Endless Debt.

Chapter 17

Chapter 17
Oath City Opals, Great Rift.

This is a huge rift valley that no one can tell its origin, like a scar cut by a god, straddling the oath city Opus, and a deep ditch collapsed, dividing the city into two regions. Except for the bordering places, they only rely on a few bridges across the gap to communicate with each other.

There are many mysterious legends about it, but the legends are just legends. Today's big rift is occupied by various companies. They have built many mining farms on the extended rift valley, and they are constantly digging the big rift, making the scar slowly grow. Expanding, complex mines and extended fissures make the internal environment of the big fissure more dangerous and complicated.

What's worse than this is that they are still pouring all kinds of industrial waste into the depths of the bottomless fissure. Over time, the fissure is filled with toxic dust mist, which sometimes erupts and becomes a shroud. The gray tide of the whole city, and that is the disaster called "gray tide smog".

The city sounds awful, but it's probably the reason it's caught between the two behemoths, and no matter how bad Opals was, it's still running steadily to this day.

Bologo got off the tram, frowned suddenly, and stared forward. A warning sign was erected not far from the side. Behind the warning sign was a gray world. He was already approaching the Great Rift.

When the "grey tide smog" broke out, the toxic smog penetrated everywhere, like a sandstorm blown up by a strong wind, engulfing the entire city. Additional sealing measures, or air-raid shelters for safe haven, and gas masks have become daily necessities in this city.

When the exception becomes routine, then there is nothing special about it.

The ferocious steel jungle was close at hand, bursts of poisonous gray mist were thrown from the ground, and soon dissipated into the air, blending into the gloomy sky.

The current position of Burlogo is only the surrounding area of ​​the Great Rift, which is occupied by industrial companies and poor people. Huge operating machinery stands one after another, and the intersecting cable cars span the sky, like towering metal trees. Below it are countless dilapidated houses. The strangely colored liquid flows on the wasteland, gathers together, and pours it into the sewer, and it doesn't know where it goes.

Bologo could see many poor people wearing workers' clothes and walking towards the cable car station. Everyone's figure was very vague, leaving only a shallow shadow under the hazy smog.

This kind of situation is very common in the Great Rift. The poor poor can only live beside the Great Rift. In order to earn money, most of them will directly become the workers of the Great Rift. Correspondingly, there are also those foreigners who come from afar. Putting it into it, the environment of the Great Rift is dangerous, but compared to their hometown, the money they can make here is undoubtedly much more.

Bologo stayed in place for a while. Although he was immortal, the continuous burning sensation after inhaling the poisonous gas was really unbearable. He put on a gas mask, and his vision was blocked by thick lenses.

Stride forward, walk towards the misty world, gather together with those walking figures, no one speaks, the surrounding is terribly quiet, only the deep voice from the breathing valve is left, the voices intersect, like A group of ghosts rising from the grave.

The current vision is fairly clear. In the hazy gray, you can see many silhouettes of different shades of color. They rise densely along the horizon. As Burlog approaches, gray and white buildings appear in front of you. The road under his feet was muddy, mixed with an unknown liquid.

It's like an abandoned dead city, but there are still many people active here. Everyone on the street is wearing a gas mask similar to Burrogo. Everyone moves forward in silence, and there is only indifference in the air.

There are also some people not only wearing gas masks, but also wearing waterproof clothing. These should be workers working deep into the crevice. Deep in the crevice, there is not only a very high concentration of toxic dust mist, but also industrial dust dripping from nowhere. Waste water, those unknown liquids are often more deadly than gray fog.

The further you go, the more chaotic your field of vision becomes, the daylight is no longer there, and there is only a dark mist left around, but soon there are bright lights lit up, they are hung on high places, pointing out the direction for people in the mist, and then roaring The mechanical sound gradually became clearer.

Burrog's pace picked up. He didn't come to the Great Rift many times, but he didn't know anything about it.

Soon he saw rows of fences, with eye-catching warning signs hanging on the rusty iron railings. Standing by the side, Bologo looked forward. Soon after, the roar of the machinery became clearer, as if that A giant like a mountain is right in front of you.

A strong air flow surged from the bottom of the fence, one after another, gushed out from the duct covered with fan blades, setting off a wave of wind, throwing the poisonous mist into the sky, but it quickly settled down again. A semi-arc gray dome was formed above, covering the sky above the Great Rift.

With the eruption of the airflow, the vision gradually became clearer. Bologo saw the abyss-like rift emerging from the mist. There were many platforms built on the edge of the rift, and the rusty fences circled one after another. In the corridor and the cables, countless figures can be seen walking among them.

"Excretion port No. [-] is about to open, be careful to avoid it!"

The ear-piercing sound mixed with the noise of electric current was broadcast from the loudspeaker, and the sound of rushing water came from the gray mist below more than ten seconds later.

As Burlog looked down, the walls of the rift were covered with man-made platforms, skywalks stretched beyond Burlog's sight, and cable cars rolled slowly past, loaded with the same gray ghosts them.

