Endless Debt.

Chapter 178 The Original Sins

Chapter 178 The Original Sins

When Burlogo returned to the stronghold room, Palmer had already fallen asleep on the single bed. He completely regarded this place as his own home, and he was not vigilant.

Burlog looked around the room. The room was very full. His single bed was in another corner of the room, next to the boxes. From the position of the door, it is difficult to detect the existence of Burogo.

He moved a chair, sat down in front of the table, and placed the documents he got from TEDA on the table. These were the research materials left by TEDA when he studied the alchemy matrix of the overlord Cylinder.

Burrog didn't look through the files right away. He felt his mind was a little muddled. It might be because he had experienced too many things today. He was a little tired and needed to rest.


Burrog leaned back on the chair and pressed his temples hard, hoping to relieve his inner fatigue.

A strong sense of fatigue spreads from the inside out. According to TEDA, the Philosopher’s Stone contains the echoes of human beings during their lifetime. They call this phenomenon mind projection. It seems that Adele’s Philosopher’s Stone can learn from so many It is the use of this technique to distinguish it from the Philosopher's Stone.

Aimu was affected by the mind projection and became more and more like Teda's daughter, but she was not Alice at all.

Bailey is right to be worried, TEDA is in a very bad state, he can hardly distinguish the boundary between Amy and Alice, what's worse, besides keeping an eye on TEDA, Burlogo has nothing to do with all of this. There was nothing he could do.

Burogo is very good at solving problems with violence, but many things cannot be affected by violence. Even if you beat him to death, some ideas will still not be changed.

Like an unsolvable problem, it seems that from the beginning, it has no answer.

This predicament made Bologo very upset. Fortunately, he is very good at controlling his emotions. Burlogo needs to do some other things to divert his attention, such as writing the report.

Bologo checked the door, it was closed tightly without any gaps, and after confirming that there was no one around, only himself and the sleeping Palmer, Burlogo sat back at the table, picked up a pen and paper, While thinking, write.

This is not a report for Lebius. After the work is in stable operation, in order to reduce the work pressure, and there are no emergencies, Burlogo only needs to submit a report once a week.

The present report is addressed to Nethaniel, and describes today's encounter with the Grimrot Cult.

The ninth group has a close relationship with Nethaniel. Perhaps Nethaniel already knows what happened in Autumn Wound Town today, and Bologo will fill in a key role for all of this.

In the report, Bologo no longer concealed anything, and wrote down all the abnormalities he felt due to the umbilical cord, the strange woman, and the devil's conjectures on paper.

This is a treacherous and crazy world. Sometimes Burrog cannot defeat all the enemies by himself, and he also needs help... such as a powerful Glory One.

After writing a large page eloquently, Bologo read it several times. He thought he had written enough details, but when he was about to stop writing, he still hesitated, and then continued to write.

"It's very interesting. The devil can actually extend the existence of belief. Even if this belief is so crazy, some people still choose to jump into the flames."

When writing this, Bologo stopped, and he took out a booklet from his pocket. The cover of the booklet was red, and it felt strangely sticky to the touch, like some kind of oily skin.

This is exactly what was found on Bailey, with crazy praise written in it, but when it comes to the name worshiped, the place of the name is smeared with blood, as if the name is a kind of taboo, which cannot be written. can be retained in memory.

It stands to reason that Bologo didn't know the real name of the blood-stained one, but under the strange influence, he called out his real name in such a strange way.

"The Scarlet Matron."

Flicking the rough paper with his fingertips, Birogo whispered.

The devil's real name could not be recorded on paper, so the Scarlet Sect used another name to refer to the devil they believed in. This name was the Scarlet Mother.

"Faith is not fixed. Perhaps Wandering Fork is another form of faith group for the tyrant, and the name of the tyrant...maybe just a synonym, just like Scarlet Mistress."

Burlogo analyzed, writing down such guesses.

Judging from Bologo's wonderful social circle, he has already come into contact with three devils. The devil who traded his soul, Bologo has no idea about it, and is completely in the fog. The Scarlet Matron and the Tyrant.

