Endless Debt.

Chapter 160 Start Key

Chapter 160 Start Key

"Yo! Bologo, you should have been to the teacher today, right?"

A familiar voice sounded, but Bologo would not have liked to be familiar with it if he could.

"Well, I've been there."

Burrog was not surprised that Bailey got his phone number. He felt that Bailey might know where he lived, but because of his busy work, he didn't have time to visit him in person.

"How do you feel? You understand what I mean. You, who claim to be an expert, shouldn't find these things difficult." Bai Li put away her smile and asked seriously.

"Are you referring to Aimu, and TEDA? I can only say that something is wrong."

Bologo lowered his head and held the phone between his hands, sitting on the sofa, recalling what happened today.

"Teda feels that he is still rational, and restrains himself from investing too much emotion in Amyu, and regards her as his own work, but he is teaching Aimiao alchemy. It should be difficult for him to control these when teaching. He's so caught up in it that he doesn't know it."

Some things can only be seen clearly from the sidelines. People in the vortex will only lose their way and don't know where to go.

"I guess you are using me again. TEDA's alchemy workshop is indeed suitable as a stronghold, but more, it is your selfishness. You want me to monitor TEDA, right?" Burogo asked.

"It's a win-win situation." Bai Li said righteously, "He is my teacher. Students care about the teacher's mental state. Is there any problem?"

"Also, even if I don't recommend you to go, TEDA will call you sooner or later.

Remember TEDA's current relationship with the Bureau of Order?He did break away from the Bureau of Order, but not completely. It is difficult to explain. In short, under the constraints of the agreement, the Bureau of Order acquiesced to his research to a certain extent. When necessary, TEDA will also serve as technical support to assist us. . "

"Like implanting the Alchemy Matrix for me, right?" Burrog said.


"He violated the ethics regulations and cannot continue to stay in the Bureau of Order, but after he was expelled from the Bureau of Order, he continued his research under your supervision and acquiescence," Bologo sighed, "It sounds like Word play, I thought we would stick to the rules."

"Following the rules is one thing, and special circumstances are another," Bailey repeated that sentence, "Sometimes the rules make way for geniuses."

"Because TEDA did research results, didn't it?" Borrog asked.

"More than that, apart from the nature of his research, he did not violate any ethical regulations, which also made us a lot more tolerant of him."

Bailey explained these principles in terms that Burlogo could understand.

"Many alchemists are eager to create new life. He will choose to create based on human flesh and blood, because this is the form we are most familiar with. Such research will inevitably involve many human experiments, and The looting of the Philosopher's Stone..."

"Teda created a...robot based on machinery?" Bologo heard the difference in Teda.

"Do you know? Boluogo, in fact, the current alchemy can already do all of this. It is not impossible to completely create a body similar to a human being, although it will cost a lot of money." Bai Li Suddenly it came up.

"But the problem is, what is created is only a flesh and blood body, do you understand? Just like a machine, a machine is created, it needs fuel for power, and it needs a button, a button to start it.

We can create the shell of a new life, it's perfect, but we don't know what fuel to use, or even the start button.

The created flesh and blood body is extremely perfect, its heart is beating, all organs are running stably, and its brain is also perfect, but it just cannot move, cannot respond to any external stimuli, it... is actually a perfect body Just a corpse. "

"Soul, you can create the body, but you cannot create the soul under the body."

Burlogo cut Bailey off, hitting the bull's-eye with his words.

"Yeah, very few people study life, just because everyone's research has come to an end, we can create a perfect body, but we can't create a brand new soul, but TEDA has done it, Amy has self-awareness, she moves up.

Can you understand my thoughts? "

Burrog was silent for a long time before the voice sounded slowly.

"TEDA has violated the ethics regulations, but if it only violates the regulations, it can advance this technology. The Bureau of Order is willing to bear the price."

For such a result, Bologo is not surprised. Just like he thinks he is a villain, the Bureau of Order is not completely open and aboveboard, since Nethaniel chose a debtor like himself to join the special operations team and deal with the devil. , Burlogo was clearly aware of all this.

Everyone is a hazy gray, endlessly killing between light and dark.

"Yeah, that's why we didn't completely oppose the Brotherhood of Truth. Although these fanatics of truth are disgusting, sometimes it is these lunatics who push the world forward." Bai Li's voice was cold .

