Endless Debt.

Chapter 185 Crossing the Abyss

Chapter 185 Crossing the Abyss
The hot projectiles were rampaging in the closed room, holes were smashed into the walls one after another, smashing the wooden boards and windows, and the icy cold wind poured in with highly poisonous mist, rampaging between the mouth and nose.

Kemp leaned against the bunker behind him, checking the remaining ammunition in the pistol, the fiery light rolled in his eyes, took a deep breath, mustered up his courage, he leaned out quickly, and fired back at the enemy at the end of the corridor.

He fired quickly, ducked back to cover quickly, just as he had learned in training, but even so, stray bullets grazed his body, ripped the fabric, and left a thin line of blood on his calf.

His vision was dim, amidst the violent gunshots, Kemp leaned his back against the wall, and vaguely heard the screams of the enemy, as if his own gunshot had hit him.

But there were many more footsteps, and several guns were set up at the end of the corridor, staring at his position.

For Kemp, this should be the worst day in his short career history. If it is more unlucky, today may be the last day of his career history.

"Shelley, are you all right?"

Kemp held the gun nervously and asked his partner beside him.

"Fortunately, this should be fine."

Shelley's voice sounded, she sat on the ground, the wooden plank was close to her injured calf, she tore the clothes into strips, wrapped them tightly, and fixed the injured leg.

She struggled to stand up, although every movement would bring severe pain, but she still clenched her teeth and persisted, this pain was nothing compared to dying here.

"These madmen," cursed Shelley, her pale face covered with sweat.

"Sorry, it was my mistake."

Kemp briefly apologized, the current situation is not enough for him to express more apologies, they must find a way to live.

"It's all because of the alchemy weapons sold by the Gray Merchant Chamber of Commerce. As a result, even bringing these guys along has become tricky." Shelley also took up his pistol, ready to rejoin the battle.

In the past, it would not be difficult for the two of them to deal with these thugs. Even if the other party has Sublimator, it is only a matter of time before the battle ends, but this time is different. These thugs took out one weird alchemy weapon after another. The nature of the guns is not weird, but like explosives, each one is so powerful that the two of them can't hold their heads up.

In contrast, the counterattacks of the two seem so weak, but there is no way to do it. Both Kemp and Shelley are Sublimationists of the Origin School, and they lack the means of direct killing. Even if they can use ether to release some Impact, but as a first-stage desublimator, the strength and distance of the attack are strictly limited.

The most important thing is that according to the plan, the two were only here to inquire about information, and they were not prepared to fight the enemy head-on. However, following Kemp's mistakes, the two were exposed during the operation and wanted to escape, but they were trapped in the Here, there is no way out.

"Team leader, how long will it take for you to arrive? If you don't come, you may have to collect the bodies for both of us." Shelley said to himself.

In the dark tunnel, the subway was speeding past, and in the swaying carriage, Yas, who was fully armed, responded with a gloomy face.

"I'm on my way, hold on."

Yas's voice sounded in her mind, Shelley smiled wryly, and then the strong etheric fluctuations dissipated her sad emotions, and the turbulent etheric currents gathered together, as if they were accumulating something.

"Get down!"

Shelley yelled and pushed Kemp to the ground. The suppressed gunshots disappeared at some point, replaced by gradually rising heat, and faint sparks rose in the dark corridor.

The star fire swelled and expanded in the breath, as if a red dragon roared loudly, and the fiery breath erupted, and the soaring fireworks illuminated the darkness and engulfed everything around.

The high temperature and heat wave rushed into the room in an instant, Shelley raised her hand with difficulty, the milky white barrier wrapped her and Camp, and there were countless fine pure white lines churning wildly, isolating the fireworks from the high temperature.

This is the aether technique Shelley has mastered, the ether barrier, which can create a barrier on itself or outside the body by manipulating the ether to resist external attacks.

Dazzling currents flashed on the barrier, accompanied by sparks, until Shelley couldn't hold on any longer, the barrier shattered, and the remaining fireworks roared and crashed out of the window, puffing out large black smoke with sparks.