The boots hit the metal ground, and teams of people walked by. They carried mining equipment on their backs, and they took the large elevator leading to the depths of the rift valley, as if sinking into the deep sea, gradually into the mist.

The roar of steel, the endless radio broadcasts, and the occasional siren sounded. For a while, Burlogo felt as if he had come to another world, another cold and wordless world. There was no conversation here, and some only slowly overflowed. The mist sounded from under the breathing valve, and it was like the wail of a drowning person.

Here is the big rift. Bologo walked down the stairs, and he could see the huge mechanical arm rising from the fog below, and the steel cable was straightened. He didn't know what was hanging below.

The huge rift valley in front of you is the main body of the big rift, and there are many small rifts extending outward, and people are active in the depths of those rifts. Over time, this place has become a gray area of ​​Opals, where various criminal activities are common. Therefore, in addition to the complicated situation of the big rift, the city government tried to manage it, but they couldn't even control the companies that occupied this rift, let alone clear up the bugs in the shadows.

But the big rift is not completely chaotic. For example, the mine area occupied by the company is considered safe. These black-hearted guys will never allow anyone to influence them to make money, even gangsters, so those who survive in the big rift Criminal groups are very sensible and will not interfere with the company's territory.

In this way, inexplicably, the Great Rift gradually gave birth to their own ecology.

"Nom, Nom... where are you?"

Burrogo muttered, his voice passed through the breathing valve and turned into a meaningless murmur, like a ghost whispering in the dark.

Looking around, Bologo continued to descend along the long ladder on the outer wall of the rift, and the sea of ​​fog below rolled, revealing a faint gleam. Bologo's destination was the depths of the sea of ​​fog, the A place called Wandering Fork Road.

It was an abandoned mine. Because it was connected to several other cracks, many people would pass by here when going back and forth. Gradually, there were people living here, and they called it the wandering fork.

At the beginning, some workers used the discarded materials in the mine to build a platform and buildings hanging on the cliff. Over time, more people joined in, and its scale continued to expand, becoming Apart from the mining area managed by the company, it has become the area where the largest number of people gather in the Great Fissure.

Now the Wandering Fork Road is the main gray area in the Great Rift, with mixed fish and dragons and people coming and going, and Noam's pharmacy opened there.

At the end of the road, Bologo stood in front of an elevator. After waiting for a while, there was a hoarse friction sound, the rusty ladder cage rose, the iron gate opened, and several dusty miners Stepped out of it.

The gas masks covered everyone's faces, and Burrog passed them by, stepped into the ladder cage, pressed the button, and after a few seconds, the ladder cage descended and sank into the thick fog little by little.

It felt like diving into the deep sea. Bologo stood in the diving bell, and bursts of mist overflowed through the gap. He didn't feel relaxed, his muscles were tense, and his eyes under the lens were watching all around vigilantly.

The scale of the Wandering Fork Road is so large that some people once thought it was a new urban area. For this reason, the citizens of Opals have not understood for a long time why such a place as the Wandering Fork Road exists, even if it is Gray area, but how come so many interests maintain its existence?Let so many people disregard the danger, but also to invest here.

Burlogo didn't quite understand it, but after he joined the Bureau of Order, he probably understood.

Under the control of the Bureau of Order, the demons and the opponents of the Bureau of Order want to have a place of freedom, so what is left for them is only a large crack wrapped in gray fog, just like exiled rats The swarm, only this dark and narrow gap can accommodate their existence.

There was a clanging metal sound, the ladder cage reached the end, the iron door was pulled open, and Bologo stepped on the dark path again. From now on, he must be extremely vigilant. No one knows whether it is a human being behind the gas mask. Or a demon.

Raising his wrist slightly, Bologo felt a burst of coldness. A jackknife was tied to his wrist. As long as he applied a little force, he could throw it out, hold it tightly, and then slash.

Walking out of the darkness, his vision broadened, and Bologo looked into the distance. After the promenade stretched crookedly, he saw a bright light coming through the fog.

The twisted and weird buildings seem to be alive. They grow savagely along the steep cliffs, intertwined and overlapped, like a mass of crazy seaweed, hanging bloatedly on the hard rock, steel cables and air corridors connect them In addition, many scaffolding can be seen on its periphery, and with the sound of hammering, one steel plate after another was hoisted to reinforce the bloated buildings.

Weird towers rise from this group of buildings, like plants growing towards the sun, and many neon signboards can be seen below, but they are covered by fog, and Burlogo can't see clearly what is written on them , beside the narrow road below, rows of water pipes poured waste water, and they turned into heavy rain, clattering and falling deeper into the crack.

"Wandering the road."

Bologo whispered its name. The whole Wandering Fork Road was like a bunker suspended in the air. There was a huge arch at the bottom of the bunker. Inside the arch, the cable car slowly drove out, along the fixed steel cable, leading to different forks.

Without pausing for too long, Bologo walked towards the slightly swaying air corridor and walked towards the wandering fork.

These are the main routes leading to the Wandering Fork Road. As they boarded the air corridor, there were obviously a lot more people around. Everyone was silent, and with different purposes, they were heading towards this weird and twisted bunker city.

(End of this chapter)

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