Pulling back the collar, Bologo looked down at his chest. The woman's handprints were clearly visible, neither painful nor itchy, without any strange sensations. They were engraved on his skin like tattoos, and even resurrected from death Difficult to cure.

Bologo also wrote about this situation, hoping that Nethaniel would know something. The deputy director always gave Burlogo the feeling of a devil expert, as if he knew everything.

Sometimes it has to be admitted that among the few devils Bologo has come into contact with, the tyrant is the one to get along with the best. Although he is weird and mysterious, the rules he follows are extremely rational, and even in this hesitant fork in the road, he creates There was a strange sense of order.

Bursts of snoring sounded from behind, Palmer turned over, hugged the quilt and continued to sleep.

On the first day of moving in, Palmer looked like this. Once time passed, Bologo didn’t know if Palmer would make this place like his home, full of all kinds of personal items, not like a workplace at all. .

Hmm... It feels okay. When dealing with his own people, Bologo is a very tolerant person, and his expert requirements are only for himself.

Turning his attention back to the report in front of him, Burlogo became serious.

"Gluttonous... Beelzebub."

Burrog opened his mouth silently, almost calling that name for no reason, and then every inch of Burrog's muscles tensed up, and he focused on his surroundings, but fortunately, nothing unusual happened.

"I'm not a believer, but from Adele's mouth, I more or less understand the content of those beliefs, for example, in the eyes of these believers, human beings have original sin.

I don't know what kind of connection there is, but that weird woman is given the prefix of gluttony... Could it be said that the devils are named after such original sin?
The seven original sins, the seven mad devils. "

Bologo stopped writing, and he stared at his own words. The more he understood the world, the more he realized the magnificence of the world and the smallness of individuals.

He was searching for the truth bit by bit, and Bologo believed that in this world, there must be people who walked the same path as himself, and they must know something, but they were silent, as if they had compromised.

The figures of Threi and Wei'er flashed in front of my eyes. These undead were witnesses of history. Compared with their long years, I, a centenarian, looked very young.

The paper was stuffed into the file bag, and Burlog picked it up, then woke the sleeping Palmer.

"Off work, Palmer."

Burrog said to a sleepy Palmer.

"Huh?" Palmer rubbed his eyes and sat up from the bed with a confused face.

Burlogo waited for a few minutes, and while he was packing up, Palmer came to his senses.

"How's it feel here?" Burrog asked.

"At least I slept well," Palmer suggested. "We can live here for a long time in the future. There is no need for rent, and it is very close to the work station. To be precise, we sleep on the work station."

For this matter, Palmer's attitude is very serious, and he has weighed the pros and cons.

"The only bad thing is that the environment here is not very good, the room is a bit narrow, and the two of us have to be roommates... Are you interested in being my roommate?"

"Do you mean the faucet suddenly burst while brushing your teeth, or the bed suddenly collapsed?" Burrog knew Palmer's bad luck well, and he sternly refused, "Work is work, life is life, don't put two got confused."

"Okay, okay, okay."

Palmer waved his hand. He is the kind of person who would live in the activity room of the Field Service Department if conditions permit. It is a wise move that the Bureau of Order does not allow beds in the activity room.

"Have you finished the report?" Palmer saw the paper bag in Burlogo's hand.

"Well, I'm going back to the Bureau of Order first, and hand in this thing," Bologo said, "If you're in a hurry, you can go first."

"I'm fine."

Palmer looked at the closed door, then stretched vigorously.

"How about other things, such as TEDA, such as Aimu." Palmer asked again.

This time Palmer became serious. This guy was rarely serious, but often when Palmer was serious, he said important things.

"There were some anomalies, but they were expected," Burlogo said.

"That's not bad, I don't want to live in the same building as a potential enemy." Palmer said as he pulled out the throwing knife from under the pillow and put it back into the knife pocket in his pocket.

Burrog looked at Palmer strangely, and Palmer said incomprehensibly.

"Didn't your family teach you? Be vigilant when sleeping in someone else's house."

(End of this chapter)

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