"Teacher, like me, is also very obsessed with you, but a little different from me, the teacher will only be more fanatical than me. Before leaving the Order Bureau, he spent almost all his time studying the power of the overlord. Yes, even if you don't go, he will come to you.

I guess when you go today, he should ask you, such as asking him to study your power. "

Bai Li guessed it right, this crazy woman seemed to have predicted everything that would happen, so she lured herself in the past, and now she is alerting herself again, as expected, no one who can become a minister is easy.

"Why? Bailey."

Bologo suddenly asked, and with Bailey's narration, the doubts in his heart became more and more intense, almost bursting out of his chest.

"Teda was obsessed with studying the power of the overlord before, but what was the reason that prompted him to give up studying these and study life?
Or is it that the two studies were actually carried out at the same time, but the life of the research was exposed, and he was forced to leave the Bureau of Order and give up the research on the alchemy matrix of Cylinder... But what is the connection between the two? "

Burrog keenly grasped the doubt, and hit Bailey hard.

There was no response from the other end of the phone, and Burlogo continued to meditate. He is a person with a good memory. During the days in the dark cell, he almost clearly recalled every day of his life. Even if he did not write a diary, these things Still engraved in his mind.

"It happened during the Secret War, didn't it?"

Burrog recalled Bailey's words, and in just a few words, he tried to piece together the whole picture of the matter.

"For the student who died because of the overlord Xilin, your junior sister, his... daughter?"

Faced with Burrog's suspicious questioning, Bai Li did not deny his words. She knew very early on that with Burrog's deepening, these things could not be hidden from him, but she never expected that the expert's speed was so fast, All figured out so quickly.

"Alice Yazedet."

Bailey spoke the forgotten name.

"She is my junior sister, the teacher's daughter. That day was supposed to be her implantation ceremony, and it was also the day she became a Sublimator, but on that day, the overlord Xilin invaded the 'reclamation room', and we are The sublimation person can still resist, but she is just an ordinary person, under the call of the powerful, she died without any resistance."

Bailey's voice had lost all vitality, as if just bringing up these memories would take all her strength.

"After that, the teacher aged a lot, and people became silent. As for Alice, there was no funeral or mourning, as if she was deliberately forgotten.

In order to take care of the teacher's mood, we also pretended that nothing happened and didn't mention it again until the day the teacher's research was revealed. Instead of burying Alice, he condensed her soul into the Philosopher's Stone to avoid With the disappearance of the soul, the body is also sealed..."

"He didn't want to create new life, he wanted to revive his daughter." Burrogo whispered, this is Teda's purpose.

"Yeah, fortunately, the devil can't change the past, and can't bring Alice back to life. Otherwise, I think the teacher must have made a deal with the devil long ago."

Bailey is well aware of the laws of the devils, even with such a powerful existence, they still cannot change what has happened.

But this sentence touched Burlog, and he asked Bailey.

"Have you ever been to Wandering Fork Road?"

"I've been there a few times, but it's almost as if I've never been there."

Every time Bai Li went out, there were many sublimation people guarding her side. Those who knew it was protecting the minister's personal safety, but those who didn't know thought they were pursuing her.

"Scientists like us are basically huddled in the sublimation furnace core, and the outside world is still too dangerous for us." Bai Li said.

Every alchemist in the sublimation furnace core is an important property of the Bureau of Order.

"Okay, I see," Burrog responded.

It seems that the existence of the tyrant is a secret to many people. Even Bailey is not aware of all this, which adds a bit of mystery to Nethaniel. The deputy director seems to understand everything. It is hard to imagine that the director What kind of attitude will it be.

"Probably this is the case. We are mutually beneficial. Please take care of the teacher and don't let him do anything crazy." Bai Li said.

"I thought you wanted me to get rid of TEDA if necessary."

"How is it possible, I still care about the teacher, after all, he is the one who led me on this path."

Bai Li's tone was sincere, which was different from her performance. Perhaps she was really a person who respected teachers, but in the next second, her tone changed.

"Mainly let you kill, you can't kill Teacher, although he is an alchemist who is not good at fighting, but he is also a third-stage power bearer, you have never seen a purely fantasy creation, this power can create The illusion of reality can also create madness beyond reason," Bailey warned.

"Okay, I know."

Burrog hung up the phone. He sat on the sofa and thought for a while, then walked back to his room and stared at the information network on the wall.

Soon after, Bologo took the silk thread and connected the tyrant with TEDA, and the scarlet net covered everyone in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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