Endless Debt.

Chapter 197 Now

Chapter 197 Now
"I thought maybe she didn't like alchemy."

Bologo commented coldly, and TEDA looked at him suspiciously, not understanding why Burlogo said that.

"You have seen her talent, and you have recognized it," Taida said.

Aside from Aimiao's extremely special status, she is really the best student TEDA has encountered over the years. As an alchemy puppet, she has a strong sensitivity to the alchemy matrix.

"That's right, that's right, there's no doubt about it." Bologo nodded, the Snake Scale Liquid perfectly suited his abilities, and Bologo liked it so much.

"But these two points don't conflict," Burrog muttered, and then asked, "Have you ever raised a dog?"

"I raised one when I was young."

Teda became more and more confused, as he always did when chatting with Burrog, and the topics jumped rapidly.

"Then you should understand that the dog strictly obeys all your instructions... In fact, this does not mean that the dog is smart, or that it will carry out your orders. In fact, it just knows that after doing so, you will Touch it, that's all."

Bologo pretended to be relaxed, and TEDA, who was listening on the sidelines, gradually became gloomy.

"Just kidding, don't mind it," Burrog added.

Taida snorted coldly and said nothing, the two of them were like gangsters, speaking slang words that only each other could understand.

"I'm very rational, I can control it, how about you?" Taida turned around and whispered.

"Me? I don't care. It has nothing to do with me." Borrog said frankly that it was only TEDA who was entangled.

TEDA didn't respond, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but from Bologo's temptation to him, Burlogo felt the complexity more and more clearly.

What a headache.

"Do you have any plans for Oath Day?" Burrog asked leaning against the wall.

"I'm going out on the oath day." Taida said.


"Personal matters have nothing to do with you."

"Oh, I'm the only one on duty here on the Oath Day."

Bologo whispered, his eyes wandered and glanced around, and finally passed through the glass and landed on Amy in the room.

She doesn't have many facial expressions, and the main emotion expression depends on the halo in her eyes, but Bologo still feels a serious attitude from her body, and the bright light trail rises and turns in her hands.

Burogo thought that many years ago, there should have been a girl similar to Aimiao who studied so hard under the watchful eyes of TEDA. Now time flies, everything has changed, and it seems that nothing has changed.

"Speaking of which, what exactly do you think? TEDA."

Burrogo asked self-consciously, "This should feel very difficult, right? She resembles your daughter very much, and even said that she is the projection of your daughter's shadow, but you know clearly that she is not Alice, no matter what. , Amy is not her..."

The voice paused, and Burlogo tried to describe the twisted and tangled emotions. With his current vocabulary, he didn't know how to describe it for a while.

Then Burlogo woke up and looked at TEDA in surprise.

"Yeah, you knew all of this clearly from the very beginning, and you knew these taboo rules, so why did you make her look like your daughter? Did you want to take her as your sustenance? But when she really came alive , you start to fear again, fearing the ambiguity of the nature of her tool."

Teda didn't say a word, he turned his head slightly, his side face was hidden in the shadow, but Bologo could clearly feel the gaze in it, as sharp as a sword.

"It's like... a false sun."

Bologo didn't have the slightest fear, but continued as if he was forcing TEDA to admit all this.

"Alice's death plunged you into a cold winter night, so you urgently needed a sun, you succeeded, and you created another sun, but as she radiated light and heat, you became more and more afraid.

I guess you didn't just obscure the nature of her tool, did you? "

Bologo walked towards TEDA, and the distance between the two gradually narrowed, like tigers meeting on a narrow road, the atmosphere was oppressive and dignified.

Cyan eyes looked down at TEDA, Burrogo thought of it, but he didn't say anything, just looked at TEDA expressionlessly.

"What on earth are you trying to say? Bologo." Taida responded coldly.

"Solve the problem."

Bologo waved his hand and said casually.

"I don't like this feeling of not being up or down. Your hesitation and hesitation will only make the problem more and more complicated. It's like avoiding the problem, and avoiding it can't solve it."

"Then what do you think I should do? Aimu is just an alchemy puppet, she is not a real human, the real human is Alice!" Taida growled.

"Huh? Then do you think I'm human?" Burrog asked suddenly.

Teda was stunned, he couldn't keep up with Burlogo's jumping thinking.

"Yeah, human beings are flesh and blood, not alchemy shells, so Aimu is not human, but human beings are also mortal. I won't die, so am I still human? This kind of thinking is too limited.

