Endless Debt.

Chapter 169 Scarlet Rot Sect

Chapter 169 Scarlet Rot Sect
Mystic Energy-Hand of Calling is indeed very convenient. Not only can it easily tear down walls, but it can also quickly clean up the ruins. Eat flesh and blood to restore the body, and now there is no complete mouth, which makes him chew.

As for Bailey, he was lucky. The nature of his own secret power allowed him to survive the violent hammering by Bologo. Except for his poor state, everything was normal...probably.

The ceiling of the church collapsed into a big hole, and the hole was full of bricks and stones. The dim light fell and shone on Bailey's blood-stained body.

It's not that he doesn't want to resist, it's just that the weird silver nails just pierced into every joint of him, thus hindering his actions. The most terrible thing is that Bailey vaguely sensed that these silver nails were alive.

This statement is a bit strange, but from Bailey's perception, it is true. These silver metal spikes, like seeds of life, began to expand after they penetrated into his body, and the metal roots penetrated deeply. Among the flesh and blood, wrapping one's internal organs, hovering beside the blood vessels.

Nothing can be seen from the outside, but Bailey's body has been penetrated by rampant metal. As long as Bologo gives the order, the metal can strangle his internal organs into blood at any time. Even with a strong physique like a beast, he cannot resist it. A sword from within.

It felt like being broken through the threshold of the moment soul, but what Bailey was broken through was the protection of flesh and blood, and his life and death were completely in the hands of Bologo.

Now there are only Bologo and Bailey in the church. Palmer was sent by Bologo to search the church to see if there are any fish that escaped the net or suspicious things. By the way, he called the logistics department and asked them to deal with the battlefield.

Bologo could already imagine the resentment on the faces of the ferrymen. Not long ago, they arrived in Qiushang Town by subway together. It wasn't long before they parted before they raided this evil ceremony.

Bologo felt that he should be happy. Anyway, the people in the logistics department were responsible for the next headache.

Going to the side, Bologo struggled to find a chair that was still intact, and sat in front of Bailey. He was in charge of guarding the Desublimer here and interrogating something along the way.

"Anything to say?"

A dim glow wrapped around Burrog, his secret energy was still activated, and a strange silver thread extended from his cuff, connecting to the silver nail on Bailey's body.

Bailey didn't say anything, just stared at Burrog with red eyes, and a beast-like growl lingered in his throat.

"Huh? I know that you cultists are not afraid of things like death. After all, you are a group of lunatics, serving those evil things."

Bologo doesn't know whether there is really a god in this world, but what is certain is that the devil is real, but in the eyes of different people, the title of the devil is also different.

For example, these cultists regard the devil as the god they serve.

But soon Bologo will let him know that there are many things in this world that are more terrifying than death, but they have never set foot in it.

He raised his hand and made a fist movement. In an instant, the silver nails that pierced into Bailey's body advanced a little more, and even lost their solid shape, turning into deadly poisonous snakes biting his flesh and blood. , travel through the body.

This unprecedented sense of strangeness caused the fear in Bailey's heart to rise rapidly. In the excruciating pain, the deadly poisonous snake wrapped around the bones, lingered among important organs, and even touched his heart.

After obtaining the Sly Snake Scale Liquid, Bologo envisioned many ways to use it, and the current one is one of them.

Bologo, who is only a sublimator, cannot break through the threshold of other people's momentary souls, but he can use this method to break through the shackles of flesh and blood. As long as he maintains a connection with the snake scale fluid, the recruiting hand can distort these snakes wantonly.

At the same time that there was a strange sensation in the body, Burlogo did not forget to get close to Bailey, and pressed his other hand on his face, squeezing the skin forcefully, causing Bailey's eyes to open uncontrollably. Pupils protrude from between the fingers.

"Why do you believe in this kind of thing?" Bologo wondered, "After knowing the fate of death, do you place your hope in the world after death?"

Speaking of this, Burlogo's voice became more confused and puzzled, and he laughed.

"Then what is waiting for you should be hell, right?"

Accompanied by the infusion of ether, the mask of evil terror also came to life, and the face of terrified souls twisted into the craziest face in the world, reflected in Bailey's eyes, he tried to look away and close his eyes, but he I can't do it, I can only watch it happen.

Bologo didn't know exactly what Bailey saw under the influence of the Horrified Soul, but when he stopped the injection of ether and calmed the Horrified Soul, the fanatical cultist's eyes were dull, and his whole body was in a state of panic. Like losing his mind, like a dead body.

