditions offered by TEDA are indeed difficult for Bologo to refuse. A master alchemy is backing up for him, and this stronghold is still protected by Void Domain, and there are more potential benefits...

"Can I ask you something?" Burrog asked suddenly.


"Why did you violate the ethics regulations in the first place," Bologo asked curiously, "I want to know the reason why you left the Bureau of Order."

"It's a good idea to ask all at once," Taida was silent for a second or two, with a helpless smile on his face, "Have you read "Gold Discourse"?"

"Yes, that book is considered basic knowledge, even if you don't know alchemy, you can understand it." Bologo said.

"Then you should know the three schools of alchemy, the qualitative change of metal sublimation, the exploration and search of alchemical matrix, and the creation of new life."

When TEDA talked about these basic knowledge, his voice changed.

"But research always has to break through taboos. Only by throwing away all the rules and constraints can we go further."

"This sounds very true to the style of the Friars." Burogo commented coldly.

"Haha, yes, after throwing away the bottom line, there is only fanaticism," Taida put away his smile and said seriously, "The genre I study is the third."

"Create a new life..."

Burrogo whispered, in the "Gold Discourse", the creation of life is regarded by the alchemists as a study of usurping theocracy, the most mysterious and the most insane.

"Creating life is an absolute taboo in the Bureau of Order. The Bureau of Order has dealt with many such crises. Under the madness of the alchemists, they created deformed monsters one after another, bringing endless disasters." Taida said .

"But you violated all this... What did you create? Did you succeed?"

Burlogo's tone also brought curiosity, creating life, which is really obsessed.

"I still have a bottom line. I didn't do human experiments, condense philosopher's stone and other atrocities like those fanatics, so the Bureau of Order treated me fairly tolerantly. Of course, they can let me go so easily. In the end The main reason is that I actually delivered results."

Speaking of this, TEDA smiled confidently, but there was a hint of madness in this smile, which was completely inconsistent with the majesty before.

"As for my results...she should be back."

After the words fell, there was a knock on the door, and Bologo turned his head and looked at the dark iron door.

(End of this chapter)

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