Endless Debt.

Chapter 191 Wishes

Chapter 191 Wishes
Watching Bologo's departure, Vika's smiling expression gradually cooled down, and then another more vivid and fanatical smile appeared on his face, with a hint of madness.

Vika has always been calm and rational, and it is hard to imagine that he would lose his composure like a lunatic.

He was humming, and Vika said to himself, "Mr. Lazarus, you still don't pay attention to details enough, don't you even notice this?"

Vika casually put the wine glass aside, the glass wobbled, rolled up on the bar, and then fell to pieces.

The ear-piercing cracking sound attracted the attention of many people. They all looked at Vika with somewhat surprised eyes. Since they knew each other, this seemed to be the first time that Vika broke the cup.

Vika didn't care about the broken cup at all, and he didn't even look at it. His temperament has completely changed, as if his inner soul has changed.

He walked towards the door in the shadows, and as he approached, a thick blood gust overflowed from the crack of the door, and there were still some bloodstains on the ground.

Pushing open the door, Vika saw the figure leaning against the corner in the dimness, just like the first time he came here, covered in blood and in a panic.

Gray gasped in pain. As the effect of the medicine faded, a piercing pain came from his calf. Not only the flesh and blood were torn, but even the bones were full of cracks.

He tore off the outer layer of trousers, exposing his bloody calf. He didn't care about Vika's sight, picked up the medicine in the medical kit, and treated the wound himself, like a beast licking a wound.

Vika leaned against the door, looking at Gray with his arms crossed.

"You were almost discovered."

"But you helped me cover."

Gray lowered his head and didn't look at Vika. His voice seemed calm, but there was a sharp knife hidden in the shadow under him, and he was ready to fight to the death.

"So... what kind of price does this need?"

After a brief silence, Gray's voice sounded again.

He has lived in the Wandering Fork Road for a while, and he is very familiar with the rules here. There is no sudden kindness, and there are only prices that need to be paid one by one.

Vika covered himself up, and there was a price to pay, but he didn't know what he had to pay.

It may be few, or it may be many, but Gray doesn't care about these anymore. He stepped into the vortex, and either died halfway, or reached the end, and there is no third way anymore.

There were bursts of laughter.

Gray raised his head and looked at the man by the door. The room was dim, but his back was facing the light outside, and his whole body turned into a black shadow. In the shadow, Gray felt that he was locked on by countless eyes.

A golden ray was thrown by Vika, Gray reached out to catch it, and saw an extra Mammon coin in his hand, with countless silk threads entangled on it, as if it was gestating something.

"Each pattern represents a legend, and this pattern appears most often..." Vika's voice came slowly.

"The pattern that appears more frequently is a legend that everyone is familiar with." Gray responded in a low voice.

"What do you think this pattern represents?"

Fingers rubbing the surface of the coin lightly, it seems to have magic power, even in the dim darkness, it still emits a golden afterglow.

"You...and this spider web bar."

Gray's pupils were bloodshot, and the severe pain kept cutting his nerves, but fortunately, he was getting used to enduring the pain.

During this period of time, he has been living under the protection of Vika. As time goes by, he gradually realizes the mysterious position of Vika in the wandering fork in the road. Everyone respects him. When you step into the bar In the middle of the day, the chaos is no longer, but into the order that everyone silently abides by.

In this hesitant fork in the road, Vika is like a legendary existence. Everyone living here needs his help. For this reason, Gray always thinks that this pattern represents Vika.

"how could be?"

Vika smiled, shook his head and denied Gray's conjecture.

"Sometimes a legend doesn't refer to a specific person, it can also be an unforgettable event, or a mysterious and strange phenomenon."

"What are you trying to say?" Gray asked vigilantly.

"It represents a rule."

Vika opened his hands, and his voice was a little louder, "Pay taxes to the tyrant, and accordingly, you will be protected by the tyrant."

Wandering Fork Road has never had a clear owner. If one has to say who is the ruler here, then there is only a tyrant who exists in people's mouths, but that exists only in stories. No matter how these people sing, Gray has no In the hesitant fork in the road, I found the slightest trace of the tyrant.

Gray, like many others, sees the tyrant as a strange, age-old legend.

"Are you crazy?" Gray felt that Vika was a little abnormal today, as if he had changed, "Do you have some kind of schizophrenia?"