The room was completely filled with black smoke, and the burning smell rushed into his nostrils, causing Camp to cough violently. He glanced at Shelley, who was dying beside him, and lifted her shoulders with great effort.

The two stumbled and jumped out of the window. The successive battles made the two exhausted, and the two fell on the muddy ground amidst the billowing smoke. The surroundings were filled with turbid mist, and every breath brought a little burning sensation.

"Kamp, are you still alive?" Yas's voice sounded in his mind.

"Alive...but dying too."

Kemp dragged the injured Shelley. During the battle, Shelley released the ether barrier several times, and each time he couldn't support it, he ended the release.

At this moment, Shelley's ether is almost exhausted. In this case, she is not much different from an ordinary person.

Kemp didn't intend to abandon Shelley. He was the cause of the mistake in this operation. He still underestimated the vigilance of his opponent, which led to the current predicament.

"We may not be able to keep you coming."

Kemp could hear footsteps coming from him, and more importantly, he could clearly feel the surge of ether, there were desublimers approaching, and some of the weaker ether reactions were those deadly alchemy weapons.

With the arrival of the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce, a large number of alchemy armed forces flowed into the market, making these thugs fully armed.

"Don't give up, you are very close to the big rift, and now the rescue team is rushing to you." Yas said.

"The big rift?"

Kemp quickly observed the surrounding situation. The two unlucky ghosts were not in the big fissure, but the edge where the big fissure bordered the ground. There was mist floating here, and there were crooked and deformed buildings everywhere. It was the big fissure. Transition zone with Opals.

The fourth group?

Kemp thought of the mysterious action group in his mind. They had been wandering in the big rift. Few people saw them in the Bureau of Order. They should be the only ones who could rescue them from the big rift.

"Sorry, I was negligent." Kemp continued to apologize.

The fog in the big rift has a strange interference ability. In this critical situation, even a winding path breakthrough will take a while to open the channel, and the channel is very unstable.

"Stop talking nonsense, find a way to survive." Yas's voice became tougher. If possible, he didn't want to lose any team members.

The Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce brought turmoil to Opals. In order to suppress these thugs, the sixth group has recently been responsible for related tasks. They are investigating the actions of these thugs and preparing to catch them all.

It stands to reason that even if there is a mistake in the actions of Kemp and Shelley, they will be able to retreat unscathed, but it is obvious that these two newcomers underestimated the danger of these thugs after they got the alchemy weapon.

Alchemy weapons are extremely expensive, which these thugs could not afford, but the Gray Traders Association thoughtfully prepared different products for different customers.

They sold a large number of low-quality alchemy weapons to these people, and each weapon carried deadly firepower. Correspondingly, its stability was also much worse, but these thugs didn't care about it at all.

For those ordinary people who are not sublimation people, merchants sell alchemy weapons such as alchemy warheads that do not require ether excitation. Although they are all consumables, now with the blessing of these firepower, let alone thugs, Even ordinary people can become lethal.

The two became so embarrassed under the indiscriminate bombing and the onslaught of the hostile sublimation.

This is the daily life of field workers, dancing between life and death.

"Approach the Kuayuan Bridge."

Suddenly, another strange voice joined the heart network, and the voice rang directly in Kemp's mind.

"Who are you?" Kemp asked.

"Follow his orders!" Yass' voice rose, dispelling all of Kemp's suspicions.

Also, in this fatal situation, as long as he can survive, let alone obeying the orders of strangers, even if ghosts and gods reach out to him, he doesn't mind holding them tightly.

The distorted buildings are like a gray forest growing wantonly. Crazy laughter and gunshots came from behind, followed by roaring explosions and dazzling flames.

Kemp thought he was under attack, but it looked more like the alchemy weapon exploded out of control. Instead of thinking about these messy things, he raised his head and looked at the gray shadow standing above the thick fog.

It was a bridge spanning the Great Rift, like a miraculous artificial creation, it connected the urban areas at both ends of the Great Rift, there was a constant flow of traffic on the bridge, and light rail trams galloped under the bridge.

It is called the Abyss-Crossing Bridge by the people of Opals. The meaning of the name is very simple, a long bridge across the abyss.