This made Bologo feel a bit of a headache. After a while of work, he realized that the face of horror is very suitable for interrogation, but facing different types of enemies, the effect of interrogation is also different.

For example, a second-hand dealer like Jie Luo can make him reveal all the secrets with a little force. A stubborn cultist like Bailey needs to increase the dosage, but once the dosage is excessive, it will become the current situation.

It was not clear whether he had lost his sanity or passed out briefly, but now Bailey did not respond to Burlogo.

This did not make Burlogo relax his vigilance. As a debtor, he could clearly feel the madness and corruption coming from Bailey.

It seemed that Bailey was also a debtor and had received a gift from the devil, but it seemed that the devil didn't care much about him, and the gift he gave was extremely thin.


Burrog judged intuitively.

He had killed many demons, but most of those demons were mutated by ordinary people. This was the first time that Bologo encountered a Sublimator who turned into a demon.

Sublimation people will also alienate into demons, but as their souls are completely traded, their alchemy matrix cannot continue to grow. For this reason, these sublimation people can no longer be promoted, and they will be frozen at this level forever.

Burrogo judged that this was the source of the corrupt aura on Bailey, but what about his weird self-healing ability?
Palmer should understand this. His partner has a deep bond with the cultists, but just as he was about to call Palmer, Burlogo remembered that Palmer was not around.

In the absence of a network of heart hubs, the communication distance of the sentinel is extremely limited, and Burlogo yelled a few times without responding. Palmer should have finished searching, left the church area, and called the logistics department.

His eyes fell on Bailey in front of him again, and Burlogo briefly searched him, and found a booklet, which was full of evil words.

Bologo's eyes became serious, and his crazy words were full of praise, but he still found some useful clues from these absurd words.

"There's nothing like that in the staff handbook..."

Burrogo whispered, dropped the booklet, and looked at the unconscious Bailey, and he clenched his fist again.

The snakes lurking in his body rioted in an instant, and the heart-piercing pain stimulated every inch of Bailey's nerves. His eyes suddenly widened, his face flushed, and his veins twitched violently.

The whole body curled up, vomited out blood, the bright red was mixed with a few strands of silver.

"Who are you?" Burrog asked grimly.

Bailey didn't respond, but soon the crazy hallucinations flashed back before his eyes, intertwined with the pain in his body, completely crushing his mind.

"Gorilla Sect."

Bailey groaned in pain. He was no stranger to this word, Bologo. He had seen this word in the pamphlet he found from Bailey.

It can be said that in that pamphlet, Burlogo has already obtained the information he needs, but rather than the indifferent paper, he wants to hear Bailey say it himself and cross-check the authenticity of the information.

"Who are you?" Burrog continued.

"Bailey... is a meat eater."

Bailey said with empty eyes, his voice was emotionless, and the remaining consciousness was crushed and crushed.

meat eater?It's not the Desublimer... Should this be the hierarchy within the Scarlet Sect?

"So... who is the mistress of gluttony?"

In the pamphlet, the word that appears most frequently is the gluttonous mistress. It seems that this is the god believed by the Scarlet Sect, but this god has no name, only a respectful title, and it seems that his real name is Taboo, only this name can be used to refer to him.

There are no gods in this world, only cruel and ruthless devils, and they are those hypocritical gods.

Burrog knew this very well. This gluttonous mistress is a devil, so which devil is he?Is it the devil who took away his own soul?
Facing Burrogo's questioning, Bailey's body trembled uncontrollably, as if there was another fear that surpassed everything else befalling him, a large amount of blood overflowed along his wound, and gathered under his body into a large pool of blood.

"No...names are magical, we have no sacrifices prepared."

Bailey murmured frantically, refusing to reveal any secrets about him.

But Bologo lowered his head, looking at the pool of blood that gathered like a mirror, and vaguely saw something winding around him.

It's the umbilical cord, like the intestines, the bloody umbilical cord.

That weird feeling reappeared, just like when I was reading "The Devil and the Electric Guitar Operation Guide", the cold feeling of being watched by something reappeared.

Borrog's face was reflected in the mirror-like pool of blood, and soon his face was cut into thousands of pieces, reflected in the huge compound eyes emerging from under the pool of blood.

There was a voice whispering, and he was beside him, guiding him to call out his real name.

"Gluttonous... Beelzebub."

Under Bailey's despairing eyes, Bologo called out the name in a strange way, and then the woman's light laughter sounded, and the pale tentacles stepped across the bloody mirror, reaching the reality from the illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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