I think that what determines us is never the difference in the body, but the inner body under the body. "

Burrog explained what he understands about humans.

"When you think of Amy as human, she is human."

Taida was silent for a long time. He looked into those blue pupils and asked, "Are you defending Amyu?"

"Probably, it's weird, I actually feel a little...sympathetic to her."

Recalling all the things he got along with Aimu, Burlogo did not evade this question, and said frankly, "Of course, the more important point is that we need to solve the problem."

Solving the problem is what Burlogo needs to do. As a rational bystander, only he can end it all.

"I can understand your thoughts, Teda, Amy and Alice are too similar, you instinctively want to pour your feelings into it, but you tell yourself that she is not Alice.

You can't be cruel to her and tell her the cruel truth, and you can't be cruel to yourself and completely cut off all feelings. "

Burlogo suddenly chatted about another topic and asked Teda.

"If your research fails in the end, Teda, what will you do then?"

TEDA didn't know what to say for a while, he never thought about such a future.

"Should I admit the existence of Aimu, or..."

Burrog didn't go on, like an ominous curse, if spoken out, this dark fate would become a reality.

"I know what I'm doing, and I've never wavered," Teda's voice was emotionless. "And you've crossed the line, Burlogo. We're just a partnership."

"If you have time during the Pledge Festival, go back to the Bureau of Order to have a look at Bailey." Burlogo completely ignored Teda's threat, "Although she looks like that...but she is really worried about you, and I didn't cross the line, I just I was entrusted by her to keep an eye on you."

The two looked at each other, and a little smile appeared on Burrog's face, and he said again.

"Have you seen the way I fight? Teda."

Teda shook his head. He was used to Burlogo's way of thinking, and he would not be surprised by what he said next.

"I am a person who likes to go straight. I hate detours. If there is a wall in front of me, then I will smash it. If there is someone, then I will cut him down."

Burlogo recounts his strange outlook on life.

"So, I'm actually a pretty honest person."

TEDA agrees with this very much. Borrog is too frank. Few mentally ill people will take the initiative to admit that they are mentally ill, or reason with others in a serious manner.

"The most important thing is that I am a person who lives in the moment. I think if you have emotions, you must tell the other party, hide it in your heart, and drag it to the end. It will only mess everything up."

"Are you educating me?" Teda laughed at Burlogo's superior tone.

"Shut up, Teda, how old are you this year?" Bologo looked at Teda's wrinkled cheeks, "50 years old? 60 years old? Strictly speaking, I am over 90 years old, and I educate the younger generation in the way of someone who has experienced it Is there any problem?"

no problem?Very problematic, and Burlog himself couldn't help laughing when he said this.

He didn't care about TEDA's murderous eyes at all, and continued, "I have a good friend who treats me very well, and I want to repay her for being kind to me. I have accumulated a lot of emotions, but before I treat her Whatever you say, she died, and there is nowhere to put these emotions..."

Burlogo looked a little melancholy, he tried his best to describe his friendship with Adele better, so he didn't say that he turned those uneasy emotions into uncontrollable anger.

"Since then, I have made a change, no longer looking forward to the future, just focus on the present.

If I like someone, I will immediately tell her that I like you, if I hate someone, I will immediately smash his brain, never overnight.

So, you know what I mean? "

Bologo exudes full oppression, even if he is only a Sublimator, and TEDA is a power bearer.

TEDA looked deeply at Bologo, and Bologo stepped back slowly, speaking with an indifferent tone.

"Be honest, it will be much easier for such a person to live."

TEDA didn't know what to say, maybe Bologo was really a philosopher, or he might really be a terminally ill lunatic. Facing his words, TEDA couldn't resist being beaten.

Seeing that there was no response to his questioning, Burlogo had expected this. If only these few words could move TEDA, then he would have underestimated the depth of the vortex TEDA fell into.

Burrog turned around and walked towards the glass window, through which he could see the busy Amy in the room, and the voice sounded slowly.

"Have you considered her thoughts? She thinks that if she works hard to learn alchemy, she will get your attention, but you are like a cloudy sky, sometimes drizzle and sometimes thunder."

Burrogo recalled an earlier exchange with Amy.

"She can't figure out what she's doing wrong because she's doing nothing wrong and you're avoiding the problem."

Burrog looked back at Teda, and made a final attack.

"Or, she is just a tool, don't care about the idea of ​​a tool?"

TEDA did not respond, he left silently and fled.

(End of this chapter)

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