There are a total of three bridges like this above the big rift, they connect the urban areas cut by the big rift, and bear the extremely important traffic logistics in the city.

The mist rising from the great rift enveloped them, and few people could see the whole picture of the abyss-crossing bridge clearly. From a distance, they could only vaguely see those vague outlines, like a fortress rising from the abyss.

Kemp couldn't understand the meaning of the strange voice, but he faithfully carried out his instructions, leaning towards the black shadow across the sea of ​​fog with difficulty, step by step.

"I'm pretty close to it."

Kemp put Shelley down as he spoke. The two lowered their breaths and hid in a low room, praying that they could hide for a while longer. Every minute they survived, they became more alive.

"Do you still have ether?" the voice asked.

"And what's the matter?" Kemp asked.

"Release with all your strength, and cause as strong ether fluctuations as possible, otherwise I won't be able to find you."

"What? I'm going to die!"

Kemp's voice rose, releasing the ether with all his strength would not only cause him to suffer from ether depletion, but also allow those hostile Desublimers to discover his location.

No matter how close the rescue team of the fourth group is to him, after the ether erupts, this group of thugs will definitely find him first.

"Believe me."

The other party's words were extremely indifferent, as if they didn't care about their own life or death at all.

Kemp glanced at Shelley beside her, and she nodded to herself, affirming all of this.

"Okay... okay!"

Kemp decided to believe this mysterious voice once, and if he didn't survive, it would be the last time.

Taking a deep breath, mobilizing the remaining ether in the body, calling for the ether surging around, the two are entangled together, injecting all of them into the alchemy matrix, bursting out a lot of light, and setting off a storm invisibly.

Kemp's pupils were covered with whiteness, ether in its purest form.

There is no need to kill the enemy, nor does it need protection, it is just released, blooming like a flower with all its strength.

The thugs in the mist were like a pack of wolves smelling blood. They all looked at where Kemp was hiding, and hunted them vigilantly while cheering.

Gunfire covered, and Kemp's ears were filled with intense gunshots.

"Where are you?"

Kemp pressed, trying to buy time while firing back fire.

"I have arrived."

"Are you here? Where are you! I didn't see you!"

Hearing the reply of the voice, Kemp felt uncontrollable joy in his heart, but the joy was shattered by the gunshots. In this gloomy surrounding, he did not see the reinforcements at all, and only he and Shelley were there. wait to die.

His voice became hoarse, even with a bit of anger, he felt as if he was being played by someone before he died.

"look up."

The voice replied.

"I'm above you."

Kemp looked up at the overcast sky.

The dark mist smeared the Kuayuan Bridge into a dark shadow, and there were flashing signal lights on it, barely outlining the appearance of the bridge, followed by bursts of metal restlessness.

Something is coming, Kemp doesn't know what it is, but he feels that it should be a very terrifying monster, it is speeding along the steel all the way, surrounded by cyclones, with heavy buzzing and heat.

Here it comes.

The dazzling headlights pierced through the darkness, and then the silver-white light rail broke through the fog like a snake, and rumbled past under the bridge. There were faint screams in the carriage, and the passengers watched in horror as the handle came from outside the carriage. Jackknife pierced through.

Outside the compartment, the uninvited passenger held the handle of the knife to fix himself, and came through the fog with the light rail. He looked down at the dense fog, and then took off the ether flow goggles worn on his eyes.

Pull out the jackknife.

Under Kemp's gaze, a blurry figure descended from the sky, and the gusty wind blew his lapel, like an owl standing on a dead tree. It found its prey, spread its wings, and brought a deadly Claws and death came screaming.

"Rupert's Tail, Special Operations."

An indifferent voice sounded in the network of heart hubs, and the visitor introduced himself.

"Bologo Lazarus."

Pulling the trigger, a scorching stream of fire descended from the sky, illuminating the death and gloom, passing over the heads of Kemp and Shelley, dividing the battlefield.

 I have just moved, and I have to pack a lot of things. The condition is a bit bad, so I will change it first.

(End of this chapter)

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