Vika just laughed loudly about this, and he didn't hide anything anymore, but confessed directly.

"Grey, do you know what is most valuable?"

Gray can't figure out this kind of thing, the value is different for everyone, some people can be bought by gold, others see it as dust.

Out of curiosity, Gray still asked in a low voice.

"What is the most valuable thing?"

"Mankind's most eager and vain desires, these original motivations are intertwined. When forcing human beings to make choices, they also have different values ​​​​due to different choices."

There was a bit of intoxication in Vika's voice, indulging in such beauty.

"Just like the choices of different people in the face of disasters, some people choose to fall into self-deception, while others stand up bravely and show the value of their souls."

"Will choices define our worth?" Gray asked.

Vika did not give a clear answer to this, he just said in a more fanatical tone.

"Gray, I like things with value, but what I like more is to witness the generation of value with my own eyes, and to witness you making the right choice in a desperate situation."

I don't know if it's a hallucination, or what, vaguely Gray sees the scarlet eyes slowly opening in the shadows, and each eye reveals the madness that shatters reason.

"Even better, you are standing on a blessed land where all wishes will come true."

"As long as you are willing to pay the corresponding price."

Gray whispered, he felt like a boat sailing on the sea, covered by a huge black shadow.

"That's why you are willing to help me, to help delusional people, right?"

Gray seemed to understand Vika's purpose. He seemed to have some kind of predictive ability. Vika saw the choices made by everyone in the not-too-distant future. Looking forward to that scene.

In order to speed up the birth of all this, this stingy existence doesn't mind a little help from himself.

"I'm watching you."

Vika suddenly said such an unclear sentence, and then he fell silent, and the madness in his body gradually dissipated.

Gray could clearly sense this change. Vika at the door moved away, a little light illuminated his face, his expression looked a bit puzzled, but it was like a short-term amnesia followed by remembering everything , he nodded to himself, then looked at Gray.

"Are you ok?"

With a calm and calm voice, he changed back to the Vika that Gray was familiar with.

"You're not really schizophrenic, are you?"

Gray couldn't understand Vika at the beginning, his change was too abrupt, and his personality was too different, as if there were two souls hidden under his body.

"No, it's just that my boss came. He always likes to come in without saying a word, and then leave suddenly."

Vika was already used to all of this, and he was not going to explain anything to Gray. After confirming Gray's state, he closed the door, and darkness enveloped everything.

Some people are afraid of the dark, but for Gray, being in the dark makes him feel extra at ease, as if he himself is being protected by the dark.

He lay down slowly, the battle and the severe pain made Gray exhausted, and even his consciousness was drowsy. Just when he was about to fall into a deep sleep, there was a loud electric sound, and a red light lit up in the darkness. Gray quickly Waking up, he reached out and grabbed the communicator in the corner.

"How is the result?"

The sound rang next to the ear, and under the interference of the current, the sound was distorted and harsh.

"He is a real undead. All the alchemy equipment you gave me was used on him. Whether it was a gunshot or a poisonous injury, that level of injury is enough to kill a believer, but on him, at most, it is only slightly restricted. His action, it only takes a short time for him to get back on his feet."

There was fear in Gray's voice, this was the first time he faced the undead, and Bologo also showed him enough terrifying suppression.

Like an immortal evil spirit, all your methods are just prolonging your remaining life. Without Vika's protection, Gray even feels that he is dead now.

"Why do you want to kill an undead?" Gray asked himself, because of the other party's idea, he almost died today.

"There are many ways to be immortal, I just want to judge an immortal who belongs to that category."

"How is the result?"

"Looks like he's the toughest kind."

The severe pain in his body was still reminding Gray of what happened today, and he warned, "Unless you have a way to keep him in a state of death...that is, kill him repeatedly, I can't think of other ways to control it." Hold him."

"Well...I see."

The other party was seriously considering this point, but Gray couldn't take it anymore. The madness in this big rift was far beyond his imagination.

"So who are you? Delusional, have you designed so many things just to test his immortality? What does this have to do with your purpose?"

"Bologo will affect our actions. He is like a hound put into a hunting ground, and we are the poor rabbits."

The delusional voice was cold and cruel.

"Whether it's your wish or my wish, the prerequisite for realizing all of this is to exclude Burlogo...to exclude the Bureau of Order."

(End of this chapter)

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